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pve operations needs weapon perks like sm1

Game optionsGame modesCo-opWeapons

4 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 7:28:58 PM

this game has an issue I find truly unfortunate, the pvp is great, no issue other than the assault pack in need of improvement.

my issue that is being addressed here is the awful time padding rpg mechanics in the pve operations mode, the weapon perk system as it is now it is over complicated and shallow at the same time giving little boosts and is a rather lame mechanic, and weapons like the aux grenade launcher bolt rifle feels like it was just forced in without really thinking how it would fit in the the whole that is this game.

solution? remember the old perk system from the first game? no? well the load out system was so simple, but it worked then and it would work just fine now, it was much like it is now only that every weapon had two slots for perks that were little upgrades for your weapon and added a little depth when it came to load out choice, instead of a bunch of uninteresting slight boosts based on how many weapon variants that you first need to grind endlessly to finally enjoy the bloody game just to gain +10% headshot damage to account for the higher hp, there should be some form of standardization, the weapons should be easier to balance because of the simplicity of not having to balance multiple tiers of weapons against multiple tiers of difficulties not to mention the new harder difficulties and new weapons which has to be balanced around all this nonsense, the weapons themselves would have one or two perks that would represent attachments like the aux grenade launcher on the bolt rifle and the auto bolt rifle or extended mags (it would give use for those models with extended mags more than just looks) or even things like additional ammo types like kraken bolts for extra penetration or metal storm frag bolts or inferno bolts or even things like improved internals for plasma weapons things like that could be a good place to include combi type weapons? the game play possibilities are limitless, levels then would be useful for something and would be much more satisfying and there would be genuine progression and good game play variety, the way its is now it feels like a chore with no real reward grinding these weapons, it feels like a slog of an experience and I don't see myself grinding every class on every tier with every weapon, it's too much, I have no job and it's too much, speaks volumes right there, literally all day to do it and i just can't do it,

I feel if they rid themselves of this now the devs would be able focus on giving us content rather than dealing with the snares of tiered balance.Heroes of the ChapterHeroes of the Chapter

Updated a day ago.
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4 months ago
Oct 4, 2024, 9:27:35 PM

It's already a thing and you can use armory data to master a weapon for the perk point if you don't have the time.  I have been able to keep up and I work 40 hour weeks

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