Hey guys, loving the game so far. But as a melee happy Blood Angel I’d like to see the overall damage of melee weapons from the chainsword, power sword, hammer and power fist increased. I think a good trade off would be if the power weapons one to two shot minor enemies at most and 2-3 hits for Warriors etc. The trade off for better melee would be increased volume of enemies for a more cinematic experience; you cut them down fairly quickly but they just keep coming. SM1 had a pretty good balance of damage/lore accuracy in this regard. 

The power fist especially should be a heavy hitter given its somewhat unique role in close combat. A warrior should not withstand the hammer/fist too much and should also be viable weapons against the Carnifex/Tyrant and Helbrute (provided you can dodge). I understand with perks most of the melee weapons are decent but they could still use a little love.