Version 6.1
I will be addressing three main problems with armor customization and will be proposing solutions to each problem to the best of my ability.
Issues and Inaccuracies
The following are all of the issues that I was able to find with the current armor customizations, as well as proposed solutions to each problem.
- Issues:
- Some pieces of armor parts have an in-built golden shine that offputs the color of the armor piece.
- Solution: Get rid of the in-built golden shine.
- Every armor that has this issue:
- Tactical:
- 4th Helm option
- 5th Helm option
- 6th Helm option
- Assault:
- 4th Helm option
- 5th Helm option
- 6th Helm option
- 6th R. Pauldron option
- Bulwark:
- 7th Wargear option
- Heavy:
- 5th Helm option
- 6th Helm option
- 7th Helm option
- 3rd R. Pauldron option
- 4th R. Pauldron option
- 2nd Wargear option
- 4th Wargear option
- 7th Wargear option
- 8th Wargear option
- Tactical:
- Every armor that has this issue:
- Solution: Get rid of the in-built golden shine.
- The "Mask Pattern" and the "Helm Pattern" (Ravengaurd Cosmetic Pack) Patterns for Helms cause the color to be removed from skulls on some helmets. This makes it impossible to make a veteran sergeant for some chapters that require the skull to be gold.
- Solution: Apply color to the skulls of the Helms affected by the Patterns being equipped.
- For more information, please see my bug report on the issue: https://community.focus-entmt.com/focus-entertainment/space-marine-2/bugs/5234-mask-pattern-removes-color-of-skulls-on-helmets?page=1#post-5234
- The "Transparent" option on Emblems for Greaves does not make the emblem piece transparent, it instead removes the entire area where the emblem piece was. This is not the case for the "Transparent" option for Pauldrons.
- Solution: Make the "Transparent" option for Emblems on Greaves work the same way it does for Pauldrons.
- Some pieces of armor parts have an in-built golden shine that offputs the color of the armor piece.
- Inaccuracies:
- The role icons for the Imperial Fists are supposed to be black with white numerals. This includes the "Veteran Honour Icon" that is the default Emblem for the Imperial FIst R. Pauldron.
- Solution: Change the default emblem colors from white with black numerals to black with white numerals
- In the image below, on the top right is an example of how the "Veteran Honour Icon" should look.
- The Vanguard chest emblem for the Imperial Fists is supposed to be gold.
- Solution: Make the chest emblem of the Imperial Fists gold for the Vanguard class.
- Below is an example of the Heraldry for an Imperial Fist Vanguard Infiltrator.
- The Vanguard class should be able to remove the Wargear "Omni-Scramber" if desired. The Vanuard class represents Vanguard Reivers, Vanguard Infiltrators, and Incursers; however, Vanguard Reivers do not wear Omni-Scramblers on their backpack.
- Solution: Add the ability for there to be no Omni-Scrambler Wargear on the backpack of the Vanguard class.
- For the Sniper class, Incurser helmets should not be an option for a class that is supposed to represent Vanguard Eliminators. I do understand not wanting to take away an option that is already there, as not everybody cares so deeply for lore accuracy, however, it would be nice to have more helmets for the Sniper class that are taken directly from the Vanguard Eliminator official models.
- Solution: Add more lore-accurate helms for the Sniper class.
- The new "Battle-Worn Pauldron is the same size as a Pauldron for Gravis-Pattern armor on the Heavy class, therefore, it looks too large on any other class.
- Solution: Make the Pauldron the appropriate size for all classes.
- Some of the Purity Seals have Ultramarine symbols on them, which clashes with lore accuracy when wearing the colors and emblems for another chapter.
- Solution: Remove the Ultramarines symbol from the Purity Seals that have them, or make it to where they match whichever chapter emblem is currently equipped.
- The Iron Hounds Custom Pattern does not display the red Pattern on the Helm.
- Add the red Pattern to the Custom Pattern of the Iron Hounds.
- Some chapters, like the Iron Hands, require specifically that their hands be painted a color different from the rest of their Gauntlet as part of their heraldry.
- Solution: Add the customization options to edit hands separately. This can be done through the addition of a Pattern for Gauntlets.
- The role icons for the Imperial Fists are supposed to be black with white numerals. This includes the "Veteran Honour Icon" that is the default Emblem for the Imperial FIst R. Pauldron.
More Customization
There needs to be a way to have more detailed armor customization without significantly disrupting how armor has been acquired up to this point.
Proposed Solution:
Separate the current unlockable Armor Parts into different pieces. No need to rework the current UI for editing armor entirely; just add options after clicking the already existing options. This also allows for minimal UI rework when editing heraldry rules for colors and symbols. The following is an example of what additional options would look like when you click "Edit Armour Set":
- Helm
- Helm Type
- Example: Mark X Tacticus
- Helm Ornaments
- Example: Iron Skull
- Helm Type
- L. Pauldron
- Pauldron Type
- Example: Type A
- Pauludron Rim
- Example: Type A
- Pauldron Ornaments
- Example: Tilting Shield
- Pauldron Type
- R. Pauldron
- Pauldron Type
- Example: Type A
- Pauldron Rim
- Example: Type A
- Pauldron Ornaments
- Example: Type A
- Pauldron Type
- Breastplate
- Imperialis Symbol Type
- Example: Type A
- Collar Type
- Example: Type A
- Belt Buckle Type
- Example: Type A
- Breastplate Ornaments
- Example: Chain
- Imperialis Symbol Type
- Bapack
- Vent Type
- Example: Type A
- Backpack Ornaments
- Example: Type A
- Vent Type
- Wargear
- L. Gauntlet
- Gauntlet Type
- Example: Type A
- Gauntlet Ornaments
- Example: Type A
- Gauntlet Type
- R. Gauntlet
- Gauntlet Type
- Example: Type A
- Gauntlet Ornaments
- Example: Chain
- Gauntlet Type
- L. Greave
- Greave Type
- Example: Type A
- Greave Ornaments
- Example: Skull
- Greave Type
- R. Greave
- Greave Type
- Example: Type A
- Greave Ornaments
- Example: Type A
- Greave Type
- To avoid confusion, the currently unlockable armor parts can be referred to as Armor Parts, while the extra pieces that I am proposing to be added can be called Armor Pieces.
- When you unlock an Armor Part, you unlock all of the Armor Pieces that come with it.
- This allows the current base Armor Parts to remain.
- This also allows DLC Armor Parts to remain, taking nothing away from DLC content and only adding to it.
- Some Armor Pieces will not be compatible together, however, that is up to the developers to decide which Armor Pieces will be compatible with which.
- There could also be the option to just equip the original Armor part without editing the Armor Pieces for players who do not care as much about more detailed customization options.
Simplified Cosmetic Acquistion
There needs to be a simplified process to acquire armor parts that will integrate well with the armor parts already in the game and smoothly allow new armor parts to be added as well.
Proposed Solution:
Separate the current Heraldry's function as a place to purchase cosmetics from its function as a place of information. Do this by putting the information aspects of the Heraldry into the Datavault and creating a separate dedicated "Shop" or "Forge" area for purchasing and unlocking cosmetics.
- Currently, the Heraldry acts as:
- A store to buy chapter-specific cosmetics.
- A place for written information about each chapter.
- A place to visually see the relation that chapters have with each other.
- The current Heraldry UI does not support the addition of new Armor Parts very well, especially Armor Parts that are not specific to a single chapter.
- I believe that having a dedicated "Shop" area could simplify the process of purchasing and unlocking cosmetics as well as support the addition of new cosmetics, especially the addition of Armor Parts that are not specific to a single chapter.
- In regards to how the "Shop" could work:
- Currency can either be the current Requisition Points or a new currency.
- Could solve the overabundance of Requisition Points that players receive.
- It could require players to be a certain level on a certain class to unlock Armor Parts, or it could require a player to be a certain prestige to unlock certain Armor Parts.
- It could also require new ordeals or achievements to unlock certain armor pieces.
- Currency can either be the current Requisition Points or a new currency.
Main Takeaways:
- The current armor customization issues need to be addressed sooner rather than later.
- Separating armor into pieces in a similar manner that was described could minimize the work, time, and reorganization needed to add more armor customization options into the game.
- The Heraldry should be a purely informational place and be moved to the Datavault, while its function as a place to buy cosmetics should be separate. This would allow new armor pieces to be smoothly added to the game.
Please share feedback, I am open to constructive criticism on these ideas.
Focused Emperor’s Mercy
Still I fight, and so shall I always, for my debt to the Emperor shall never be paid.
Focused Emperor’s Mercy
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