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Expand PvE lifecycle: move away from Talasa

Game modesChaptersCo-op

2 months ago
Nov 30, 2024, 9:37:24 AM

I appreciated the PvE tie in with the single player game by playing the Talasa team operations which were on the background of Titus' campaign. 

Problem is, I have played the single player campaign once, maybe I will play it again someday in the future, but the MP experience will certainly outlive the single player campaign and will have the burden of carrying the game in the months and hopefully the years of its life cycle. moreover, with more chapters DLCs, having Talasa as the same Ultramarines people with their names and the same lines repeated over and over is a bit eugh.

For this reason, I would suggest to find a way to phase out the Talasa task force, allowing players to pick names and voices for their Space Marines. I could probably do without the automatic banter, and would happily trade it with more useful emotes (first and foremost: "HELP", but also "STOP GOING ALONE", the second page of the social emotes are nice to have pretty much useless).

PvE is having a good success despite its shortcomings and if it were properly supported it could carry the game for years.

Updated 5 days ago.
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2 months ago
Dec 10, 2024, 6:00:06 PM

DA DLC is out, but the chapter's pack is just a reskin of the original Ultramarine squad. 

The voices are the same, including the ones in the new mission. People forked some premium coins for these skins, and I myself would've think this was more than that. As it stands, I do not believe it's worth forking out 30€ for a cosmetic DLC that lets Ultramarines cosplay as Astartes from other chapters. 

PvE needs to emancipate itself from Talasa and the single player campaign.

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2 months ago
Dec 17, 2024, 8:28:28 AM

maffaxxx wrote:

DA DLC is out, but the chapter's pack is just a reskin of the original Ultramarine squad. 

The voices are the same, including the ones in the new mission. People forked some premium coins for these skins, and I myself would've think this was more than that. As it stands, I do not believe it's worth forking out 30€ for a cosmetic DLC that lets Ultramarines cosplay as Astartes from other chapters. 

PvE needs to emancipate itself from Talasa and the single player campaign.

​Well, this is still the company’s mission, the latter as I understand it, I wonder how they will continue to add content to PVE. I think he will still be associated with the Ultramarines, although he is not tied to the company’s missions like the last 2 missions with the Tyranids. And yes, I think that 9 operations should have been at the start of the game

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