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Power Sword damage output still feels low compared to every alternative

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4 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 5:31:30 PM

Even with Assault's various melee damage buffs I can't seem to make the Power Sword feel good. Even with the Block variant its damage feels weak for both melee attacks and ground pounds. Ground pounds feel about as weak as they do with a Chainsword, the difference being you don't have a strong melee weapon to make up for it. Only thing it has going for it is the easy/safe Minoris horde clear, but even for that both classes have stronger options. I don't see a reason to ever use this on either class aside from it having the (objectively) best aesthetics of any melee weapon.

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4 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 11:01:09 PM

Assault should not have gotten it IMO since Bulwark did not get the hammer, only fair. All the problems the sword has on Bulwark are obviously present with Assault except Assault lacks the two funny melee damage on shield bash perks that make the sword significantly better on him.

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4 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 11:03:49 PM

And yet you'd swear by some peoples logic. Adding it classes like a tac, would outright break class balance. Put it on tac, even if it isn't meta, it'd just be a fun and still viable choice.

Updated 4 days ago.
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4 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 11:22:55 PM

feels fine to me, ran it on multiple absolute bug missions on assault and sticking to mainly the speed mode with a setup for optimal damage in the perk tree and just a generally strong assault build and I had little to no issues with the weapon, but did struggle to use it against tzeentch abit more but I'm just chalking that up to having more experience with bugs

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3 days ago
Mar 14, 2025, 11:45:29 AM

What are you talking about bro? power sword is amazing.
I absolutely mulch through entire hordes of warriors with the power sword.
I wouldn't switch it for a stinky chainsword in a million years.

I feel like maybe your perk setup might just be bad.

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3 days ago
Mar 14, 2025, 11:59:56 AM

Yes single target (major) damage is very underwelming!!!

Hitting is just a way to pass time for the next perry and actually do some damage!!!

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3 days ago
Mar 14, 2025, 1:29:58 PM

Power sword damage output is absolutely fine provided you know how to stance dance.

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3 days ago
Mar 14, 2025, 1:59:28 PM

HomerJay wrote:

Yes single target (major) damage is very underwelming!!!

Hitting is just a way to pass time for the next perry and actually do some damage!!!

The chainsword can let you do the stomp combo to keep zoning while you wail at the majoris, the power sword doesn't,
The power stance is great (but pretty boring) to cleave trough hordes of minoris very easily (but you still have to hit them twice), the speed stance is supposed to be good at dueling Majoris, but it just feel VERY pillowy and in the end all you do is "look busy" until you can FINALLY parry them to put them in execute (As far as I know, with my current build, I 100% put warriors on execute stance after a perfect parry with my bulwark).

The fast stance just need to do more damage. The idea of it being a mono target stance is perfectly fine... it just need to ACTUALLY do something to a mono target.

Updated 3 days ago.
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3 days ago
Mar 14, 2025, 2:59:16 PM

If you tell me you're doing fine using it, I believe you, every weapon in the game can clear all the content. The issue is that you're worse off using it than you would be with any alternative, where as the other melee options each provide their own unique benefit and excel in at least one area in particular over every other option. 

-Chainsword has the best consistent raw damage output, fast stun potential, and the best contested health recovery

-Combat Knife has Shadow Stab, which is build enabling for Sniper, and now on Tactical hits the same two-shot breakpoint as the Chainsword vs melee Warriors with a faster animation

-Power Fist has incredible range (can hit Zoanthropes), and can one-shot ranged Majoris from a distance

-Thunder Hammer has the best ground pound synergy, with superior damage and aoe, allowing for easy one-shots against almost all targets

-Power Sword, meanwhile, looks cool and can stun Minoris with light attacks

I promise you there is never an instance where you're benefitting from using a Power Sword over another option, I think a lot of people just overestimate its strength while getting most of their damage from gun strikes. I've been maining the non-GL Bolt Rifle on my Tactical since the game came out and I've had success with it in every operation on every difficulty, that doesn't mean it's ever been mechanincally worth using over the GL variant, Stalker, or Plasma. I just use it for the aesthetic and it works for me. With this patch they've buffed it to be actually strong, and the Power Sword deserves the same treatment. Whether that means buffing its damage in general, increasing the damage on the Block variant specifically, or reworking the weapon mechanically, it should get some love to make it competitive with the other melee options.

Updated 3 days ago.
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3 days ago
Mar 14, 2025, 4:16:20 PM

MeetTheJoves wrote:

If you tell me you're doing fine using it, I believe you, every weapon in the game can clear all the content. The issue is that you're worse off using it than you would be with any alternative, where as the other melee options each provide their own unique benefit and excel in at least one area in particular over every other option. 

-Chainsword has the best consistent raw damage output, fast stun potential, and the best contested health recovery

-Combat Knife has Shadow Stab, which is build enabling for Sniper, and now on Tactical hits the same two-shot breakpoint as the Chainsword vs melee Warriors with a faster animation

-Power Fist has incredible range (can hit Zoanthropes), and can one-shot ranged Majoris from a distance

-Thunder Hammer has the best ground pound synergy, with superior damage and aoe, allowing for easy one-shots against almost all targets

-Power Sword, meanwhile, looks cool and can stun Minoris with light attacks

I promise you there is never an instance where you're benefitting from using a Power Sword over another option, I think a lot of people just overestimate its strength while getting most of their damage from gun strikes. I've been maining the non-GL Bolt Rifle on my Tactical since the game came out and I've had success with it in every operation on every difficulty, that doesn't mean it's ever been mechanincally worth using over the GL variant, Stalker, or Plasma. I just use it for the aesthetic and it works for me. With this patch they've buffed it to be actually strong, and the Power Sword deserves the same treatment. Whether that means buffing its damage in general, increasing the damage on the Block variant specifically, or reworking the weapon mechanically, it should get some love to make it competitive with the other melee options.

The thing is if they want to buff power sword damage they kind of HAVE TO nerf the perk that gives AOE on parries for bulwark by a significant amount.
One parry + a gunstrike, is a near-guaranteed kill on majoris at absolute.  if you hit them once MAYBE twice with your power sword? it's even more powerful.
I'd be happy to see a more powerful power sword if the current AOE damage of bulwark wasn't so absolutely busted.
For context: a gunstrike with assaults' gunstrike perk does around 30% of a bar from a hive tyrant on absolute.
a single parry, just simply PARRYING an enemy as a bulwark right now, does 60% of his health bar.

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3 days ago
Mar 14, 2025, 5:18:39 PM

Gary_The_Metro wrote:

MeetTheJoves wrote:

If you tell me you're doing fine using it, I believe you, every weapon in the game can clear all the content. The issue is that you're worse off using it than you would be with any alternative, where as the other melee options each provide their own unique benefit and excel in at least one area in particular over every other option. 

-Chainsword has the best consistent raw damage output, fast stun potential, and the best contested health recovery

-Combat Knife has Shadow Stab, which is build enabling for Sniper, and now on Tactical hits the same two-shot breakpoint as the Chainsword vs melee Warriors with a faster animation

-Power Fist has incredible range (can hit Zoanthropes), and can one-shot ranged Majoris from a distance

-Thunder Hammer has the best ground pound synergy, with superior damage and aoe, allowing for easy one-shots against almost all targets

-Power Sword, meanwhile, looks cool and can stun Minoris with light attacks

I promise you there is never an instance where you're benefitting from using a Power Sword over another option, I think a lot of people just overestimate its strength while getting most of their damage from gun strikes. I've been maining the non-GL Bolt Rifle on my Tactical since the game came out and I've had success with it in every operation on every difficulty, that doesn't mean it's ever been mechanincally worth using over the GL variant, Stalker, or Plasma. I just use it for the aesthetic and it works for me. With this patch they've buffed it to be actually strong, and the Power Sword deserves the same treatment. Whether that means buffing its damage in general, increasing the damage on the Block variant specifically, or reworking the weapon mechanically, it should get some love to make it competitive with the other melee options.

The thing is if they want to buff power sword damage they kind of HAVE TO nerf the perk that gives AOE on parries for bulwark by a significant amount.
One parry + a gunstrike, is a near-guaranteed kill on majoris at absolute.  if you hit them once MAYBE twice with your power sword? it's even more powerful.
I'd be happy to see a more powerful power sword if the current AOE damage of bulwark wasn't so absolutely busted.
For context: a gunstrike with assaults' gunstrike perk does around 30% of a bar from a hive tyrant on absolute.
a single parry, just simply PARRYING an enemy as a bulwark right now, does 60% of his health bar.

Sure, Intimidating Aura feels a bit overtuned right now, but nothing's stopping you from running a Power Fist on Bulwark right now, so I don't see what this has to do with bringing the Power Sword up to par.

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3 days ago
Mar 14, 2025, 7:48:56 PM
The power stance is good imo, but the speed stance feel so weak, around 9 hits to kil 1 Majoris, while i can parry instal kill a majoris.

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3 days ago
Mar 14, 2025, 7:56:01 PM

Tranchoir wrote:
The power stance is good imo, but the speed stance feel so weak, around 9 hits to kil 1 Majoris, while i can parry instal kill a majoris.

Yup, that's exactly the problem.
A shame because the weapon does what every other don't: it has 2 modes that (supposedly) should done only one thing but do it well, and while the Power stance works (albeit in a very monotonous manner) the speed stance doesn't.

Since that stance basically remove all cleave from your attacks, there is no reason to not make them be hyper efficient at killing ONE stuff quickly, especially when you literally can one shot anything that dare to present you with a blue attack.

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3 days ago
Mar 14, 2025, 10:57:03 PM

Gary_The_Metro wrote:

MeetTheJoves wrote:

If you tell me you're doing fine using it, I believe you, every weapon in the game can clear all the content. The issue is that you're worse off using it than you would be with any alternative, where as the other melee options each provide their own unique benefit and excel in at least one area in particular over every other option. 

-Chainsword has the best consistent raw damage output, fast stun potential, and the best contested health recovery

-Combat Knife has Shadow Stab, which is build enabling for Sniper, and now on Tactical hits the same two-shot breakpoint as the Chainsword vs melee Warriors with a faster animation

-Power Fist has incredible range (can hit Zoanthropes), and can one-shot ranged Majoris from a distance

-Thunder Hammer has the best ground pound synergy, with superior damage and aoe, allowing for easy one-shots against almost all targets

-Power Sword, meanwhile, looks cool and can stun Minoris with light attacks

I promise you there is never an instance where you're benefitting from using a Power Sword over another option, I think a lot of people just overestimate its strength while getting most of their damage from gun strikes. I've been maining the non-GL Bolt Rifle on my Tactical since the game came out and I've had success with it in every operation on every difficulty, that doesn't mean it's ever been mechanincally worth using over the GL variant, Stalker, or Plasma. I just use it for the aesthetic and it works for me. With this patch they've buffed it to be actually strong, and the Power Sword deserves the same treatment. Whether that means buffing its damage in general, increasing the damage on the Block variant specifically, or reworking the weapon mechanically, it should get some love to make it competitive with the other melee options.

The thing is if they want to buff power sword damage they kind of HAVE TO nerf the perk that gives AOE on parries for bulwark by a significant amount.
One parry + a gunstrike, is a near-guaranteed kill on majoris at absolute.  if you hit them once MAYBE twice with your power sword? it's even more powerful.
I'd be happy to see a more powerful power sword if the current AOE damage of bulwark wasn't so absolutely busted.
For context: a gunstrike with assaults' gunstrike perk does around 30% of a bar from a hive tyrant on absolute.
a single parry, just simply PARRYING an enemy as a bulwark right now, does 60% of his health bar.

Um... I think Intimidating Aura is doing 1/12, or 8.333% of the Hive Tyrant's health.
I think they could buff the power sword to be as good as the chain sword, or even better. Right now it is mechanically harder to min/max and does less damage than all other melee weapons. As a weapon exclusive to the two melee classes (soon to be Assault), why shouldn't it be one of the best melee weapons? Power Fist is already goated, and the 20% damage buff to charged attacks (for Bulwark) makes Power Sword even worse by comparison. Let's make it an option that doesn't feel awful to pick, please. Those of us who are slaves to instrumental play want better options.

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3 days ago
Mar 14, 2025, 11:04:40 PM

MeetTheJoves wrote:

Even with Assault's various melee damage buffs I can't seem to make the Power Sword feel good. Even with the Block variant its damage feels weak for both melee attacks and ground pounds. Ground pounds feel about as weak as they do with a Chainsword, the difference being you don't have a strong melee weapon to make up for it. Only thing it has going for it is the easy/safe Minoris horde clear, but even for that both classes have stronger options. I don't see a reason to ever use this on either class aside from it having the (objectively) best aesthetics of any melee weapon.

I 100% agree. Power Sword is the worst melee weapon and it is a shame because it is so good-looking and has such sick animations. I hope it can compete with the other melee weapons someday. In 7.0, it probably needs a base damage buff to give the same breakpoints as a chain sword in Speed Stance, and a Power Rake should count as a charged attack to benefit from Overcharge.

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2 days ago
Mar 15, 2025, 3:18:37 AM

Power Sword easily feels worse than all other melee IMO. It only feels good on Bulwark because of AoE parry perk, not because Sword itself is any good. However, my issue with the Power Sword is in the VARIANTS: i.e. there's only on variant worth using at the moment.

The fencing variant feels just fine to me. However, balance and block variants are basically garbage. IMO, using Chainsword as a basis is what Power Sword needs: Fencing should be statistically weakest, as it's strength is opening enemies to gunstrikes. Balance should be a statistical boost in raw damage over fencing, as it's less defensively oriented. Block variant should be the outright winner in raw damage, clearly. As it stands, the block variants on the Power Sword are trash-tier. No reason to pick balance or block over fencing, which really leaves Power Sword in a bad place.

Overall, it doesn't really feel like the sword ITSELF kills anything. The Power Sword just feels like a stick you swing while your mates and your gunstrikes do the actual damage.

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2 days ago
Mar 15, 2025, 9:32:36 AM
I kind of found a use for it.
Basically you grab all bonuses to ranged damage and mostly use your sidearm (HBP).
Sword has a perk to make you immune to knock back when in heavy stance, which assault lacks.
Basically only attacking to regen armour on minoris or when ground pound is on cool down.
Despite all the buffs, dps isn't that good. If assault had access to say a bolt rifle that would be a whole different story though.
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2 days ago
Mar 15, 2025, 10:46:12 AM

Your not wrong , power sword could use some proper tweaking - for dmg recent buffs to power mode are noticeable for sure and if your comfortable with block weapons the artificer block version is a whopping 15 strength with or without adreniline rush it takes chunks out of majoris and extremis - in the hands of an assault on ground pound attacks its pretty impressive also. again not disagreeing that over all its less impressive a melee weapon in general and needs love but some of it works - my 2cp

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2 days ago
Mar 15, 2025, 11:31:48 AM

Grimhallow wrote:

Um... I think Intimidating Aura is doing 1/12, or 8.333% of the Hive Tyrant's health.
I think they could buff the power sword to be as good as the chain sword, or even better. Right now it is mechanically harder to min/max and does less damage than all other melee weapons. As a weapon exclusive to the two melee classes (soon to be Assault), why shouldn't it be one of the best melee weapons? Power Fist is already goated, and the 20% damage buff to charged attacks (for Bulwark) makes Power Sword even worse by comparison. Let's make it an option that doesn't feel awful to pick, please. Those of us who are slaves to instrumental play want better options.

30% of >a< bar, not his entire health bar, but the little bars that his (and our own) healthbars are divided into.
Intimidating aura does over double the damage of a gunstrike by simply parrying an enemy.

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