Thanks to the transparency of the devs in the 6.2 hotfix, I want to suggest some changes that could fix the problem with the healing banner.
First thing first: If you want to create a proper tank you need the ability to aggro the enemies. One option could be that the shield bash becomes a taunt that makes enemies in a certain radius target you. Other perks could increase the damage dealt and received, create a small area health regen based on the umbers of attacks blocked and the level of the enemy, increase the shield area of protection.
Second: Change the banner health regen to "every finisher on enemies inside the banner range regenerate 5% health. Increase recharge time by 50%". This would make the banner be used more like the devs originally thought, I think, so like a defensive rally.
Side note: The switch between stances is not that fluid, so some rework should be done.
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