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Vangaurd - Tactical Prowess


23 days ago
Feb 19, 2025, 4:53:29 PM
I really like the changes to Vanguard for 6.0 and i think the perk Tactical Prowess was a cool idea.  It gives a unique benefit that i want to capitalize on but its difficult to keep track of while in combat.  If this is the idea, to sometimes use the Grapple to early where you dont get the charge back, or to late where the unique benefit of executing at 25% is wasted if you end up executing at the normal amount of damage anyway, then the perk is good the way it is.

If everyone agrees it can be improved on, i propose the grapple crosshairs turn red (colors can be changed in the settings) when an enemy being targeted meets the 25% health requirement of the perk.
to avoid confusion from people who constantly swap around their perks, make it so the crosshairs only change to red when the Tactical Prowess perk is selected, since the normal grapple-to-execution you can time with when the enemy themselves turn red.
Updated 8 hours ago.
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23 days ago
Feb 19, 2025, 8:39:03 PM

Very elegant solution, would love to see something like this. Would be nice for it to also prioritize targeting enemies that can be executed in an area around the crosshair, as I find it frustrating how often it'll snap onto a different target, wasting the charge.

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8 hours ago
Mar 14, 2025, 7:58:33 PM

I'm on board with this, as my biggest issue with the perk is how you can only tell with Lock on Target, something which no one I know even uses on PC. Its an improvement for everyone as at the moment you can only check by selecting a target, unlocking then selecting another one etc to find if there's one low enough. This change just means you only have to look at a few enemies to see if your Grapple crosshair changes colour. This would make the perk useful as its too slow a process when you are in heavy combat and possibly 1 hit away from death. A simple and quick change we could potentially see in the next update, without it I'll always take another build:Image1.png

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