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Customizable Waist, More Cloth on Bulwark.


2 hours ago
Mar 16, 2025, 8:41:22 AM

I wish we could customize the waist part separate from the chest piece so that we choose more options on how we can customize our Space Marines and standout a bit. Also the cloth on the Bulwark I wish we could customize how many cloth we can put onto it. Like the Metaurus Chest plate it has no cloth at the back and I want to add it some cloth like the Relic Primus or Secundus Chest piece that has a back cloth or the sides and has no detail on the waist I want to also add some decorations around the waist like in the picture below.Capture1.PNGCapture.PNG483165761_9041468399313677_7506489532278575853_n.png482237256_543892824808420_2319437714740806268_n.pngimage_2025-03-16_163011614.png482376861_1014862647173691_2181746619539667091_n.png

Updated 4 minutes ago.
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2 hours ago
Mar 16, 2025, 8:58:24 AM

I don't know if you've been paying attention lately to the things being implemented in the PTS? But this is one of them.

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2 hours ago
Mar 16, 2025, 9:02:37 AM

I think you're referring to the cloth being colored? yeah I know that during the pts but what I meant was we could also put more cloth like the Metaurus Chest set has no back cloth onto it and I want to put extra cloth like the 1st Chest Relic or the side cloth but forgive me for being ignorant correct me if I'm wrong though. My apologies.

Updated 39 minutes ago.
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