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Prestige System Structure

Game optionsCo-opWeapons

4 hours ago
Mar 15, 2025, 10:00:26 PM

​For the prestige system, there are awesome ways to go about it Division 2 had an actual class cap of level 40 then you went into the SHD (Shade watch) that had unlimited levels so you could see the most hardcore vets with level 9,000+. However, the watch gave a prestige point of 0.5 to 1 of 4 categories then each of the 4 categories had subcategories like "Accuracy "Headshot dmg" Each category is a max total of 10%, and each one would benefit the class in an overall way of (Defense- Offense- Utility, and Handling) after you get 1 point for all 4 categories get 1 master point for a choice of currency, different class points(Data vault), etc. It would be a cool way to see the most veteran players with high levels join certain games and compete... you can even preset 50 levels a month with new rewards per level like a season pass... so for them, they are level 500 but his lvl500-550 they will get different Cosmetics like skin armor pieces, etc. it would be cool if you guys could take the idea and make it your own but I see you guys are very limited. It would keep more of the player base because they would have a lot to grind to have an automatic 10% Permanent headshot damage on the class but then you would look at that player and be like "He worked hard for it he deserves it." It would keep players playing the game rather than just waiting for the new content and then coming back to the game.

Updated 2 hours ago.
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4 hours ago
Mar 15, 2025, 10:11:50 PM

I didnt go as much in depth like you did but i definitely recommend skill trees instead of a rest. I totally agree your idea would be a 100 times better. hopefully they list and realize that resting the classes is not the right move at all in my opinion 

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