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Contested Health draining too fast.


a day ago
Mar 16, 2025, 12:55:18 AM

A bug that's persisted since 5.1 needs to be addressed, or just fixed if it was somehow supposed to be intended.

Contested Health draining in 2-3 seconds has to be changed. Either fixing that, or extending the duration, would instantly make so many worthless bolter weapons more viable without giving yet another minimal damage buff, and the nerfs to Melta and Heavy Plasma contested health regen wouldn't be so bad if it's still possible to restore our health fully..

Even just a 6 second duration would allow more flexibility.

People gravitated to Melta and Plasma because they could restore health within that small duration so players were rewarded for being aggressive, as was the entire purpose of that mechanic.

Nothing is more frustrating than my health draining away before I even had the chance to restore when engaged in melee or when I'm not using a Melta or Plasma.. it has been an issue since 5.1, yet no one talks about it and doesn't seem any dev has even acknowledged it.

Is it even a bug, or just a seriously poor decision of "Balance." ?

Updated 5 hours ago.
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21 hours ago
Mar 16, 2025, 12:15:19 PM

I am often frustrated by how quickly my Contested Health drains. I feel like I don't have the opportunity to regain any of it because I'm stuck in an animation.

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12 hours ago
Mar 16, 2025, 9:11:23 PM

Agree, this makes some perks useless. e.g. tacticals team perk for more contested health resotre. why would i chose it when the contested health is gone once i recover from a heavy hit. why chose the chainsword perk for more contested with heavy attacks when it is gone so fast?

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