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Costumization suggestions

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7 hours ago
Dec 12, 2024, 10:15:42 AM

I have a few suggestions that I think shouldn't be too hard to add, so please take it in consideration.

As you have showed us with the eye lenses color rules, the following should be possible;

Color rules:

- Chest rule to allow us to change the color and heraldry of the tilt shield (if present)

- Body rule to allow us to change the wax color of the purity seals

- Arm rule to allow us to change the colors of the hands

Cosmetic rules

I hope you realize that you cannot release the same helmet again and again with just changing the forehead icon as proved by the outrage about the Ravenwing helmet. I suggest to use a similar system for the color rule but with the cosmetics, allowing us free choice to add the forehead icon we want.

This will allow people to equip the combination they like the most, accordingly to the chapter they are playing as and at the same time you will have further material to add for your future contet packs in form of the forehead icon for each chapter included in said pack.

If this thing worsk or you are able to do it, will come handy for the future to add further cosmetic rules to the body (like extra purity seals, etc etc)

Champion packs

I have complained in my past posst and probably I will continue, if you cannot help yourselves on making the skin pieces usable (at least on the same class) please offer us the possibility to change at least the colors on it, same way it was done with the chaos marines for the pvp. Because let's be fair, this Dark Angels pack was one single Dark Angel and some Ultramarines in Dark Angels colors and you cannot go down this path as the remaining founding chapters have more uniqueness as you move further, what you will do with the Iron Hands, the Space Wolves, the White Scars and the Salamanders? Just to make some examples.

Take your time, take as long as you need but deliver us at least one weapon skin for each weapon and one full armour for each class with the proper chapter themes.


One day you will have to release the Iron Hands pack, consider to make bionics (we currently have only one arm) as a different tab of decorations that overwrites or counts as add-on for the specific part where it is applied. We need  hands, legs, feets and eyes at least. People will not be happy if the Iron Hand pack will have all the bionics on the Champion skin.

Updated 7 minutes ago.
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4 hours ago
Dec 12, 2024, 12:51:51 PM

Nice ideas my friend. Too bad that devs are occupied altering things no one ask (fencing) and breaking a pve game...

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