你们在 steam上的游戏客服就是个空域名根本无法反馈信息

游戏基础操作的改变和增加Changes and additions to basic game operations 1.在购买一个新东西的时候是否可以在一个职业中浏览过后消除所有的感叹号? 2.战甲可以进行更自由的改色,很多装饰都不能改色,武器也是如此,希望冠军皮也可以改色,因为实在太丑了 3.武器升级完全可以变成修改配件,就和使命召唤一样,我们并不喜欢固定的模板来限制我们的想法和操作 4.每个职业的等级上升的时候最好可以增加某些属性,比如血量增加护甲增加,而不是单一的局限在技能树里,如果因此导致难度降低,那大可以增加难度等级上限 5.增加更多的货币,现在不仅是学习技能需要货币,甚至购买涂装和据我之后所了解的季票也要货币解锁,可能这是公司的策略,但尽可能的还是希望减少些肝度 6.在战斗驳船的时候队友之间不应该没有碰撞体积,而且最好做一些可以让好友直接互相交互的动作而不是单一的说话,这里可以参考绝地潜兵2 Can I remove all exclamation marks after browsing through a profession when purchasing a new item? 2. Armor can be colored more freely, and many decorations cannot be colored. The same goes for weapons. I hope the champion leather can also be colored, because it is really ugly 3. Weapon upgrades can be completely transformed into modified accessories, just like Call of Duty. We don't like fixed templates to limit our ideas and operations When the level of each profession increases, it is best to add certain attributes, such as increased health and armor, instead of being limited to the skill tree alone. If this leads to a decrease in difficulty, the upper limit of the difficulty level can be increased 5. Increase more currency, now not only learning skills requires currency, but even purchasing paint and season tickets that I later learned require currency unlocking. Perhaps this is the company's strategy, but we still hope to reduce the burden as much as possible 6. When fighting on a barge, teammates should not have no collision volume between them, and it is best to do some actions that allow friends to interact directly with each other instead of just talking. Here, you can refer to Jedi Submariner 2 游戏的pve模式的建议 Suggestions for PVE mode of the game 1.希望地图可以更加自由,虽然避免不了更多的bug,但我们更不希望到处都是空气墙 2.每个行动添加更多的主线和支线以便在做完任务后可以获得更多的奖励,而且可以避免在某些任务中利用无限翻滚去进行斩首行动,这会让地图中出现的敌人没有任何意义,因为我觉得行动pve模式的初衷是想让玩家在任务的基础上击杀敌人去获得快感,而不是单纯的获取经验和货币 3.每个职业之间的区别应该更加明显,让其可以在他们擅长的领域打的很爽,以下是我对现在几个职业的改动方案: 1.战术兵技能可以加出嘲讽属性,让其更能凸显出战术行为 2.突击取消副手手枪,将雷锤和拳套变为双手近战武器,拳套变成两个,将跳包属性变成像战役一样强大,当然也要在技能树中取消充能增益 3.先锋兵可以在任何地形部署钩锁,虽然这有些难以实现 4.重装兵取消拳套,并且实现边拿盾边射击的效果,让盾牌提供定量的伤害减免,让技能可以和本体一样移动 5.特战的技能可以稍微放大并包裹住四周而不是单一的一面 也许这些改动方案可能让难度变得简单,但还是那个理论,大可以增加难度上限 4.在增加难度的时候希望不要增加敌人的数值和降低玩家的数值,大可以将战斗时间拉长将敌人的数量增加,这样既能让玩家不那么坐牢也可以增加游戏的难度 5.将远程兵的数量减少,随机刷新只刷近战单位,远程兵只在固定点位刷新 6.血量里白条的时间增长让玩家有足够的时间反应和回血,并且在被敌人打僵直的时候希望处于一小段的无敌时间而不会受到复数的伤害 7.平衡一下武器,并不是让你去直接削弱强力的武器,而是让其他武器变得可用,比如所有的爆弹枪,离子枪,并没有很明显的提现出它们的特长,甚至在行动中会让玩家的难度增大 也许这些改动方案可能让难度变得简单,但还是那个理论,大可以增加难度上限 1. We hope the map can be more free, although we cannot avoid more bugs, we also do not want air walls everywhere 2. Add more main and side quests to each action so that players can receive more rewards after completing tasks, and avoid using infinite rolling to perform decapitation actions in certain tasks. This will make the enemies appearing in the map meaningless, because I think the original intention of the action PVE mode is to allow players to kill enemies on the basis of tasks to gain pleasure, rather than simply gaining experience and currency 3. The differences between each profession should be more distinct, so that they can excel in their areas of expertise. Here are my proposed changes to the current professions: 1. Tactical soldier skills can add mocking attributes, making them more prominent in tactical behavior 2. Assault and cancel the deputy handgun, turn the Thunderbolt Hammer and Boxing Set into two handed melee weapons, change the Boxing Set to two, and make the Jump Pack attribute as powerful as a battle. Of course, also cancel the recharge gain in the skill tree 3. Vanguard soldiers can deploy hooks and locks on any terrain, although this may be difficult to achieve 4. The heavy soldier cancels the boxing ring and achieves the effect of shooting while holding the shield, allowing the shield to provide quantitative damage reduction and allowing the skill to move like the body 5. The skills of special operations can be slightly enlarged and wrapped around the surroundings instead of a single side Perhaps these modification plans may make the difficulty easier, but it's still the same theory that can increase the upper limit of difficulty 4. When increasing difficulty, it is hoped that the number of enemies will not be increased and the player's number will not be reduced. It is possible to prolong the battle time and increase the number of enemies, which can not only reduce the player's imprisonment but also increase the difficulty of the game 5. Reduce the number of ranged soldiers, randomly refresh only melee units, and only refresh ranged soldiers at fixed points 6. The time increase of the white bar in the health allows players enough time to react and heal, and they hope to be invincible for a short period of time without being damaged by multiple numbers when being stiff by enemies 7. Balancing weapons is not about directly weakening powerful ones, but about making other weapons available, such as all explosive and ion guns, without clearly highlighting their strengths, and even increasing the difficulty for players during actions Perhaps these modification plans may make the difficulty easier, but it's still the same theory that can increase the upper limit of difficulty 以上都是基于游戏原有内容的修改的更新,现在下面是我希望这个游戏能让我玩到的内容The above are all modifications and updates based on the original content of the game. Now, below are the contents that I hope this game can allow me to playd 1.无畏或者坦克,无论是以什么样的背景或者进场方式,很希望能开着无畏或者坦克在行动里击杀敌人 2.特殊武器,例如手动或自动炮塔,陷阱或者重型一次性武器,而不是只能在地图里看到各种各样的手雷 3.人数更多的组队和更大的行动 1. Fearless or tank, regardless of the background or approach, I really hope to drive fearless or tank to kill enemies in action 2. Special weapons, such as manual or automatic turrets, traps, or heavy disposable weapons, instead of just seeing various hand grenades on the map 3. Teams with more people and larger actions 这些想法可能无法实施,但如果出现,玩家一定可以玩的更开心 These ideas may not be feasible, but if they arise, players can definitely have a happier time playing 有可能还有很多想法没有说,但希望能认真对待现在的问题,可以不用那么多次的售卖季票和开发新地图,可以将原有内容改好玩家的体验才更好,而且希望可以不用那么多的将精力放在pvp上面,你我都清楚,外挂问题不解决,pvp就不如不更新 There may still be many ideas that haven't been expressed, but I hope we can take the current problem seriously. We don't have to sell season tickets and develop new maps so many times, and we can impro