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Weekly challenges and my Feedback.

Game modesCo-opWeapons

18 hours ago
Mar 2, 2025, 4:41:53 PM

​ok, let's start from a point where the majority agrees. The events were not as pleasant as the community would have liked and perhaps the main factor is the connection with PROS, here is the key point. Transforming this factor into something positive in a much smoother way is by giving players something to look for and even fills the gap between updates.

 examples: weekly events. (currently sporadic) and these events could be two types...

 1. individual as already happens. ex: 10 wins a piece of armor or weapon (voted by the community) That would be a great interaction.

 2. Collective challenge. this would be a little different in terms of wins, a considerable number (x) wins on all difficulties or a higher one to challenge players and encourage those players who for some reason do not play on higher difficulties. In this community challenge it could be a champion or perhaps the campaign's Battlebrothers, (Gadriel, Chairon, Lord Calgar (for heavy), Deathwatch Titus and more.. )

This could be monthly.

Challenges can be for all game modes.

for the campaign, rewards for each mission (difficulty (x) selected).

feedback on absolute difficulty. It's very challenging mainly for two reasons: spongy enemies absorbing all the shots. and If you don't play with a friend, the lack of communication gets in the way, but what's most challenging is the game conditions... fps drops and visual pollution that causes pain in your eyes if you try to keep up with a huge amount of spores and the screen turns green. The same can be said about the chaos missions of course without the screen turning green but the heretic astartes' teleports, incredibly fast and apparently without cool down. this makes me uncomfortable (I don't have a sharingan to go with it)....

 The absolute difficulty is perfect (except for the visual pollution), I would say it's somewhere between challenge and frustration.

this was based on february (27) community update. (about the cold feedback from the players). 

Updated 7 hours ago.
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18 hours ago
Mar 2, 2025, 4:49:26 PM

По поводу еженедельных мероприятиях, я слышал, что частенько будут ивенты, за которые можно будет получить крутые награды. Это правда

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