I'm currently waiting for the horde mode so much, it can be so much, rather than just defending the plasma generator. My idea is to make a Last Stand when everything is so bad, that there's no mission to defend, since the tyranids/chaos broke the objective, so the mission is to make your Last Stand. There will be a flag on the hill from the start, that you can pay your honour to, but when it's so bad that you just want to die, that's the moment you die with vengeance on your lips. Anyone can pick up the flag, raise the flag, and fight till the end, no more running, no more hiding, no more fear. When flag is raised, everyone will be required to move to the flag, or else they will be teleported or force them some other way. The xenos will come raining down from spores, and chaos will keep warping from the other dimensions until every brethren dies. Basically, copy the last stand from the campaign, where Titus makes the "Last Stand" with his 2nd company. It would mean so much for me, if not for all of us. I recommend making massive horde mode with way more players for it to be (12-24) if you can.
The Last Stand

True son of the Emperor
a month ago
Dec 25, 2024, 2:25:58 PM
Updated a day ago.
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