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Tactical Reload

Game optionsCo-opWeapons

a month ago
Jan 25, 2025, 7:33:31 PM

It is a simple mechanic, very addictive and effective if you did it on time.

Maybe in highest dificcults we can lost the bullets in the magacine if isn't empty​​

Updated 5 hours ago.
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a month ago
Feb 2, 2025, 11:35:03 PM

Please no. I hated that mechanic. Just keep it as a simple button press. The fact that SM2 doesn't cancel the relead when you start sprinting is already a great enough feature to differentiate it from other shooters in a good way, same as SM1. I don't want the game to punish you with slower reloads for failing some dumb little reload mini-game.

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5 hours ago
Mar 4, 2025, 10:08:32 PM

HELL BIG NO on the lost bullet. it is already a nightmare to share ammo when you have 2+ weapon based class. On absolute, I see too many time the heavy camping beside the Ammo crate ><'. 

I would say OK as long it provides bonus and it isn't punishing you for not doing it. the melta would benefits from it.

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