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Make Adornments separate from helmets.

Game optionsChapters

a month ago
Feb 14, 2025, 11:10:09 AM
I think helmets would look much better and would be much easier to customize if the adornments were a separate tab. Just put each helmet in the options and when you pick your helmet colors in the colors screen add an adornments tab to add the flair. At the moment its pretty hard to make accurate chapters without looking too over the top or too little.  That way people could for example add the black templar icon to any helmet or the Dark angel one to a corvus helmet if they so choose etc etc.

Updated 5 days ago.
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a month ago
Feb 14, 2025, 12:40:35 PM

And it would be nice to have the Lieutenant pattern colors as an option for any helmet.

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a month ago
Feb 14, 2025, 3:47:19 PM

I full heartedly agree. It would make the helmets tab smaller sure, but the variety of options is what really shines if they choose to implement it. 

For instance you could have cybernetic eyes, targeting or sensory equipment or additional plumes and wreaths all under one spot separate from the actual core helmet.

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