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Deathwatch Veteran Pauldron


6 months ago
Sep 1, 2024, 10:29:00 PM

Hopefully a minor cosmetic addition, I would like to see a lore accurate addition made to Deathwatch shoulder pauldrons. Veterans who have completed their service in the Deathwatch are permitted to take their silver Deathwatch shoulder worn on the left shoulder back with them to their home chapter. When they do this, they repaint their armor in chapter colors and place their chapter badge back on their left shoulder. As a mark of their service to the Deathwatch, they are allowed to wear the silver Deathwatch pauldron on their right shoulder, marking them out as veterans having served with that chapter. In the current state of the game I have only seen the silver pauldron wearable on the left shoulder. Could it be added to the right side so that I can depict my marine in their chapter colors, but also with their Deathwatch pauldron as well?

Updated 18 minutes ago.
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6 months ago
Sep 12, 2024, 7:27:27 PM

Also having all the heraldry on the right shoulder pad would be nice so you can actually represent your chapter, outside of the Raven Guard, and Carcharodons.

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