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Classes Weapons and Perks in the PTS

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2 days ago
Mar 15, 2025, 3:43:56 PM

Space Marine 2 notes 03/14/2025 - Day 1 of playing the PTS, take all opinions with a grain of salt. they may change depending.

- Heavy Bolt Pistol Rework: It is a nice change to see the bolt pistol on more classes. However, I do not understand the logic behind switching the ability where the closer to the target the more damage it does, with instead now, how far away you are from the enemy instead. This seems counterproductive as mainly the Heavy and Sniper would ever use this and it eliminates the Assault from wanting to use this pistol any time in the future. (this does open up the possibility for a better weapon for the Assault being the plasma pistol.) This is especially an issue with the Heavy Bolt pistol having the highest spread and recoil. 

- Heavy Bolt Rifle (For Heavy): It is nice to see new additions for this character, however, this weapon is going to need some massive support if there is any hope to replace/compete with the Heavy Bolter. While the Heavy Bolt Rifle is more accurate, it cannot keep up with the fire rate, perks, and raw output (plus it's headshot damage.)

- Power Fist: To clarify, this is more of a concern than a critique. This weapon is being left in the dust. With the addition of the Power Sword into the arsenal of the Assault and the fist never getting a rebalance to have its variants match (ie, the block being the greatest variant and fencing having the lowest stats) It will very quickly slip into mediocrity if not treated lightly.

- Bolt Rifle: the new Tactical Precision upgrade states that heatshots do 20 more damage. I assume this means 20 percent but it is unclear. 20 damage is nothing but 20 percent would make a world of difference.

- Inferno Pistol: This weapon is a great addition. especially for the Vanguard class. this opens up the possibility for this class to use a different primary effectively. The next step would be giving or buffing Vanguard's Primaries outside of the Melta to match. This weapon seems to have an error in its perk tree. The One Shot perk seems to be bugged or the description is unclear. It states damage increases by 50 percent,  but you only have 1 shot in your magazine. 

- Improved Efficiency: This power on the Tactical class sounds like an excellent idea to make sure the Auspex scan can be used more frequently without having to engage in melee range. As of right now, however, it does not function. It stated 10 enemies or 3 majoris or higher enemies regain charge and failed to do so. 

- Tactical Prowess: A Perk for the Vanguard This Perk isn't the worst idea, but nerfing the health gain isn't going to get players to use this perk instead. If you want players to experiment effectively without facing harsh negative feedback, I suggest making these passive abilities to the character. (ie. The Vanguard has passive healing on execution, the Bulwark's banner restores contested health, or the Sniper just gets bonus damage while cloaked. a good median between 75 and 150 would be 125 percent for all damage while cloaked.) or, better yet, put the essential powers in the prestige section. If the goal is to make players struggle to choose because all the perks are well crafted, then move the class essential perks that a player will never trade, out of the pick one of three pool. That would make the pick 1 out of 3 system more appealing. 

 - Heavy Prestige Perks: I understand why you are looking to buff the heavy's melee kit, but this character is not and won't be built for melee unless he gets a full rework, but then he won't be the heavy gun guy anymore. I would like to see perks that complement his halo or his gun skills, not make his melee more bearable.

Updated 9 hours ago.
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a day ago
Mar 16, 2025, 12:27:37 PM

The Heavy Bolt Rifle simply is not good enough compared to the Heavy's other weapons. It either needs a massive increase to its available ammo or enormous performance boosts.

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