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Sniper perks feedback: Vantage point and marksman ship


a day ago
Mar 11, 2025, 12:03:38 PM

  1. At no point is it ever optimal to just stand there for 2 sec for a measly 20% buff. Its boring - it encourages a very passive playstyle at best, and at worst it does nothing for you.
  2. I think vantage point should instead become a passive to the class, whereas the perk itself shortens the time required to get this damage bonus, like 0.2 sec. This would make for a more interesting and fun playstyle where youd need to pause for a second to get a higher damage shot, kind of like quick scoping in the old counter strike
  3. In addition, marksmanship as a team perk is just severely out competed. While i cannot say for certain how it effects other classes, the 10% headshot bonus is rarely a useful perk for the sniper himself. In fact, i dont understand why 10% headshot damage is even remotely competitive compared to precision targeting (which also gives 10% ranged damage to extremis anyway), or squad renewal (which is another topic for debate as well)
  4. Marksman ship is boring and its effects are dubious at best. It needs to offer something more that can benefit both the sniper and his team. And 10% headshot damage is not it.
Updated 6 hours ago.
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19 hours ago
Mar 11, 2025, 4:01:58 PM

Not bad points. The 2 sec perk can be ok on lower difficulties for cloaked headshots from afar. On high difficulties it is much less useful, because you are always moving. But can be utilized in rare cases.

I agree with the 10% headshot damage. I always envisioned a team perk where you can boost the movement speed by 20% for all squadmates, like the sniper has for himself. Maybe I would add it to the 10% headshot damage perk and rework the other perk, so the sniper would not end up with 40% speed boost

Nevertheless, it can use some tweaking for sure.

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