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Easy to implement rework for PVP ordeals

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20 hours ago
Mar 11, 2025, 2:50:07 PM

PVE ordeals, while a bit grindy, are fine and possible to do because almost all necessary instances to do them are in player control and there are segments of the campaign where the events necessary to get them will occur. This does not happen with class-related and grenades ordeals. Completely changing the ordeals at this point might be impossible, but they could have a second condition to get that same ordeal, for example, the sniper ordeal, it could has a second condition where you have to grind a large number of kills playing that specific class, here is the example:


-Kill score:


[ As a sniper, kill 5 enemies in 1 match while camouflaged or within 2 seconds of camo deactivation [20]




 As a sniper, kill [X number] enemies ]




The same could be done with the ordeals that involve killing an enemy of a specific class while they use their ability, using as an example the ordeal where you have to eliminate snipers while they are camouflaged, it could be something like this:



-Seek and Destroy: 


[ Kill Sniper enemies while they are camouflaged [15]




 Kill [X number] sniper enemies ]




The thing is that it doesn't matter how big the number is, it could be hundreds for each class, what happens is that people will still feel motivated to play many hours in PVP modes but they won't feel frustrated for not being able to get a certain ordeal, they can choose the fastest but difficult way (which would be the current one) or the passive and constant one that would be achieved just by playing for several hours (the second condition)


The same with grenades, although they could use a different condition so that it wasn't so repetitive, using, for example, the ones that have the kill score and beacon of light ordeals: kill a certain number of enemies in a single match, applying this to the effect of each grenade, so it would be something like this:


-Shredding Shrapnel:


[ Kill 3 or more enemies with a single frag grenade [30]




kill [X number] with frag grenades in 1 match [X number] ]




-Blinded by the light:


[ Blind 3 enemies with 1 shock grenade [15]




Blind [X number] with shock grenades in a single match [X number] ]


You keep players busy for a long time in PVP mode, you don't cause frustration due to overly specific conditions or force players to play in a less optimal way to achieve the orders, I think it would be a good solution.

Updated 7 hours ago.
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18 hours ago
Mar 11, 2025, 4:46:38 PM
You forgot scanning 4 enemies by  one auspex but i agree. I don't enjoy pvp much but i went there to get the ordeals done and it is hard/horrible/frustrating to do it.
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17 hours ago
Mar 11, 2025, 5:45:02 PM

Saint_Markus wrote:
You forgot scanning 4 enemies by  one auspex but i agree. I don't enjoy pvp much but i went there to get the ordeals done and it is hard/horrible/frustrating to do it.

I think that my examples also applies to the tactical class, their ordeal could be "scan 4 enemies in a single match OR eliminate [X number] enemies with the tactical class".

 In any case, maybe the worst part about the ordeals is that I think Saber made them to motivate completionists to play the pvp mode for the cosmetics, but that could backfire because playing several games to do a simple ordeal playing with a specific and very restricted style makes pvp games unbearable, more of a frustrating task than a minimally pleasant experience, but when you play pvp calmly, without rushing and without the pressure of doing something very specific and you start to unlock weapons and weapon cosmetics (the same ones you have in pve mode) the pvp mode becomes enjoyable, you can play the way you like and you feel a constant progression regardless of whether you win or lose.

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15 hours ago
Mar 11, 2025, 7:43:40 PM

LionelAusten wrote:

Saint_Markus wrote:
You forgot scanning 4 enemies by  one auspex but i agree. I don't enjoy pvp much but i went there to get the ordeals done and it is hard/horrible/frustrating to do it.

I think that my examples also applies to the tactical class, their ordeal could be "scan 4 enemies in a single match OR eliminate [X number] enemies with the tactical class".

 In any case, maybe the worst part about the ordeals is that I think Saber made them to motivate completionists to play the pvp mode for the cosmetics, but that could backfire because playing several games to do a simple ordeal playing with a specific and very restricted style makes pvp games unbearable, more of a frustrating task than a minimally pleasant experience, but when you play pvp calmly, without rushing and without the pressure of doing something very specific and you start to unlock weapons and weapon cosmetics (the same ones you have in pve mode) the pvp mode becomes enjoyable, you can play the way you like and you feel a constant progression regardless of whether you win or lose.

Yes. We can say that ordeals in pvp are not made to have fun. They are just based on luck or rare situations. Not all of them but few of them are clearly like that. Good example are the ones that involves grenades. You have to watch, sneak or have luck to threw it right. Same goes with snipers in camo. In many situations you just start to ignore the objective just to do one ordeal or have any progress in it. So a remake would be welcomed by most. PVP and PVE players alike.

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12 hours ago
Mar 11, 2025, 10:30:39 PM

Saint_Markus wrote:  Yes. We can say that ordeals in pvp are not made to have fun. They are just based on luck or rare situations. Not all of them but few of them are clearly like that. Good example are the ones that involves grenades. You have to watch, sneak or have luck to threw it right. Same goes with snipers in camo. In many situations you just start to ignore the objective just to do one ordeal or have any progress in it. So a remake would be welcomed by most. PVP and PVE players alike.
LionelAusten wrote:
Saint_Markus wrote:
You forgot scanning 4 enemies by  one auspex but i agree. I don't enjoy pvp much but i went there to get the ordeals done and it is hard/horrible/frustrating to do it.

I think that my examples also applies to the tactical class, their ordeal could be "scan 4 enemies in a single match OR eliminate [X number] enemies with the tactical class".

 In any case, maybe the worst part about the ordeals is that I think Saber made them to motivate completionists to play the pvp mode for the cosmetics, but that could backfire because playing several games to do a simple ordeal playing with a specific and very restricted style makes pvp games unbearable, more of a frustrating task than a minimally pleasant experience, but when you play pvp calmly, without rushing and without the pressure of doing something very specific and you start to unlock weapons and weapon cosmetics (the same ones you have in pve mode) the pvp mode becomes enjoyable, you can play the way you like and you feel a constant progression regardless of whether you win or lose.

Yeah, the ordeals should motivate players to play better or to invest more time in pvp mode to improve in their abilities in that area, but as you say the class-related and the grenades one only rewards sporadic actions based on pure luck and sometimes even counterintuitive strategies. The ordeals that reward you for winning x number of matches and playing x number of gamemodes are fine, as is getting to eliminate up to 20 enemies in a single match and getting a ranch of 5 eliminations without dying, they all motivate you to play well, to survive as long as you can, help your team win and be competitive.

 I have heard the suggestion to make doable the ordeals in private PVP lobbies, and while that would help it would be contradictory to its purpose, so while I wouldn't complain if Saber did that (that they were possible in private PVP) this second option of adding a second cumulative condition to the ordeals seems like a much better solution to me, and it also doesn't discredit the players who already managed to complete them in the original way, since the others will have to grind for a while longer than them.

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