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More Terminus enemies on Absolute Difficulty


Would you like to see Dual Terminus enemies and more Terminus enemies in general on Absolute difficulty?

We can make it so there will be way more Terminus enemies on a level, potentially 2 at the same time. Plus we can lift restriction that prevents Terminus enemies from spawning on levels that have final bosses (i.e Hive Tyrant)

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7 232 300

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2 360 300

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15 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 5:08:20 PM

I'd be down to try something like this on the PTR! This sounds like it could be fun for hardcore players, but I don't even know how to begin to handle two Carnifex at the same time, let alone two Helbrutes.

Worth testing I think! Can always walk it back later.

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15 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 5:10:35 PM

YES PLEASE! Hardcore players needs MORE difficulty. So it would be more fun to stream & make challenges (enable all modifiers at the same time)

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15 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 5:11:05 PM

Absolutely great idea, this is the hardest difficulty in the game forget about new players this is for those of us that want to be really challenged. Bring it on!

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15 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 5:13:21 PM

Да было бы круто, но также учтите чтобы при появлении босса, например нейротроп, был бы ящик с патронами!

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15 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 5:14:05 PM

I think it's better as an optional modifier. Could do 1 terminus per attack wave but with less health, however you will receive no armory point on kill

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15 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 5:16:59 PM

I think it’s a fun idea and a way to help grind out relic level gear, totally based on the assumption that if another terminus level enemy spawns we’d get a chance for another armory data drop.

(See spitballing idea below.) Adds incentive to Absolute? 

Maybe an opportunity for a choice of armory data? (I.E. Servo Skull + Terminus 1 = 2 Yellows but if Terminus 2 is introduced have a choice of green, purple or yellow?)

Only thing that makes me shiver is the possibility of 2 Neurothropes doing the wave attack in alternative patterns that make it borderline impossible to dodge. 

Other than that bring on two Helbrutes or two Carnifexes. My heavy bolter is ready.

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15 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 5:18:32 PM

Braindead idea, it would funnel even more the class selection and weapon selection on certain picks. And let's not even talk about how it would be impossible to manage to hellbrute or two carnifex. You want 2 of this type of enemies cool keep their damages threshold but half their health pool.

Terminus aren't created or implemented at the moment to be spawned in pair. There is difficulty and than there is braindead idea like these just for the heck of it. All the morons that upvote this aren't thinking at all and just reacting "cuz muh game is eazy".

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15 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 5:20:03 PM

I voted yes, but I think it may be time to stop the exclusive gear associated with these ridiculous difficulties

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15 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 5:22:01 PM

More terminus enemies is a yes from me, in fact more extremis enemies should also be fun, up to 4 or even 5 at the same time, also chaos should have another terminus level enemy

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15 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 5:24:41 PM

MrCreeper16 wrote:

I think it's better as an optional modifier. Could do 1 terminus per attack wave but with less health, however you will receive no armory point on kill

Could go the Darktide route where you fight two(or more) weakened(lower health) Terminus enemies. Darktide version is you can fight almost up to 5 at the same time if your team is not fast enough at dealing with them. Be cool seeing a modifier like that for absolute. 
To add to this: the weakened versions should have a modified model where they're already wounded, kinda like the Hive Tyrant boss with a piece of metal bar lodged in it. Just to make it obvious that you're fighting a weakened terminus enemy. A visual cue of sorts for players with boss HP hud turned off.

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15 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 5:28:03 PM

I want absolute to be as hard as possible lore wise it is meant for Space Marines to not come back from

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