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3 days ago
Feb 1, 2025, 12:29:04 PM

Please give us a real dates and times for releases, "soon" and "this season" are singly failing to generate the positive buzz you probably intend and are instead creating frustration in players who can't plan around such vague pronouncements.

It's not a completely unreasonable request, and I don't mean give us date for all planned releases immediately but when a relatively imminent update or content release is announced (like the recent salamander champion pack) a date and UTC time would be great.

Updated a minute ago.
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3 hours ago
Feb 4, 2025, 5:51:45 AM

I'm not sure if this is a case of it or not, but they probably don't give a concrete release date until the update has passed certification. Because if they say "It will be out on Tuesday" and they find a critical bug that wipes your hard drive, they obviously would have to push things back, and then people would get mad that they "lied" about the release date, so they probably want to hold off until they are absolutely sure that the update is 100% ready, even though hundreds of thousands of players all playing the game in the wild will out-perform their QA team any day of the week.

Updated 3 hours ago.
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an hour ago
Feb 4, 2025, 7:45:23 AM

ChrisOfTheDead wrote:

I'm not sure if this is a case of it or not, but they probably don't give a concrete release date until the update has passed certification. Because if they say "It will be out on Tuesday" and they find a critical bug that wipes your hard drive, they obviously would have to push things back, and then people would get mad that they "lied" about the release date, so they probably want to hold off until they are absolutely sure that the update is 100% ready, even though hundreds of thousands of players all playing the game in the wild will out-perform their QA team any day of the week.

I could understand that but they haven't communicated this, or any reasoning at all to us.

A little transparency would be nice.

And (in the case of champion packs at the very least) we are talking about things that get launched instantaneously on multiple third party marketplaces, you can't just do that at the drop of a hat that has has to be co-ordinated so these exact time and date of such releases has to be planned and thus known in advance.

My issue is this info is simply not given to the players.

Again I don't need a full to-the-second time stamped release calendar for every piece of planned content on my desk by the end of the day, I'd just like to let in on the arcane secret of the mythical release window before it starts downloading.


Saber/Focus officialspeak: "this season"

The way humans speak: in the next x weeks.

Saber/Focus officialspeak: "Soon."

The way humans speak: We like Tuesdays, so either today or next week.

Saber/Focus officialspeak: Very Soon

The way humans speak: Submitted for release on all platforms at 00:00.02 UTC time tomorrow.

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