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The game feels too easy with the new patch


6 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 9:13:46 PM

The difficulty of the game after patch 3.0 feels too easy, even at the highest difficulty setting.

 Personally, I think buffing the players while simultaneously nerfing the enemies (mainly the Chaos, but also the Tyranid ranged units) has made the game too easy. 

While before, there was tension throughout the match, now you can reach the end of the mission calmly and without any real challenge. I don’t think it makes sense to lower the overall difficulty of the game so much that "Ruthless" difficulty feels as challenging as the pre-patch average.

I don't believe this change in difficulty aligns with the vision of the game and, on top of that, it doesn’t help replayability. Currently, the content is limited and dull (due to the lack of challenge), and there's still a long way to go before the next difficulty level is released.

Updated a day ago.
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6 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 10:08:41 PM

Well , i think that it would be sufficient to Just remove the armour bar we gain after a perfect parry on the minoris enemies  then it should be ok again

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6 months ago
Sep 27, 2024, 12:30:15 AM

Agreed, after spending over 200h in the game the fun of having some difficult content is gone. They've gone too far with the nerfs to enemies. Assault was only one the really needed a buff to sustain not all classes. Ruthless is a joke now. And we got to wait till season 2 for the next difficulty which may not even provide a challenge that was there at launch. Up the density and spawn rate of enemies on ruthless!

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6 months ago
Sep 27, 2024, 12:51:39 AM

​Please stop nerfing enemies. I've put 180 hours into the game (20 or so from a couple of Angel of Death campaign runs and the rest in operations. Overwhelming majority of that time spent on Ruthless difficulty.) I've spent a good deal of time and got some real mastery in several of the classes and the game's mechanics. I always rotated the operations in order. From Inferno through Ballistic Engine. Never skipped chaos because they were fun. Now the game is trivialized and ridiculously easier than it was before :( :( :( :( I liked the old difficulty a lot.

Every game I see where they appease the folks asking for enemy nerfs they play for 5 more hours then they get bored anyways and the hardcore folks get bored because the game they were spending a lot of time to master suddenly held no challenge. The more casual players can just lower the difficulty... I can't raise it past the highest if it's made easier. :(

I had these plans too to cosmetically max every class. I had finished getting every cosmetic unlock (35+ operations per) for Assault, Heavy, Bulwark, and Sniper and I'm halfway through finishing Vanguard. I even prided myself in having lore accurate outfits for my marines (two of them are Deathwatch, one a former Black Templar and the other a former Raven Guard. My other three being sergeants/veteran sergeants of Imperial Fists, Ultramarines, and Blood Angels respectively.)

Now it's just braindead easy on Ruthless. I may as well be playing Substantial. Why did I spend all this time mastering perfect parry and perfect dodge if all I had to actually do was whine to get the devs to make it easier? I was so stoked on the idea of what Lethal difficulty could hold in store for players. I was honing my skill in wonder of how much a challenge it could actually pose... How I savored the idea of spending hours sinking my teeth into it and mastering the game truly. Now it will just be what old Ruthless was probably. I don't even know what to play anymore. Guess I'll go back to raids on OSRS or something. Space Marine 2 was really a joy in my life while it lasted. </3

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