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6 months ago
Aug 27, 2024, 8:07:06 PM

It is absolutely amazing that the roadmap is already laying out new enemies - and if that's as far as it goes, I'll die a happy man.  

However, if there was a way that we could get new factions in the game (playable or purely AI driven) that would put me over the moon. Orks, Aeldari, Necrons ... there is so much to draw from! Having that variety in the co-op campaigns would really extend longetivity. And that's just thinking of them as AI enemies. If we got them as playable - that's a whole new level.

Not to mention having a new playable faction like the Sisters of Battle would just be unhealthy for the amount of time I would spend in front of my computer.

For me, this would truly take this game from amazing to best game ever.

Updated a few seconds ago.
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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


ADMIN OnyxBlade

status updated 2 hours ago

​We appreciate your feedback on enemies and AI, unfortunately, new factions are out of vision for now.


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6 months ago
Aug 27, 2024, 8:13:12 PM

My thoughts exactly.

I know it’s a very ambitious desire but if this game can evolve into something more akin to the tabletop, that would be awesome.

At the very least, I would love to knock some Eldar and Ork heads together.

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6 months ago
Aug 27, 2024, 8:25:20 PM

@Ghoulish - Without question.  This game has the near unlimited potential with the depth or lore and options available to them  in the WH40k universe.  I truly hope they realize they have a customer base that will absolutely buy into whatever they add to this game if it fits the lore and expands our options.  
We WANT this game to succeed and we WANT this game to grow.

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6 months ago
Aug 28, 2024, 1:56:11 AM

I would love to see this as well, I wonder how people would feel if they came out with a 3rd game after how well this one is going to sell like 3 years later and THAT one is where they add more factions.

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6 months ago
Aug 28, 2024, 8:52:42 PM

@AlphaDeathWolf- I would be 100% okay with that. Honestly, I'd be glad to have 2 games to be able to get that type of depth.

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6 months ago
Sep 11, 2024, 11:03:54 PM

I would literally pay another full game price for more playable factions, you hear this developers, take my money please!

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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


ADMIN OnyxBlade

status updated 2 hours ago

​We appreciate your feedback on enemies and AI, unfortunately, new factions are out of vision for now.

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