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Thats what Horde Mode should be (UPDATED)

Game optionsMapsGame modesCo-op

2 months ago
Nov 29, 2024, 2:20:22 PM


Just look at the video and Imagine it transposed to the game.

12 or more players  in an open battlefield map . You can add objectives , facilities control etc.. in a community effort to repel the invasion or conquering planets in different ways : taking back a fortified Imperial fortress ( or taking it as Chaos marines) , open plain battlefields etc..

 Modders have shown us that its perfectly possible to have many more players in an operation with increased enemy waves and Imperial guard support without any performance issues , so It would be perfectly doable.

If you hear us also on the face customization and let us make our own marines there would also be huge advantages because :

1) We could finally get rid of Talasa squad and main story ( or at least it can give you the option to do so in order to make something different )so that :

2)New settings and maps can be created both outside of the current planetary system of the story or in the very same system that doesnt involve Talasa squad, allowing the devs to create different battlefield scenarios that can be put in the story's context ( battles not yet told or the campaign aftermath battles ) So the possibilities can become immense 

4)Thanks to the previous points, new marines units can be created and implemented , for example firstborn marines joining the battle, our characters can be made anew and can level up from being a reclute to become Veterans , unlocking different/advanced perks and different/advanced loadouts combinations as a consequence 

Combine it with this idea 


And i think would be great 

This would finally grant the feeling of epicness that a 40k game deserves to have . Being protagonists of great large battles in a fashion that only this ip Is capable of and most importantly , what 40k fans always dreamt to have in a game

Hope that at least modders could deliver this experience to us of they are given the map editor from the tool kit

Updated 4 days ago.
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a month ago
Dec 28, 2024, 9:17:48 PM

Limiting horde mode to 6 players is preferred because much more than that and things could become too chaotic and in game resources would be too limited for each player.

A horde mode as a series of lanes and tower defense would be fine. After successfully defending a "tower" players should receive special resources like aerial bombs, dreadnaught support, loadout changes, etc.

There is no need for a social hub at the moment. Maybe later, but there just isn't enough to the game right now to make a social hub worth the effort.

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a month ago
Dec 28, 2024, 10:53:20 PM

lerkero wrote:

Limiting horde mode to 6 players is preferred because much more than that and things could become too chaotic and in game resources would be too limited for each player.

There is no need for a social hub at the moment. Maybe later, but there just isn't enough to the game right now to make a social hub worth the effort.

I dont think so .  Saber's team replied very positively and are enthusiast about the 12 + players and the whole idea i posted on the thread and they are giving it a shot,  so it means thats all perfectly possible tech wise. There are also modders who ran games with 25 astartes and massive hordes that fits the 25 players size team without any issue. Its not chaotic when the mode is designed for 12 players , and also people are tired of having warhammer 40k games that are just few doofers running aganist enemies in small and narrow corridor maps when the ip is clealy most about big battlefields where armies clashes. 6 man squad games in a 40k game is literally dumb and it can fit in games for e- sport wannabe sweatlords that cant live without showing how skilled they are in wiping everything with limited resources / players , but not in a 40k game , its not what its fans want/dream about. And i wont allow that kind of mentality to ruin that dream and fun that the passionate fans wanted for so long. Not saying you are of that mentality , but others are and its usually the ones that ruins fun games.

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23 days ago
Jan 1, 2025, 7:03:53 PM
There are already Warhammer games that allow players to take large squads into big battlefields. I feel the gameplay style in Space Marine 2 is not really conducive to this large battlefield style with many players or units. The real time strategy games are more fitting for big battlefields with lots of units on screen at a time.
If enough players want this then sure, the devs should try it out, but I think it will ultimately not go well.
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22 days ago
Jan 2, 2025, 11:17:50 PM

True , but as you said , they are all RTS . Players have been dreaming about big battlefields in a game like space marine , i think its worth trying and see . Could be good or bad untill we actual test it

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