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SM3 Mega Thread, Ideas, Space Marine 3 basic features, game modes, wishlist from the community

Game optionsMapsGame modesCo-opWeapons

a day ago
Mar 14, 2025, 5:53:32 AM

Disclaimer: Dear Focus team/developers, SM3 has been announced, so let us make it even better, while it is in development (the most supported ideas and suggestions are easier to be implemented in this phase), so it will be an even bigger succes than SM2. It should be a continuation of Space Marine 2, but with a more monumental scale. We ask you to send this idea package directly to the proper dev team, so they can build the new game from the start with these highly requested features from the community. 


Table of Contents:

1. Combining SM2 and SM3 to the greatest Warhammer 40k game content wise, development mentality

2. PVP, Campaign, PVE, Battle Royale/Extraction implementation

3. Chaos customization

4. 11! new classes, details, abilities, class identity

5. Totally new weapons, grenades details

1. Combining SM2 with SM3, so a direct continuation: 

-The developers should take the Total War Warhammer I-III game merging mentality: SM2 and SM3 will be a combined game and NOT the Call of Duty approach (you have to buy a new game every year to start again the same grind with the same weapons.) 

-This means that the already established 6 classes, weapons, grenades in SM2 will be available in SM3 for those, who own SM2. Then you dont have to develop the same content again just focus purely on new content. This is a huge incentive for SM2 players to buy SM3, it will be direct continuation. We dont want to buy again the same guns, classes we have already purchased in SM2.

-In SM3 you need to create totally new classes (Apothecary, Chaplain, Techmarine and their Chaos counterparts: Chaos Apothecary, Dark Apostle, Warpsmith if these are not implemented in SM2) and even more classes beyond these. The same mentality with weapons, and grenades (New grenades in details), develop every weapon, which is not in SM2, so in SM3 we will have the biggest arsenal and class selection of the Warhammer 40k universum (ideally 12-14 classes)

-This, what I detailed is a consumer friendly mentality, and it would mean more support and trust, which equals more SM2 and SM3 copies sold. For totally new players in SM3 it would be an incentive for them, to buy SM2 also, so they can have more content, if they choose so (but they can fully enjoy the SM3 content first because it should have many new features, classes, weapons independently from SM2.)

- In SM3 PVP needs to have a greater focus, content with grand battles, I have created the most comprehensive thread on the forums, regarding how to improve PVP, firstly it should be implemented in SM2, and also in SM3 with enhancements, it has its own attached ideas with details: 7 Tenets of how to improve PVP

2. PVP:

-The pipe dream would be a Battlefield like experience, but in the Warhammer universe, if you could manifest a 60vs60 objective game mode, on a huge map, with the already established classes, weapons regarding infantry combat, and plus with playable vehicle combat, it would be the biggest success ever. More than 10, 20 millions sold copies of SM3 is a possibility, if you implement this. Imagine Thunderhawks, Dreadnoughts, Land Raiders, Predators on the field, all controlled by players. 60 Space Marines vs 60 Chaos Space Marines. horus-walpaper1.jpg

-If not the pipe dream, than SM3 needs to have a PVP mode with more players, and bigger maps 20vs20 (similar to Battlefront II {2017} with playable vehicles) is reasonable. The already established SM2 classes, weapons, grenades could be used with the new SM3 classes, weapons. 6 player lobbies in public PVP matches is a base feature in SM3, so you can play with 5 of your friends in public matchmaking as a minimum. Crossplay in PVP is a launch feature (manually optional.) The iconic Dreadnought Assault game mode from SM1 is a must have also in SM3 and not just in SM2. Dreadnought game mode details PVP should have at least 7 maps on launch for variety. 


-Continue the saga of Titus, but with new enemies, most likely contenders Orks (fan favorites with funny voice dialogues while in combat), Necrons as for the xenos, and then an other Chaos God aligned Legion, Death Guard with Nurgle daemons or Worldaters with Khorne daemons8c90ac176470ff78b996cb48e2ac182a.jpgimages (3).jpgHD-wallpaper-warhammer-40k-chaos-ultramarines-artwork-battle-flags-robots-games.jpg



-The launch experience should be the Horde mode, with the new enemies which are mentioned in the Campaign section. Horde mode has more replayability than Operations. 

-A hybrid PVE/PVP mode of course if it is not implemented already in SM2, in SM3 the new enemy faction should be played in this scenario. PVE/PVP game mode details


Combining PVP, PVE and Campaign elements, assets in one monumental game mode, let me introduce the Battle for Survival game mode (definitive naming is work in progress.) A totally unique Battle Royale/Extraction 40k style. The huge map could be put together from the Campaign, PVE and PVP maps, to create a varied and gigantic terrain.  This planet has been attacked by the warp and it is slowly consumed by it, that is why you need to move always to the safe zone/circle with your squad.BR map.png

Infiltration to the game is with drop pods/Dreadclaws. In the start of the match you and 3 other Space/Chaos Marines (4 player squads  are fighting each other to survive) arrive on the map without any wargear, so you search and loot for weapons, grenades. Health regen is with medkits/stim packs, armor regen is with armor boosts, you can revive a downed teammate (features already implemented in PVE.)Dreadclaw infiltration.png

You need to eliminate the other squads, and there are also AI enemies (PVE element) depending which option will be taken Orks or Necrons, you can defeat these AI enemies for better gear/loot. Outside of the safe zone you take passive damage and they are Nurgle or Khorne daemons hunting, if you can take them out, then the reward is better wargear, but you are in grave danger, outside of the circle. Daemons outside of the zone.jpg

The mission is ro reach the smallest circle, there is a Thunderhawk waiting for extraction, if there are other squads still, your team needs to take them out, the squad who extracts/survives wins. You should be also rewarded for most kills, extracting special and secret items found during the match.Thunderhawk extraction.png

You could be using all the assets from classes to weapons, which has been already created. I think classes should be used without their special abilites (it can be a different BR mode with abilities on.) Every weapon could be found on the map. The deep customization aspects of SM2 combined with the Chaos customization would be utilzed, cause in BR games the outfit of your character (armor of your Heretic/Space Marines) is really important. The number of squads/players is depending on the infrastructure of the game, ideally around 80, 100 players if it can support it reliably. This concept is a full new approach to Warhammer games, it could mean millions of new players, who are Battle Royale/Extraction shooter fans, and you only need to combine the elements, which you are already making for SM3. 

3. Chaos customization

-Most important basic feature in SM3 (if it is not implemented also in SM2): , fully customizable Chaos/Heretic Astartes. This one of the biggest request from the community from the launch of SM2. So no class lock, Chaos  and lots of customization, lets build SM3 with this approach from the start. For reverence I will attach the most upvoted ideas (more than a million G2G upvote score) on these forums, which wanted Chaos customization in SM2: No class lock for Chaos Chaos customization Chaos Space Marines Operations The Chaos Marines should have top priority in SM3, this is highly requested as seen. And you should be open about this before SM3 comes out, cause regarding SM2 one of the biggest let downs is still the lack of Chaos custumization. When Games Workshop sees the monumental support for Chaos customization in the games, they will approve it also. Chaos customization details, photos It was a base feature in SM1.

4. 11! new classes, details, abilities, class identity, weapons:

-Apothecary/Dark Apothecary, Class identity: Healer, Ability: Narthecium Gauntlet, single target healing, it can restore the health pool of one friendly, who is in close range to the Apothecary. 

-Chaplain/ Dark Apostle, Class identity:  Moral support, increasing survivability, Ability: Litany of Hate, area of effect support, friendly Space Marines gain damage reduction, if they stay in the radius of the ability. 

-Techmarine/Warpsmith, Class identity: Technical support, Ability: Small sentry gun (mini tarantula) or Trophy system, the sentry gun would mark enemies in its radius and do some small damage to them, the trophy system would automatically destroy grenades. For balancing reasons the Techmarine can only deploy one sentry or trophy, so it cannot be spammed. 

-Terminator/Chaos Terminator, Class identity: Slow, moving tank, with close quarter shooting, Ability: Terminator armor, this is a passive abiity, which means the Terminator cannot sprint, roll, it can do only small dodges, it should be moviement speed should be between the standard Space Marine walk and sprint. For compensation, it will have increased armor maybe 7,8 armor segments. 

-Librarian/Sorcerer, Class identity: Disruptor, ability denial, Ability: Warp disruption, when activated the enemy combatants cannot use their own abilities for a short time. 

-Devastator/Havoc, Class Identity: Anti vehicle/Anti Terminus with specialised armor piercing weapons, Ability: , Weapons: Lascannon, Missile Launcher,  Assault Cannon, Autocannon, Plasma Pistol, Bolt Pistol. 

-Champion/Dark Champion, Class Identity: Melee specialist with two powerblades, dodgemaster, Ability: Dash pack, similar to the Assault Jum pack, but the Champion cannot fly, or hover, it can only use the dashes to the sides forwards, and backwards. For variety it would have 4 charges, in melee combat it would shred everybody, with the dual power blades, but is has no ranged weapon similar to a ballerina assassin with huge mobility potential. 

-Suppressor/Chaos Supressor, 

-Agressor/Chaos Agressor, 

-Inceptor/Heretic Inceptor, 

-Reaver/Reaver Chieftain,

5. New weapons, grenades:

Work in progress at the moment.

Respected Focus team, I would ask you, to send this idea and my comprehensive thread to the development team directly, so they can implement these elements in SM3 from the start. 

Dear SM2 and SM3 players, I lets support this idea, so the developers can manifest all these things. If you have more ideas, features which would complement what I have stated in this idea thread, then feel free to type it in a reply/comment, so I can incorporate more great concepts.

Updated a few seconds ago.
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a day ago
Mar 14, 2025, 8:40:18 AM

For PVE: I hope they get rid of this souls-like gameplay where you have to spam dodge or parry in higher difficulties(Just because we are skilled enough to do it, it doesn't make it fun). I would prefer the game to be more hackn slash, more action, more shooter. They should put different mechanics to combat. For ranged combat there could be covers in maps and maybe simple cover mechanics whereas for melee combat there could be default and simple armor and health sustain mechanics like the heal on executes in the first game. I don't know why people try to fix things that aren't broken in the first place anyway...
It would also be nice to play a chapter other than Ultramarines.

For PVP: Bigger maps and bigger numbers would be great really. In an ideal world, something like Battlefront would have been amazing but I understand how big of an undertaking it would be.

Edit: Oh and they should NOT release the game without making sure there are not connection/server issues or optimization issues. It doesn't matter if only the minority experiences it, they owe it to this loyal and enthusiastic fanbase to make sure the game runs wells for every single customer as long as they have the necessary hardware and software(drivers and such). There are people having problems since launch or since older updates. I myself have been having stutters since Update 6.0 and it still hasnt been fixed yet. Customer support and a working product is the most fundamental thing, it is also the very thing that creates or breaks trust.

Updated a day ago.
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a day ago
Mar 14, 2025, 11:21:12 AM

Sm3 better have far more content for pvp at launch. I want a rank system. More maps, modes and features. 

This better be a damn good sequel to sm2.

I want all my stuff to carry over from sm2 to sm3. 

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a day ago
Mar 14, 2025, 4:16:22 PM

Yes, exactly, a Battlefield like game mode in Space Marine 3, it would precisely represent the big battles in the Warhammer 40k setting. 

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a day ago
Mar 14, 2025, 7:19:54 PM

sounds nice.
but if you put the tau in the enemy faction rooster too, they have powerful guns what can shred you in seconds(like necron's) but in CQC just a roll for the basic troopers, but when the crisis suits arrives this is where the fun begins! :)
overall nice ideas. 

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a day ago
Mar 14, 2025, 7:20:08 PM

If the dev team won't reply to this and react, consider the ideas and make an official statement about this such as "We heard your feedback that you want...", I am gonna burn down Terra.

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12 hours ago
Mar 15, 2025, 5:37:48 AM
Chaos customization is a must have, if it cannot happen in SM2, than at least for compensation, it needs to be top priority in SM3, the players want this. So Space Marine 3=big focus on full and detailed Chaos customization. 

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16 minutes ago
Mar 15, 2025, 5:25:54 PM

I really like this idea. Total war Warhammer has been very successful, and they continue to sell older dlc content from older games because it is still viable with the current game. I do think they need to address some stuff with SM2 first before even looking at any major news for SM3. we still should expect 1-2 melee weapons being at least the Power axe and the lighting claw. they should go back in and add a 2nd class to the current champion packs even if it raises the cost slightly to fix the Salamanders that was anticipated and failed to deliver on the general feel which looking at the steam charts you saw a bit of a drop around that time. The SW which was a major one the general expecting assault to receive a cool looking wolf themed skin instead we get the Vanguard that is very underwhelming because you don't see the front of your own helmet well playing and the wolf head on the one shoulder does not seem to suit the class. especially if they are basing it off a unique tabletop choice that really was used to hunt down psykers not charge the front and kill the enemies of mankind.  PVP for Sm3 we had chaos and marine customization in SM1 granted Sm2 has done a major upgrade to the choices and ways you can customize your marine which was a major plus to the game. would be nice to see the same with Chaos for a new game going forward and if we do get any eternal crusade type battles orcs and eldar  having just general color schemes that can be changed. if they give SM2 a good 2-3 years of good content updates and hit the mark or close to on the general community expectations and get the players to come back there will be a ton of hope for Space marine to become a consistent franchise moving forward seeing a new version that expands on the previous every 4-5 years. 

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