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Make the game natively compatible with 32:9 Ultrawide screens

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2 months ago
Dec 12, 2024, 8:53:29 PM

Editor, Developer, Moderator, Good evening It's been 3 MONTHS since your game was released, that you had announced compatibility for Ultrawide screens for September. Apparently, the game would indeed be compatible with the 21:9 format BUT the update carried out at the time completely distorted the image of players on screens in 32:9 format. Playing in this format makes players SICK!! REALLY!! it takes less than 5 minutes to feel bad.
AND we are stuck in this format, we can't even leave the game in 16:9 with black bars for example.

PLEASE!! MAKE THE GAME NATIVELY COMPATIBLE WITH THE 32:9 FORMAT!!!! -We paid for our game like the others (Ultra Version for me) -We don't want to be stuck in the private room following the use of the mod that modifies the FOV and makes the image viable but forbidden!!!

And to be honest, why is it so difficult for you!!??!! We regularly see games, even indie budgets, release their demo, in alpha, while being natively compatible with our 32:9 format!!

Updated 8 days ago.
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2 months ago
Dec 12, 2024, 9:30:57 PM

It's not difficulty, it's incompetence of this dev team. 

I've never seem such neglect of a company that even fake this stupid forum and never responds it.


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a month ago
Jan 9, 2025, 11:35:08 AM

ShinGoKaDeN wrote:

Current state of the game and support for Ultrawide 32:9
Screenshot by Kieran, steam forum Probleme UltraWide 01.jpgProbleme UltraWide 02.jpgProbleme UltraWide 03.jpgProbleme UltraWide 05.jpegProbleme UltraWide 06.jpeg

fix this! this is not a super wide feature or option: as it stands, it's just a bug! this was fixed by a mod in the first week, and is still being tweaked pretty well with each new patch, but i'm still worried that the mod won't be tweaked to work yet. how come it's not in the game? you can't see the gaunts next to you, you can't see the spores or thropes above you, and every fast movement makes you seasick

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19 days ago
Jan 22, 2025, 2:54:26 AM

Unique message du forum.png​On November 16, 2024, We had a "beginning" of a response from a support person.

Maybe the only response we had on the subject of Ultrawide 32:9 BUT who has remained without news since...
5 months since the game was released, and still NOTHING...
If I had known this at the time, I simply would not have bought the game. (And not in ULTRA version at 85€ like I did)

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10 days ago
Jan 30, 2025, 8:28:01 PM

Following the news from January and version 6.0, we now know that a FOV adjustment is coming.

After 5 months without being able to play, let's hope we don't get kicked out of the lobby due to a level that's too low
because we have some farming to catch up on!!!

Shingo: "OVER"

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