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Assoult changes needed


21 days ago
Feb 18, 2025, 2:18:56 PM

Assoult should be able to dodge with jetpack meanwhile attacking.

Adrenaline buff runs out before light heavy combo, so the ground slam doesn t apply the 90% damage buff.( i notice after, if u attack with the 2 stacks buff of block and u hit a enemyes the slow motion make the first swing go slower and make bonus run out before doing the heavy attack, if u do the light heavy attack combo with out hitting somthing u have time to do the combo, so the slowmotion make the fist attack go slower and make buff run out)

Adrrenaline explosione is bug and stagger only the damage hitted by the attack and not from his own aoe explosion 

other problem the new enemy,Biovore, doesn t give u enough time to lend an attack with block buff, he keep u in block animation for the conmstants attackl he does or dodge

Updated 4 days ago.
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20 days ago
Feb 19, 2025, 12:02:37 AM
I agree about the adrenaline buff. Thunder Hammer currently has that issue.In addition , Thunder Hammer's light attack has a short stun and its heavy attack has a slow startup, so enemies may move away or block before the heavy attack hits...
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