why the fuck does enemies hit me while I am locked into a animated attack that can’t be canceled like what I’m trying to heal after 1000000 enemies showed up and the game letting them hit me while i literally can’t do shit? Like wth game I get the shooting commanders aliens but the sword ones cmon cuh that’s just stupid as hell I just died from one of them after gun striking to get 1 FUCKING ARMOR POINT while being surrdoined they needa have some crowd abilities or sum cuz that’s outrageous hitting me in the animation when im completely surrounded. Like is it just me? It prolly is cuz i like action but this game really does not like a one man team bruh space marines in the game are sum bums compared to everything else I see getting hit by them little ass bullets and half my health already down straight up sick but then again it’s prolly just how I play I play like they do in them little movies by not giving a FLYING FUCK
Getting hit while trying to heal with gunstrike
Defender of the humanity
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