++ Overall gameplay ++

Combat Healing

Add a percent chunk of HEALING (e.g. 10% of total health?) from Executions on Majoris or higher tier enemies using SQUAD COHERENCY as a limiter 
- %25 of heal when away from your Squad
- %50 of heal when close to one Battle Brother (e.g. 5% of total health)
- %100 heal when near two Battle Brothers

Stim your injured Brothers
Give us the option to use a medical stim on a squad mate

Multiple Perk Sets
Set different Class perks for each weapon Loadout
- E.g Plasma Build & Bolter build on a Tactical 

++ Class Specific ++

++ Bulwark ++

Shield Block Controls

Add an option in the menus to toggle on and off the hold Parry key for Shield Block
Add an optional Keybind to use Shield Block

++ Honourable Mention ++
Confirmed by Saber 

Give the Heavy access to the Heavy Bolt Rifle

Like my other insanely huge Idea thread, I will edit and add to this as inspiration sparks!