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Armory data conversion idea

Game optionsGame modesWeapons

a month ago
Jan 2, 2025, 2:42:55 AM

​I’m a very average player, but I do love playing. I’ve managed to level all classes and most weapons to max. But I don’t always enjoy the high stress of ruthless (I can’t even do lethal), but I do it for the armory data. Meanwhile, for fun, I play a lot of average or substantial difficulty. But then it seems unrewarded, as I don’t really need exp or currency and I’ve been maxed out on green data for months. 

So the idea is to allow an exchange rate of armory data. For example, you could trade in 10 green for 1 purple, and 5 purple for 1 gold. (Numbers negotiable).  This would allow a purpose for lower level data’s collected, and make it easier, but much longer, for less skilled players to obtain gold data to unlock new weapons. 

With my example, it would take 5-10 average OPs plus 3-5 substantial OPs to get one gold data. So if someone dislikes or is unable to do higher difficulty,  but they enjoy grinding lower levels, they can still profit. Doesn’t seem like it’d harm anyone, while giving other players more options. 

Updated 2 hours ago.
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a month ago
Jan 3, 2025, 4:13:31 PM


It would allow us more casual and less skilled players to progress our gear without having to play beyond our capabilities and enjoyment, while also allowing those who do enjoy higher difficulties to do their own thing.

Gatekeeping weapon upgrades behind difficulty levels helps no-one.

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