Hi im playng assoult since realise , i have more then 500h only on assoult and thats are the changes i will like to see or bugs needs to be fixed
-Block hammer at the momente can use well the adrenaline buff, if u try to do light heavy combo after 2 blocks, the buff of adrenaline is going to run out before the heavy attack lands making only 1 attacks powered from it losing a lot of bonus damage on power slam since hammer is a slow heavy hitting weapon.
-Block hammer chnages to perk hitted badly the weapon, now is doing less damage on upfront making the weapon losing some good breakpopint for 1shooting majoris enemies ( before with 45% damage boost with perks class and hammer u could 1 shot majoris tyranids with 1 charged double aftershock making deal 103 damage for hit total 309) with more cariability on the build, now u are force in to the same perk but with out sustain perks.
-Moove armored strengh hahed on the perk so is more easy to obtain and u dont lose the aftercharge time perk ( essential )
-Jetpack dodge should be able to being use durin attack animation for making assoult the high mobility class with new ways to fight able to use mele attacks and dodging too, atm if u want use this perk u have to wait some one attack you, making the gameplay loop a wait and press instahed a action game.Another thing is make the first part of the jetpack dodge with i frames, alot of time i try to dodge with is class ability and get hitted after doing a perfect dodge taking damage and being staggered.
-Assoult should have some type of sustain like vangard or bulwark. a great example is the new prestige perk for vangard ( restoration )having only 1 perk ( armour reinfrocement ) pretty much reling on perry is not enough for who want play block weapon and not be able to dodge is the attacks animations.
-Wings of flame: at the momente is bug and is not a garanteed dodge allways and the damage effect radious is to small
-do not loosing controls on heavy its some times doesn t work properly on blue attacks, some times u get staggered some times no.

2 days ago
Mar 15, 2025, 4:40:46 PM
Updated 10 hours ago.
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