I know Implementing Things into the game takes time.
I feel that being able to add or remove items on already existing set of Armor pieces will make players feel more in control for how they would inspire to play.
Im only implying Chest and Pauldrons pieces be able to apply or remove decorative elements, including on being able to change the insignia for each piece as well. To keep all the existing armor sets still unique. This would be available for all classes obviously and it would keep the community wanting to unlock more armor pieces to be able to add or remove certain items.
(You will not be able to touch the waist/belt and the Neck Guard of each Chest armor pieces, and can only change the Pauldrons trim design, leaving the interior design unchanged.)
For Ex. On Tactical Relic Primus set be able to remove the cords covering the insignia and be able to apply the Artifact Secundus extra armor piece, and change the insignia to the Ultramarines because i was able to unlock those armor sets.
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