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Prestinging SHOULD reset your class perks

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9 days ago
Mar 16, 2025, 7:04:13 AM

Prestiging should reset your class perks as the title says. That is what prestiging is, you go back to square one to work your way back up to where you were, only you have something extra or an advantage when you level up again like a perk or a cosmetic or both. Prestiging should be tedious and hard, you have the choice not to do it. If you don't want to reset your class perks you literally do not have to. No one is forcing you to, you are just missing out on some cool mechanics in the game. Prestiging should be for people who like the game and want the challenge of going back to level one. Getting cosmetics and perks is the reward for the hard and tedious thing that prestige is. Players who prestige should feel good about getting their perks and feeling like they earned it. If you make it super easy without actually having a challenge then what is the point?

 Everyone loves to try and morph this game into their ideal vision for what it should be, but asking the devs to make this system easier means almost everyone will blow through it and complain there's no content and beg for more. It happens almost every patch. The devs just ran a poll to try and make absolute harder because its too easy. Prestige can make the game more challenging, but people are asking to make that process easier, even though a problem the devs are having is the game is too easy. It doesn't make sense to me. Please make the class perks reset on prestige. This is coming from someone with 400 hours and plays primarily PVE. I want to re-level everything again. I want that challenge, that's the point.

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9 days ago
Mar 16, 2025, 8:42:58 AM

Re-leveling is not a challenge, it's a grind. Leveling your class to 25 just to hit reset once you have your class in a position of synergy is dumb. Let me play my class with the perks I earned.  A game is suppose to be fun not a damn chore,  resetting perks is just bad all around. 

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9 days ago
Mar 16, 2025, 12:09:13 PM

I've already said this in another topic, but I'll repeat it again: it would be fun to reset perks ONCE for each class, for the very last prestige perk, for example. So, you earn the first three perks simply by gaining experience equivalent to 25 levels, but to get the fourth (and the cosmetics that come with it), you have to go through a full perk reset. Seems like a compromise for me - challenging, fun, not so grinding.

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9 days ago
Mar 16, 2025, 12:55:01 PM

Just an FYI to all, this exact post was made to the r/Spacemarine subreddit at the same time as this one, and was downvoted to the Warp and back. This user isn't interested in putting forth a well-founded argument or considering other points-of-view.

To my knowledge there isn't a downvote function on Focus Together.

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8 days ago
Mar 16, 2025, 4:55:21 PM

Play as a Low level and play with Low level players are the most annoying things on PVE!!!

Let's fill the game by design with it!!!

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8 days ago
Mar 16, 2025, 7:15:06 PM

Re-earning perks so I can have a fun build again just to get ONE perk that doesn't add anything fundamentally different or change how I play is not something I want and if they do go that route I simply won't  prestige.

If the prestige system included perks that fundamentally alter how you play the class then sure reset my perks. Like if bulwark had a perk to discard the shield for a thunder hammer (has has been suggested before) then sure have me re-level the class with this new playstyle. But the grind sucked the first time I don't want the same grind again. If the grind were different maybe I wouldn't mind. If they made you able to select alternative perks in the slots of the class itself then hell yeah I would re-level the class to pick out perks that better fit my playstyle as opposed to some of the options which are just plain bad and nobody picks. (like 200% shield bash damage, nobody picks that after they have anything else to pick) 

So there you go: if re-leveling offered a new experience than the first time around it would be fine, it is not so that is a hard no from the majority of the community, even the people that generally don't see eye-to-eye on other topics.

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8 days ago
Mar 17, 2025, 2:38:02 AM

PulpHater wrote:

Just an FYI to all, this exact post was made to the r/Spacemarine subreddit at the same time as this one, and was downvoted to the Warp and back. This user isn't interested in putting forth a well-founded argument or considering other points-of-view.

To my knowledge there isn't a downvote function on Focus Together.

Yes I did post this on the subreddit mainly because this is my opinion. Wasn't trying to bait or anything. I think there are a lot of people on these forums and reddit that get the devs ear when there's also a lot of people like me who just play the game and don't interact with the forums. I made an account just to post this because I want the devs and whoever else to know that not everyone wants these changes done. I want exactly how its going to release right now and don't want it changed. That said, even if they change it I'll still play it cause this game is awesome. 

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8 days ago
Mar 17, 2025, 2:40:11 AM

hipsterhead_91 wrote:

I've already said this in another topic, but I'll repeat it again: it would be fun to reset perks ONCE for each class, for the very last prestige perk, for example. So, you earn the first three perks simply by gaining experience equivalent to 25 levels, but to get the fourth (and the cosmetics that come with it), you have to go through a full perk reset. Seems like a compromise for me - challenging, fun, not so grinding.

To be honest I think that would be a good compromise. I would still rather have everything reset every time, but if it came out this way I wouldn't mind that either.​

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8 days ago
Mar 17, 2025, 3:35:31 AM

Yeah but how about this, each prestige you get to levels up 5% faster. Then Saber add 6 more levels to get six more perks, total of 10 Prestige levels. So each time you prestige you get stronger and stronger. To make it interesting the higher the prestige the more special the cosmetic.

That will keep me coming back for more.

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7 days ago
Mar 18, 2025, 8:13:09 AM

Max_Will_It wrote:

Yeah but how about this, each prestige you get to levels up 5% faster. Then Saber add 6 more levels to get six more perks, total of 10 Prestige levels. So each time you prestige you get stronger and stronger. To make it interesting the higher the prestige the more special the cosmetic.

That will keep me coming back for more.

5% Bonus XP for every Prestige Rank you already have (for all classes combinded) might be a good idea to somewhat shorten the grind.

So +20% XP if you have 1 class on prestige IV.

The main issue with the people who are agains resetting the perks is that it takes too long to relevel to Level 20 to get the meta-Perks on every class.

Updated 7 days ago.
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6 days ago
Mar 18, 2025, 5:17:11 PM

No, thank you. 

As you can see you are the vast minority 

I wish there was a downvote button to show you how unwanted this is

Kindly STFU about it 

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6 days ago
Mar 18, 2025, 5:19:15 PM

PulpHater wrote:

Just an FYI to all, this exact post was made to the r/Spacemarine subreddit at the same time as this one, and was downvoted to the Warp and back. This user isn't interested in putting forth a well-founded argument or considering other points-of-view.

To my knowledge there isn't a downvote function on Focus Together.


No one wants this shit but the OPs seem to want to force THEIR (minority) idea of fun on everyone (the majority)

I am sick of this bullshit 

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6 days ago
Mar 18, 2025, 8:24:26 PM

I do love grind but this is just stupid. Only difficulty I play is lethal and absolute, why force me to play low diff with noobs? The longer I play the more powerfull my character should be. Sure, it would be fun to reset my characters after 450 hours that I played, climb back to the top and get some reward, this is really nice idea, I like it a lot. 

But not three more times all over all the same guys... let me tell you, if these cosmetic rewards and perks aren't really amazing then what's the point? 

Grind must be worth it. Noone grinds for the sake of grind. 

I will wait with my opinion on mechanic until Update arrives and I can test it. Maybe they will make grind worth it, if yes, then I'm all for it. 

If it will be however grinding 25 levels to get  lazy +10% melee dmg perk and some pauldron made in GIMP in 20 mins then I guess my time has come Brothers.

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6 days ago
Mar 18, 2025, 9:22:18 PM
I love a grind, but the proposed prestige system means that if I want to speedrun P4 on each character (which I do), I won't get to play a character with full perks for possibly hundreds of hours, which sounds miserable. It also means I don't get to experiment with my builds normally during that time.

Prestige is the #1 feature that I have been hyped for, and I was hoping for something like Deep Rock Galactic's so I can display my veteran status in each class. I don't need extra perks or cosmetic rewards (though they are nice).

I would much rather have to play with additional difficulty modifiers than lose perks that allow me to try additional playstyles.

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5 days ago
Mar 20, 2025, 6:29:29 AM

DropzOfCrimzon wrote:

No, thank you. 

As you can see you are the vast minority 

I wish there was a downvote button to show you how unwanted this is

Kindly STFU about it 

No I don't think I will :) I have a voice the same you all do. People seem to be very hostile about it which is weird. I've said it before I'll play whatever the devs put out, I'm just not a fan of how the supposed "majority" wants to do it. 

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5 days ago
Mar 20, 2025, 6:40:25 AM

Naus_ wrote:

I do love grind but this is just stupid. Only difficulty I play is lethal and absolute, why force me to play low diff with noobs? The longer I play the more powerfull my character should be. Sure, it would be fun to reset my characters after 450 hours that I played, climb back to the top and get some reward, this is really nice idea, I like it a lot. 

But not three more times all over all the same guys... let me tell you, if these cosmetic rewards and perks aren't really amazing then what's the point? 

Grind must be worth it. Noone grinds for the sake of grind. 

I will wait with my opinion on mechanic until Update arrives and I can test it. Maybe they will make grind worth it, if yes, then I'm all for it. 

If it will be however grinding 25 levels to get  lazy +10% melee dmg perk and some pauldron made in GIMP in 20 mins then I guess my time has come Brothers.

100% agree with you the rewards should be worth it. Some of the perks should get buffed or reworked absolutely. But having more to do for longer is what I am trying to advocate for. What people are asking for isn't even prestige anymore. 

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3 days ago
Mar 22, 2025, 11:50:51 AM

I’m fine with the reset, but it seems a lot of people aren’t, but they aren’t forced to do it especially when they think that the perks aren’t even worth it. Then don’t reset! 

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3 days ago
Mar 22, 2025, 12:07:35 PM

I dont see any joy in re running low level missions. Pointless grind seems to boring and unnecessary 

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