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⚙ Modular Weapons ⚙


4 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 6:17:10 PM

Add/remove weapon parts based on our play style. 

Depending on your play style, you could modify your combi-bolter:

-Basic weapons do not have a scope which we can add or remove.

-To balance the weapons (only can choose one attachment) we sacrifice accuracy for rate of fire by adding attachments under our weapons.

And implement basic color skins for all the weapons!!

Plasma rifleCaptura de pantalla 2025-03-13 134833.jpgFlamethrowerCaptura de pantalla 2025-03-13 134900.jpg

Melta cannonCaptura de pantalla 2025-03-13 134927.jpgBayonet (maybe for heavy class)Captura de pantalla 2025-03-13 135031.jpg

Power fist variations:

Captura de pantalla 2025-03-14 183115.jpg
Updated 5 minutes ago.
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a day ago
Mar 16, 2025, 12:36:53 PM

We kinda already have this in the form of the alternate weapon patterns (Bolt Rifle with Grenade Launcher, Marksman Carbine, etc), but I'd love to see a greater degree of customization for weapons in general. An Accessory slot that modifies equipped gear would go a very long way for such a concept.

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a day ago
Mar 16, 2025, 12:59:04 PM

Kith wrote:

We kinda already have this in the form of the alternate weapon patterns (Bolt Rifle with Grenade Launcher, Marksman Carbine, etc), but I'd love to see a greater degree of customization for weapons in general. An Accessory slot that modifies equipped gear would go a very long way for such a concept.

Yes! More weapon variety = more fun 

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