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Inferno Pistol for Assault

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4 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 2:24:15 PM

A minor recommendation, but for us blood angels players who are having to wait forever for our cosmetic content, this would be a huge boon. It would also be good for everyone else who plays assault regularly.

Firstly, the lore/TT argument:

  1. Inferno Pistols are a BA specific weapon both in table top and in lore. BA are very closely tied to the assault marines as a chapter identity. For those of us who play blood angels, being able to take an Inferno Pistol as assault would be a great way to get more in character and immersed in the game, and at least for me, would tide us over until our cosmetics come
  2. On the table top the majority of units that can take inferno pistols are jump pack and melee units in 10th, the only real exceptions to this are tactical marines and Death Company with Bolt Rifles, who are a BA specific unit. Notably none of the units that can take inferno pistols are in phobos or gravis armor (sniper, heavy, vanguard, the classes that actually got the inferno pistol). While I don't mind Saber branching out and getting creative, not giving the inferno pistol to a class that it is most iconic with, while giving it to classes who it has never been seen with, rubs the wrong way.

Space Marine 2 is hardly a 100% lore accurate game when it comes to loadouts, and i'm not saying we should strip heavy and sniper of their inferno pistols, I just want it given to the class it is most ironically tied with.
Second, the gameplay argument:

  1. Inferno pistol does fill a niche for assault: instant close range damage. It's not like giving inferno pistol to assault would be superfluous, though it likely wouldn't be the best strat it would be a unique playstyle that very much leans into assault's core gameplay of being up close and sustaining melee damage.
  2. Assault lacks a primary, currently most of his unique gameplay comes from which melee you select, adding inferno pistol would give him a new layer of playstyle dimension, as it would force him to always engage to get the most out of his gear

All of assaults secondary's are very similar in core design, giving him an inferno pistol would offer him a new, unique playstyle that isn't entirely reliant on which melee weapon he chooses.

At the end of the day I love this game, and patch 7 seems great so far. Most of the cosmetics slap, adding more shoulders with blank faces for decals is a great choice, and the reworked melee perks are really good. This is all that is on my wish list. BA players are already waiting an eternity for our cosmetic content, we would love it if you could throw us this bone.

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4 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 2:40:04 PM

Seconded. Giving the Inferno Pistol to assault would not upset any balance concerns while bringing great lore-flavours to the game, and I would think many of those who have stayed with this game are invested into 40K's lore somewhat. 

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4 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 3:06:44 PM

I literally made an account for the forums to come here and post about this, not giving the assault the inferno pistol is an appalling omission. It's a weapon, like the OP said, that is specifically iconic only to jetpack units with few exceptions. Not having the inferno pistol present on assault makes zero sense, I was almost expecting it to be assault-only like the hammer. I don't understand how this could be anything but a mistake if the Devs of Space Marine II know warhammer 40k lore? 

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4 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 3:37:27 PM

TheStockPurist wrote:

A minor recommendation, but for us blood angels players who are having to wait forever for our cosmetic content, this would be a huge boon. It would also be good for everyone else who plays assault regularly.

Firstly, the lore/TT argument:

  1. Inferno Pistols are a BA specific weapon both in table top and in lore. BA are very closely tied to the assault marines as a chapter identity. For those of us who play blood angels, being able to take an Inferno Pistol as assault would be a great way to get more in character and immersed in the game, and at least for me, would tide us over until our cosmetics come
  2. On the table top the majority of units that can take inferno pistols are jump pack and melee units in 10th, the only real exceptions to this are tactical marines and Death Company with Bolt Rifles, who are a BA specific unit. Notably none of the units that can take inferno pistols are in phobos or gravis armor (sniper, heavy, vanguard, the classes that actually got the inferno pistol). While I don't mind Saber branching out and getting creative, not giving the inferno pistol to a class that it is most iconic with, while giving it to classes who it has never been seen with, rubs the wrong way.

Space Marine 2 is hardly a 100% lore accurate game when it comes to loadouts, and i'm not saying we should strip heavy and sniper of their inferno pistols, I just want it given to the class it is most ironically tied with.
Second, the gameplay argument:

  1. Inferno pistol does fill a niche for assault: instant close range damage. It's not like giving inferno pistol to assault would be superfluous, though it likely wouldn't be the best strat it would be a unique playstyle that very much leans into assault's core gameplay of being up close and sustaining melee damage.
  2. Assault lacks a primary, currently most of his unique gameplay comes from which melee you select, adding inferno pistol would give him a new layer of playstyle dimension, as it would force him to always engage to get the most out of his gear

All of assaults secondary's are very similar in core design, giving him an inferno pistol would offer him a new, unique playstyle that isn't entirely reliant on which melee weapon he chooses.

At the end of the day I love this game, and patch 7 seems great so far. Most of the cosmetics slap, adding more shoulders with blank faces for decals is a great choice, and the reworked melee perks are really good. This is all that is on my wish list. BA players are already waiting an eternity for our cosmetic content, we would love it if you could throw us this bone.


Also made a thread on this with some extras to consider.

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4 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 3:42:51 PM

Justice for the assault! They deserve inferno pistol more than any other class! (even if in hindsight it will completely destroy their ranged capability lol)

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4 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 3:56:26 PM

Voghelm wrote:

Justice for the assault! They deserve inferno pistol more than any other class! (even if in hindsight it will completely destroy their ranged capability lol)

Yeah but he would make up for it in newfound crowd clear.
Frankly, I don't want it because it will be good, I am under no illusions that it will be, I want it because it's the fun fluffy take. Playing BA on table top I take every inferno pistol I can, and I have some of the best stories because of it.

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4 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 5:09:47 PM

Yes!! Please!! Why do Assault had to limit the amount of secondary weapons? It should have access to all of them since he limited to secondary only.

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4 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 5:47:59 PM

Assault should absolutely get the inferno pistol. I'm honestly surprised that vanguard gets an inferno over the assault for this patch, especially since vanguard is already stronger than assault at closing distance and hoard clearing (invulnerable during grapple and melta rifle).

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4 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 11:27:32 PM

I believe it doesn't exist on the single ranged weapon characters because this would leave them with literally no option to kill zoanthropes, meleeing them can be literally impossible most the time and they take heavily decreased melta damage, it is very rare for a zoa to fall to a melta weapon on high difficulties the classes that have the inferno pistol are those who can make the most use out of it and it should stay that way and its a great addition to the game at that, sorry your favorite class didn't get the weapon 

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4 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 11:29:15 PM

I don't think it will work. How are you going to kill a Zoanthrope with it? I get that Powerfist players can kind of punch up but even then do you really want to be so close that it start screaming at you and vaporizing all your life? I'm sure we'll get a lot of players posting and complaining that Assaults join public games with the inferno pistol and dont really contribute towards Neuro and Zoan kills. I mean if you can convince the devs to also make it do great damage vs flying enemies then yeah, it could work.

Updated 4 days ago.
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3 days ago
Mar 14, 2025, 2:56:35 AM

RaffRatte wrote:

I believe it doesn't exist on the single ranged weapon characters because this would leave them with literally no option to kill zoanthropes, meleeing them can be literally impossible most the time and they take heavily decreased melta damage, it is very rare for a zoa to fall to a melta weapon on high difficulties the classes that have the inferno pistol are those who can make the most use out of it and it should stay that way and its a great addition to the game at that, sorry your favorite class didn't get the weapon 

Skylarkin wrote:

I don't think it will work. How are you going to kill a Zoanthrope with it? I get that Powerfist players can kind of punch up but even then do you really want to be so close that it start screaming at you and vaporizing all your life? I'm sure we'll get a lot of players posting and complaining that Assaults join public games with the inferno pistol and dont really contribute towards Neuro and Zoan kills. I mean if you can convince the devs to also make it do great damage vs flying enemies then yeah, it could work.

Who cares? If a player's that concerned then they don't take it and that's that.

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3 days ago
Mar 14, 2025, 6:19:17 AM

RaffRatte wrote:

I believe it doesn't exist on the single ranged weapon characters because this would leave them with literally no option to kill zoanthropes, meleeing them can be literally impossible most the time and they take heavily decreased melta damage, it is very rare for a zoa to fall to a melta weapon on high difficulties the classes that have the inferno pistol are those who can make the most use out of it and it should stay that way and its a great addition to the game at that, sorry your favorite class didn't get the weapon 

Skylarkin wrote:

I don't think it will work. How are you going to kill a Zoanthrope with it? I get that Powerfist players can kind of punch up but even then do you really want to be so close that it start screaming at you and vaporizing all your life? I'm sure we'll get a lot of players posting and complaining that Assaults join public games with the inferno pistol and dont really contribute towards Neuro and Zoan kills. I mean if you can convince the devs to also make it do great damage vs flying enemies then yeah, it could work.

Honestly it's not about it being good, the inferno in general really isn't a good weapon
but it would be fun, and you do have two other team mates who should be able to take zoans who aren't hard to deal with if you have a tac, heavy, or sniper
It wouldn't take away from assault to have the option, just give him an alternative playstyle

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3 days ago
Mar 14, 2025, 9:33:47 AM

The Dev said something about that any new idea have to be vote in the "ideas" tab. Perhaps we should post our comments there to increase vote to implement it in the future?


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3 days ago
Mar 14, 2025, 10:29:12 AM

Max_Will_It wrote:

The Dev said something about that any new idea have to be vote in the "ideas" tab. Perhaps we should post our comments there to increase vote to implement it in the future?


I'll upvote that post yeah, but I think this is genuine feedback and not an "idea"
we aren't asking for new weapons or mechanics, or asking for new implementation, just for them to shift over a weapon they already have in the game under the thread where they want to know how we feel about this weapon

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3 days ago
Mar 14, 2025, 3:05:12 PM

The Great Angel demands the Assault's wargear be expanded to include the Inferno Pistol!
Can I upvote multiple times? For emphasis... you know?

Updated 3 days ago.
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