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My thoughts on space marine 2 Balancing (216.2 hours as of post) (Rant)

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4 months ago
Oct 1, 2024, 2:00:21 AM

Little Rant about people complaining about enemy tankiness.

As someone who has been a 40k fan for years, this game is truly amazing and i love it. But I'm worried its going to get ruined by people that don't understand the game.

I'm seeing people constantly complain about how tanky the enemies are when in reality they aren't that tanky. for example during my time of maxing out every class i have seen people playing difficulty 3 or 4 with relatively low level characters and white tier weapons complaining why the enemies are so tanky. well yes the enemies are going to tanky if you havent leveled up your class or weapon and for some reason going to difficulty 3 or 4 because your ego thinks you can do it. spoiler alert: you cant. 

Enemy health and tankiness is currently in a good spot right now because on difficulty 4 you should not be 2 tapping a rubric with a thunder hammer or killing a warrior in 10 shots of a bolter. On the chance that you are leveled up and got gold tier weapons and enemies just straight up not dying then check your build of your class and perk tree on the weapon because chances are you are running a fairly bad build and perk tree set up because as someone who has maxed out every class and most of the weapons in the game i can confidently say that each class and weapon(yes bolters included) is able to absolutely destroy enemies in a timely manner.

Little rant about the Tsons nerf

Do i agree tsons used to be abit tooo difficult? yes i do but they got nerfed wayyyy to hard due to people complaining way too hard about them. So the way tsons got nerfed is both the community and the devs fault but mainly the community. They got nerfed on both ends. Both on numbers and health when it should of been one or the other. after the nerf i was able to go through difficulty 4 on a relatively low level class and white tier weapons. THIS. SHOULDNT. BE. POSSIBLE.

One of the tsons nerfs need to be reverted that either being the spawns or the health and damage they have. Not both.

When it comes to people coming up with ideas for the game

For people coming up with ideas for the game. please respect the lore of 40k like ive seen some ideas that the devs just wont do due to them not be lore compliant e.g. adding terminator armor pieces as customization options. that firstly is a stupid idea and not lore compliant as normal space marines don't have random terminator armor strapped to them e.g. seeing a bulwark with a terminator helmet.

The idea of adding a terminator class is a good idea and can work if balanced correctly.

This isn't the only idea I've seen for lore incompliant ideas but just one of them as a example. 

Ending rant 

I absolutely love this game as it is something i have waited years for and i don't want it ruined by people that don't understand it.

Does it need improvements yes but it needs the right improvements as a lot of the requests for nerfs or buffs and ideas for features I've seen on this forum are wrong in my opinion as someone who has 216.2 hours played as of this post.

To the Devs

As someone who loves 40k this game is truly amazing and thank you so much for the time and effort that has gone into this. 

But please don't ruin the difficulty of the game and pleaseeeee dont ruin the lore integrity of the game.


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4 months ago
Oct 1, 2024, 8:45:35 AM

Ludens99 wrote:

Little Rant about people complaining about enemy tankiness.

As someone who has been a 40k fan for years, this game is truly amazing and i love it. But I'm worried its going to get ruined by people that don't understand the game.

I'm seeing people constantly complain about how tanky the enemies are when in reality they aren't that tanky. for example during my time of maxing out every class i have seen people playing difficulty 3 or 4 with relatively low level characters and white tier weapons complaining why the enemies are so tanky. well yes the enemies are going to tanky if you havent leveled up your class or weapon and for some reason going to difficulty 3 or 4 because your ego thinks you can do it. spoiler alert: you cant. 

Enemy health and tankiness is currently in a good spot right now because on difficulty 4 you should not be 2 tapping a rubric with a thunder hammer or killing a warrior in 10 shots of a bolter. On the chance that you are leveled up and got gold tier weapons and enemies just straight up not dying then check your build of your class and perk tree on the weapon because chances are you are running a fairly bad build and perk tree set up because as someone who has maxed out every class and most of the weapons in the game i can confidently say that each class and weapon(yes bolters included) is able to absolutely destroy enemies in a timely manner.

Little rant about the Tsons nerf

Do i agree tsons used to be abit tooo difficult? yes i do but they got nerfed wayyyy to hard due to people complaining way too hard about them. So the way tsons got nerfed is both the community and the devs fault but mainly the community. They got nerfed on both ends. Both on numbers and health when it should of been one or the other. after the nerf i was able to go through difficulty 4 on a relatively low level class and white tier weapons. THIS. SHOULDNT. BE. POSSIBLE.

One of the tsons nerfs need to be reverted that either being the spawns or the health and damage they have. Not both.

My opinion on this:

TSons more *tankiness* and less numbers (it feels weird If I can smash 10 of them to dust without sweating)... Despite they are walking casket, they are still Marines! Fighting them should feel like having an opponent on equal terms. 


With Tyranids it should be exactly the opposite. More numbers and less bullet sponges. Fighting them should feel like u are completely outnumbered, but not outclassed (warriors are equal opponents to an certain extent, but their sheer number should their greatest strength... Quantity instead of quality). 

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4 months ago
Oct 1, 2024, 1:21:28 PM

rev0x85 wrote:

Ludens99 wrote:

Little Rant about people complaining about enemy tankiness.

As someone who has been a 40k fan for years, this game is truly amazing and i love it. But I'm worried its going to get ruined by people that don't understand the game.

I'm seeing people constantly complain about how tanky the enemies are when in reality they aren't that tanky. for example during my time of maxing out every class i have seen people playing difficulty 3 or 4 with relatively low level characters and white tier weapons complaining why the enemies are so tanky. well yes the enemies are going to tanky if you havent leveled up your class or weapon and for some reason going to difficulty 3 or 4 because your ego thinks you can do it. spoiler alert: you cant. 

Enemy health and tankiness is currently in a good spot right now because on difficulty 4 you should not be 2 tapping a rubric with a thunder hammer or killing a warrior in 10 shots of a bolter. On the chance that you are leveled up and got gold tier weapons and enemies just straight up not dying then check your build of your class and perk tree on the weapon because chances are you are running a fairly bad build and perk tree set up because as someone who has maxed out every class and most of the weapons in the game i can confidently say that each class and weapon(yes bolters included) is able to absolutely destroy enemies in a timely manner.

Little rant about the Tsons nerf

Do i agree tsons used to be abit tooo difficult? yes i do but they got nerfed wayyyy to hard due to people complaining way too hard about them. So the way tsons got nerfed is both the community and the devs fault but mainly the community. They got nerfed on both ends. Both on numbers and health when it should of been one or the other. after the nerf i was able to go through difficulty 4 on a relatively low level class and white tier weapons. THIS. SHOULDNT. BE. POSSIBLE.

One of the tsons nerfs need to be reverted that either being the spawns or the health and damage they have. Not both.

My opinion on this:

TSons more *tankiness* and less numbers (it feels weird If I can smash 10 of them to dust without sweating)... Despite they are walking casket, they are still Marines! Fighting them should feel like having an opponent on equal terms. 


With Tyranids it should be exactly the opposite. More numbers and less bullet sponges. Fighting them should feel like u are completely outnumbered, but not outclassed (warriors are equal opponents to an certain extent, but their sheer number should their greatest strength... Quantity instead of quality). 

I do agree and in my experience the health of tyranids is perfectly fine in my opinion as they arent super weak nor super tanky and like i said in my post for tsons one of the nerfs need to be reverted either health and damage or the numbers of spawns but with what you said i do agree probably the health and damage should be reverted to what it was to make them more tanky. not to be equal opponent tho as primaris space marines are supposed to be stronger but tsons are still space marines at the end of the day and probably shouldn't die as quickly as they do.

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4 months ago
Oct 1, 2024, 1:24:32 PM

Selphic wrote:

I really love your points here. Exactly the kind of feedback we need. 

Thank you. i see a lot of just outrage on here and not alot of constructive criticism. I've never posted on a forum before because I've never had a game I've loved as much as this one. So i hope i constructed my argument correctly.  

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4 months ago
Oct 1, 2024, 2:43:47 PM

I agree with you. I also waited for her for a very long time. Literally all 13 years! And I’m also afraid that because of inadequate weaklings who are always complaining, the developers will ruin the game. We need to resist this with all possible forces.

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4 months ago
Oct 1, 2024, 4:42:02 PM

Ludens99 wrote:

Selphic wrote:

I really love your points here. Exactly the kind of feedback we need. 

Thank you. i see a lot of just outrage on here and not alot of constructive criticism. I've never posted on a forum before because I've never had a game I've loved as much as this one. So i hope i constructed my argument correctly.  

I know right!? It's like a bunch of ten year olds on here lol. It's good to see people who the devs can take seriously. 

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4 months ago
Oct 1, 2024, 6:21:20 PM

I love the points you make. As a 40K fan of 2 decades you make excellent points around the lore integrity and how true to the IP they have kept it. I understand that they will need to sacrifice certain things from a lore perspective for gameplay mechanics but to address your primary point what made this game fun was the difficulty and how full the map felt with threats. Space Marines are meant to be out numbered completing impossible missions. After this most recent patch the game is not threatening, the missions are made up of more walking than anything now. Especially the chaos missions it feels empty or hallow. 

The recent patch was an overcorrection and before people say we are just whining, the game is still the greatest 40K game to date and its clear Saber and Focus care a great deal about this game. In the gaming industry currently it is hard to trust that these companies will get it right, that is NOT the case here I have full confidence in these devs and creatives. That is why feedback is so crucial. The new difficulty needs to make a return to what this game was initially. It is not nearly as engaging. First step in my uninformed opinion around game balance and development should removing the armor gain from parrying standard small enemy attacks, it essentially makes you invincible. Overall great work guys please rebalance the game to be challenging again and just nerf the lower difficulties for those that cannot handle it. Higher difficulties should feel next to impossible that is what makes them fun. 

Updated 4 months ago.
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4 months ago
Oct 2, 2024, 1:04:55 AM

fighting chaos pre-patch was abysmal, and tyranid warriors definitely were too tanky if you used anything but the melta. bolter weapons are still underpowered because 20 headshots on a rubric marine is just silly. I would much rather the game feel good to play than be perfectly inline with the lore. future patches will probably address the present issues with enemy health and spawn rates. 

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4 months ago
Oct 2, 2024, 2:16:20 AM

While some finer details of enemy durability are up to discussion, such extreme claims of bolters being “perfectly fine “ I cannot really put my head around. A regular bolter rifle with all headshot perks takes more then half of magazine to put a tyrannid warrior in an execution state, and majority of magazine to kill it afterwards. That makes basic ammo capacity enough to take down 5 warriors, and you will meet more then 5 after first 3 or 4 minutes in your match. If that’s your definition of absolutely devastating your enemies, then I am truly confused by that logic. This weapon is sub par against gaunts as well, it can take around 5 shots to kill one. It does one shot them in the head, but you can’t reliably headshot into a horde of gaunts or during active combat.

The only other bolt weapon that performs decently is Heavy Bolt Rifle, but it works purely on minoris hordes and just because it has enough damage to still score a one hit headshot and big magazine makes it overall eazier to achieve more kills when firing into a mass of enemies.

All other bolt weapons (heavy bolter is not part of it, it’s good) are gimmicky at best and unserviceable at worst.

Bolt weapons utterly lack damage, more on smaller enemies then on bigger ones, but they do lack it.

I don’t have 200 hours in the game, only 80, so I can only respectfully disagree with damage part. Enemy health and weapon balancing is a bit more nuanced then just these two parameters. I would for example like to see much bigger waves of enemies, particularly gaunts, but in order for that to work automatic weapons need to be more effective versus trash, and waves themselves need to spawn in a more distant location to allow for proper firing sectors or preparations.

 Lore-wise I mostly agree, but it’s worth noting that game itself isn’t always lore-compliant. For example, classes are named in a confusing pattern, and their loadouts are more akin to a classical rpg then purely codex compliant. Heavy is just an amalgamation of abstract big armored heavy weapons guy, lacks heavy bolt rifle as present on heavy intercessors, and has the same 3 bars of armor for some reason as other tacticus users. Tactical is intercessor on steroids, having access to more weapons then tabletop intercessors but less then tacticus users should have. See Sternguard and Heavy bolters. And if we slap lieutenant helmet on, it means access to plasma and power weapons, which isn’t present.

Updated 4 months ago.
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4 months ago
Oct 2, 2024, 2:24:16 AM

To people saying they shouldn't be tanky. I agree when it comes to difficulty 1 and 2 but when it comes to difficulty 3 and 4 they should be tanky as its meant to be difficult and if you cant do the higher difficulties, I'm sorry to say that's not a game issue that its a skill issue as the achievement on steam "Valour Crest" currently has a 13.1% completion rate which shows it is very doable and to people who says that's low. its not. its pretty average completion rate when it comes to games most difficult content. If i can do the hardest difficulty alone with bots (which are borderline useless and need improving) then you can do it with 2 other players that even have a average level of skill. 

I don't want to offend anyone but this is a case of instead of crying on here for nerfs, spend that time improving your skill.


Difficulty 3 and 4 shouldn't be as easy as 1 and 2 because if they were what would be the point in the higher difficulties and don't say armoury data because what's the point in upgrading weapons if the enemies die just as quickly.  also on the point of increasing unit spawns. yes there is some wiggle room with tsons now on that account but not to sure on the tyranid amount as its already a very large amount when it comes to massive waves and if its increased anymore chances are it would effect the performance of the game and  the engine. If the devs could have a ridiculous amount more enemies and have them easier to kill. Which alotttt of people are suggesting. Do people not realize that they probably already thought of that during development but couldn't do it due to the limit of the engine they are using which already is incredible with the already ridiculous amount it can currently spawn. Also i already know that if they could do this people would complain that they are getting swarmed to easily.

Updated 4 months ago.
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4 months ago
Oct 2, 2024, 5:25:48 AM

Regarding Terminators, they shouldn't be a permanent class because the Terminator armor is a reinforced suit sent to Space Marines who need it. But we probably won't see it, as the maps are too narrow. ​

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4 months ago
Oct 2, 2024, 9:22:42 AM

Bladerunner777 wrote:

Bigtomo wrote:

Regarding Terminators, they shouldn't be a permanent class because the Terminator armor is a reinforced suit sent to Space Marines who need it. But we probably won't see it, as the maps are too narrow. ​

Hopefully in future there will be new maps and maybe some of them will be wider. They should be because before the terminators we will probably have a dreadnought. On the other hand terminators would work even on present maps, they wouldn't be able to squeeze thru every corridor but this is the price you pay for better, tankier armour perhaps :D Seriously tho, I would really love to see them in SM2, imo it's a natural evolution if we talk about classes.

I mentioned this on Reddit before, and those players don't want larger, wider maps that truly represent a battlefield. They just want L4D2 + a 40k mod, lol. It's pretty funny, honestly.

If viewed objectively, this game is comparable to a remake of Space Marine 1 only. There's nothing different from the original, except for improved graphics, and it doesn't even have a horde mode.

Right now, I'm just waiting to see what DoW4 will be like. If it's an RTS like before, I probably won't buy it. But if it's a large-scale PVE game, like really big, and playable online, I will definitely purchase it


Updated 4 months ago.
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4 months ago
Oct 2, 2024, 1:53:10 PM

rev0x85 wrote:
Despite they are walking casket, they are still Marines! Fighting them should feel like having an opponent on equal terms.

This, I would like to feel that I’m fighting an enemy that can withstand and even match Space Marines attacks.

Tsons are enemies that should be intimidating even when they’re not coming in big groups, not like Tyranids.

They needed a nerf, but I feel like devs overkilled it 

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4 months ago
Oct 3, 2024, 4:38:56 AM

Bladerunner777 wrote:

Bigtomo wrote:

Bladerunner777 wrote:

Bigtomo wrote:

Regarding Terminators, they shouldn't be a permanent class because the Terminator armor is a reinforced suit sent to Space Marines who need it. But we probably won't see it, as the maps are too narrow. ​

Hopefully in future there will be new maps and maybe some of them will be wider. They should be because before the terminators we will probably have a dreadnought. On the other hand terminators would work even on present maps, they wouldn't be able to squeeze thru every corridor but this is the price you pay for better, tankier armour perhaps :D Seriously tho, I would really love to see them in SM2, imo it's a natural evolution if we talk about classes.

I mentioned this on Reddit before, and those players don't want larger, wider maps that truly represent a battlefield. They just want L4D2 + a 40k mod, lol. It's pretty funny, honestly.

If viewed objectively, this game is comparable to a remake of Space Marine 1 only. There's nothing different from the original, except for improved graphics, and it doesn't even have a horde mode.

Right now, I'm just waiting to see what DoW4 will be like. If it's an RTS like before, I probably won't buy it. But if it's a large-scale PVE game, like really big, and playable online, I will definitely purchase it


I know perfectly well what you're driving at - an open world WH40k massive rpg. Something like Fallout New Vegas but in WH40k setting. This is a wet dream of many fans, very hard to produce probably. But one day it just has to happen :)

​It doesn't have to be a map as massive as Fallout. I just want a PVE mode with maps similar to Helldivers 2. Helldivers 2 has taken many elements that resemble the 40k IP, like drop pods, large-scale planetary warfare, and much more. Our 40k IP already has its own original elements, but we lack a bit of creativity. It's a shame because 40k has immense potential, but it often gets overlooked. If Space Marine 3 had a PVE mode as grand as it is in the lore—with more than three players, vast maps, and a drop pod system to assist players like in the lore—I would buy the most expensive pack right away.

In the future, if the company that made No Man's Sky buys the 40k IP to develop a game, lol, that would be insane!

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4 months ago
Oct 3, 2024, 12:59:35 PM

Ludens99 wrote:

Little Rant about people complaining about enemy tankiness.

As someone who has been a 40k fan for years, this game is truly amazing and i love it. But I'm worried its going to get ruined by people that don't understand the game.

I'm seeing people constantly complain about how tanky the enemies are when in reality they aren't that tanky. for example during my time of maxing out every class i have seen people playing difficulty 3 or 4 with relatively low level characters and white tier weapons complaining why the enemies are so tanky. well yes the enemies are going to tanky if you havent leveled up your class or weapon and for some reason going to difficulty 3 or 4 because your ego thinks you can do it. spoiler alert: you cant. 

Enemy health and tankiness is currently in a good spot right now because on difficulty 4 you should not be 2 tapping a rubric with a thunder hammer or killing a warrior in 10 shots of a bolter. On the chance that you are leveled up and got gold tier weapons and enemies just straight up not dying then check your build of your class and perk tree on the weapon because chances are you are running a fairly bad build and perk tree set up because as someone who has maxed out every class and most of the weapons in the game i can confidently say that each class and weapon(yes bolters included) is able to absolutely destroy enemies in a timely manner.

Little rant about the Tsons nerf

Do i agree tsons used to be abit tooo difficult? yes i do but they got nerfed wayyyy to hard due to people complaining way too hard about them. So the way tsons got nerfed is both the community and the devs fault but mainly the community. They got nerfed on both ends. Both on numbers and health when it should of been one or the other. after the nerf i was able to go through difficulty 4 on a relatively low level class and white tier weapons. THIS. SHOULDNT. BE. POSSIBLE.

One of the tsons nerfs need to be reverted that either being the spawns or the health and damage they have. Not both.

When it comes to people coming up with ideas for the game

For people coming up with ideas for the game. please respect the lore of 40k like ive seen some ideas that the devs just wont do due to them not be lore compliant e.g. adding terminator armor pieces as customization options. that firstly is a stupid idea and not lore compliant as normal space marines don't have random terminator armor strapped to them e.g. seeing a bulwark with a terminator helmet.

The idea of adding a terminator class is a good idea and can work if balanced correctly.

This isn't the only idea I've seen for lore incompliant ideas but just one of them as a example. 

Ending rant 

I absolutely love this game as it is something i have waited years for and i don't want it ruined by people that don't understand it.

Does it need improvements yes but it needs the right improvements as a lot of the requests for nerfs or buffs and ideas for features I've seen on this forum are wrong in my opinion as someone who has 216.2 hours played as of this post.

To the Devs

As someone who loves 40k this game is truly amazing and thank you so much for the time and effort that has gone into this. 

But please don't ruin the difficulty of the game and pleaseeeee dont ruin the lore integrity of the game.


Tryhard take. If you want challenge and the need for "builds" you should try soulslikes, they are literally what you want. This is PVE game and i want the power fantasy of being a Space Marine without having to excel spreadsheet the +5% perks to stop my Powerfist being a boxing glove. "But you can always play lower difficulty" yes and YOU can always play with grey weapons on Ruthless or the upcoming Lethal, in fact somebody playing on lower difficulties cant access high tier weaponry while there are no downsides for you to play with Grey tier Nerfguns on the highest ones. 
 "you should not be 2 tapping a rubric with a thunder hammer or killing a warrior in 10 shots of a bolter." 
Actually yes you should, its a THUNDER HAMMER and funnily enough, you don't actually double tap Rubrics on Ruthless. 
Getting real tired of  tryhards coming into Darktide/Helldivers and now Space Marine and forcing their obsessive "muh build" gameplay philosophy on everyone else.  Borther, you have 200+ hours in a game that has been out for a MONTH of course its easy and samey to you. Cant you see you've burned yourself out?

I respect your right to vent but i really hope the devs dont listen to you.  I really hope helldivers was a lesson. 
Also i completely agree on the lore aspect. The Lore should be adhered to 100%. However when i say the lore i dont mean the tabletop and its rules limitations. I mean the actual Lore/ Black library novels. 

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4 months ago
Oct 3, 2024, 2:33:02 PM

Bladerunner777 wrote:

Bigtomo wrote:

Bladerunner777 wrote:

Bigtomo wrote:

Bladerunner777 wrote:

Bigtomo wrote:

Regarding Terminators, they shouldn't be a permanent class because the Terminator armor is a reinforced suit sent to Space Marines who need it. But we probably won't see it, as the maps are too narrow. ​

Hopefully in future there will be new maps and maybe some of them will be wider. They should be because before the terminators we will probably have a dreadnought. On the other hand terminators would work even on present maps, they wouldn't be able to squeeze thru every corridor but this is the price you pay for better, tankier armour perhaps :D Seriously tho, I would really love to see them in SM2, imo it's a natural evolution if we talk about classes.

I mentioned this on Reddit before, and those players don't want larger, wider maps that truly represent a battlefield. They just want L4D2 + a 40k mod, lol. It's pretty funny, honestly.

If viewed objectively, this game is comparable to a remake of Space Marine 1 only. There's nothing different from the original, except for improved graphics, and it doesn't even have a horde mode.

Right now, I'm just waiting to see what DoW4 will be like. If it's an RTS like before, I probably won't buy it. But if it's a large-scale PVE game, like really big, and playable online, I will definitely purchase it


I know perfectly well what you're driving at - an open world WH40k massive rpg. Something like Fallout New Vegas but in WH40k setting. This is a wet dream of many fans, very hard to produce probably. But one day it just has to happen :)

​It doesn't have to be a map as massive as Fallout. I just want a PVE mode with maps similar to Helldivers 2. Helldivers 2 has taken many elements that resemble the 40k IP, like drop pods, large-scale planetary warfare, and much more. Our 40k IP already has its own original elements, but we lack a bit of creativity. It's a shame because 40k has immense potential, but it often gets overlooked. If Space Marine 3 had a PVE mode as grand as it is in the lore—with more than three players, vast maps, and a drop pod system to assist players like in the lore—I would buy the most expensive pack right away.

In the future, if the company that made No Man's Sky buys the 40k IP to develop a game, lol, that would be insane!

So far, there has been only one game that was kinda close to what we're thinking about. Long time ago, there was a realistic shooter called Operation Flashpoint (a predecessor to Arma series) and somebody made a WH40k mod to it. You had everything there, all factions, all units, all vehicles from Wh40k universe you can possibly imagine, you could even ride freaking titans :D ofc, it wasn't perfect, it wasn't balanced properly and had lots of glitches, bugs and obviously the graphics was kinda retro...but it was awesome. You can check out some vids in yt about it. maybe I will make a full thread about this mod because imo this was the closest to the full WH40k universe experience you could ever have.

I would love to see an open world like The Division adapted to WH40k.

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4 months ago
Oct 3, 2024, 4:03:51 PM

Dexta wrote:

Ludens99 wrote:

Little Rant about people complaining about enemy tankiness.

As someone who has been a 40k fan for years, this game is truly amazing and i love it. But I'm worried its going to get ruined by people that don't understand the game.

I'm seeing people constantly complain about how tanky the enemies are when in reality they aren't that tanky. for example during my time of maxing out every class i have seen people playing difficulty 3 or 4 with relatively low level characters and white tier weapons complaining why the enemies are so tanky. well yes the enemies are going to tanky if you havent leveled up your class or weapon and for some reason going to difficulty 3 or 4 because your ego thinks you can do it. spoiler alert: you cant. 

Enemy health and tankiness is currently in a good spot right now because on difficulty 4 you should not be 2 tapping a rubric with a thunder hammer or killing a warrior in 10 shots of a bolter. On the chance that you are leveled up and got gold tier weapons and enemies just straight up not dying then check your build of your class and perk tree on the weapon because chances are you are running a fairly bad build and perk tree set up because as someone who has maxed out every class and most of the weapons in the game i can confidently say that each class and weapon(yes bolters included) is able to absolutely destroy enemies in a timely manner.

Little rant about the Tsons nerf

Do i agree tsons used to be abit tooo difficult? yes i do but they got nerfed wayyyy to hard due to people complaining way too hard about them. So the way tsons got nerfed is both the community and the devs fault but mainly the community. They got nerfed on both ends. Both on numbers and health when it should of been one or the other. after the nerf i was able to go through difficulty 4 on a relatively low level class and white tier weapons. THIS. SHOULDNT. BE. POSSIBLE.

One of the tsons nerfs need to be reverted that either being the spawns or the health and damage they have. Not both.

When it comes to people coming up with ideas for the game

For people coming up with ideas for the game. please respect the lore of 40k like ive seen some ideas that the devs just wont do due to them not be lore compliant e.g. adding terminator armor pieces as customization options. that firstly is a stupid idea and not lore compliant as normal space marines don't have random terminator armor strapped to them e.g. seeing a bulwark with a terminator helmet.

The idea of adding a terminator class is a good idea and can work if balanced correctly.

This isn't the only idea I've seen for lore incompliant ideas but just one of them as a example. 

Ending rant 

I absolutely love this game as it is something i have waited years for and i don't want it ruined by people that don't understand it.

Does it need improvements yes but it needs the right improvements as a lot of the requests for nerfs or buffs and ideas for features I've seen on this forum are wrong in my opinion as someone who has 216.2 hours played as of this post.

To the Devs

As someone who loves 40k this game is truly amazing and thank you so much for the time and effort that has gone into this. 

But please don't ruin the difficulty of the game and pleaseeeee dont ruin the lore integrity of the game.


Tryhard take. If you want challenge and the need for "builds" you should try soulslikes, they are literally what you want. This is PVE game and i want the power fantasy of being a Space Marine without having to excel spreadsheet the +5% perks to stop my Powerfist being a boxing glove. "But you can always play lower difficulty" yes and YOU can always play with grey weapons on Ruthless or the upcoming Lethal, in fact somebody playing on lower difficulties cant access high tier weaponry while there are no downsides for you to play with Grey tier Nerfguns on the highest ones. 
 "you should not be 2 tapping a rubric with a thunder hammer or killing a warrior in 10 shots of a bolter." 
Actually yes you should, its a THUNDER HAMMER and funnily enough, you don't actually double tap Rubrics on Ruthless. 
Getting real tired of  tryhards coming into Darktide/Helldivers and now Space Marine and forcing their obsessive "muh build" gameplay philosophy on everyone else.  Borther, you have 200+ hours in a game that has been out for a MONTH of course its easy and samey to you. Cant you see you've burned yourself out?

I respect your right to vent but i really hope the devs dont listen to you.  I really hope helldivers was a lesson. 
Also i completely agree on the lore aspect. The Lore should be adhered to 100%. However when i say the lore i dont mean the tabletop and its rules limitations. I mean the actual Lore/ Black library novels. 

Why is it wrong to have satisfaction as a killing machine against difficult enemies. You would get torn apart in a SM1 PVP lobby. The codex does not approve of this opinion and its quite selfish of you to force people to play on your level. I did load into a ruthless run on a level 1 bulwark with white sword and purple plasma and it was fun but why is that how I should be having fun when pre patch you would never think of running a ruthless without purple gear. Someone help me understand this madness

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4 months ago
Oct 3, 2024, 5:03:50 PM

Haven't they already confirmed a higher difficulty is coming ?  I've played and completed all missions on ruthless pre and post patch with every class at max level except Vanguard.  Was pre patch too hard ?  not really..  Was it Fun to play against Chaos ?  not really..  Are both Tyranid and Chaos operations on ruthless easier post patch ?  Yes.. 

Chaos minoris were too tanky IMO which meant you were spending too much time dealing with them and unable to get to the majoris that were chipping away at you constantly from range.  Post patch that problem is solved but now there isn't enough minoris to get into the flow state that you can get from Tyranids.  The reason Chaos aren't as fun to fight as Tyranids has nothing to do with "Tyranids have blood and gore" as the devs stated,  its simply the composition of each wave that comes at you.  Tyranids allow for a good old killing spree time for all,  currently Chaos does not and its even worse post patch as there isn't enough minoris to get armour/shield back and have fun with.  If Tyranids were mainly composed of just warriors and they had less numbers over all they would be just as uneventful to fight against.  

In summary the patch is two steps in the right direction and one back,  chaos are less frustrating to fight now but even more boring than they were.  Tyranids seem to be in a good place but the higher difficulty will be welcomed..  BUT PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF THE EMPEROR..  don't just make enemies take 1-2 more shots of dmg or we take x2 dmg and call that more difficulty..  lets get more frequent spawns..  enemy wave timers that are closer together..  more boss spawns..  something..

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4 months ago
Oct 3, 2024, 9:32:13 PM

Dexta wrote:

Ludens99 wrote:

Little Rant about people complaining about enemy tankiness.

As someone who has been a 40k fan for years, this game is truly amazing and i love it. But I'm worried its going to get ruined by people that don't understand the game.

I'm seeing people constantly complain about how tanky the enemies are when in reality they aren't that tanky. for example during my time of maxing out every class i have seen people playing difficulty 3 or 4 with relatively low level characters and white tier weapons complaining why the enemies are so tanky. well yes the enemies are going to tanky if you havent leveled up your class or weapon and for some reason going to difficulty 3 or 4 because your ego thinks you can do it. spoiler alert: you cant. 

Enemy health and tankiness is currently in a good spot right now because on difficulty 4 you should not be 2 tapping a rubric with a thunder hammer or killing a warrior in 10 shots of a bolter. On the chance that you are leveled up and got gold tier weapons and enemies just straight up not dying then check your build of your class and perk tree on the weapon because chances are you are running a fairly bad build and perk tree set up because as someone who has maxed out every class and most of the weapons in the game i can confidently say that each class and weapon(yes bolters included) is able to absolutely destroy enemies in a timely manner.

Little rant about the Tsons nerf

Do i agree tsons used to be abit tooo difficult? yes i do but they got nerfed wayyyy to hard due to people complaining way too hard about them. So the way tsons got nerfed is both the community and the devs fault but mainly the community. They got nerfed on both ends. Both on numbers and health when it should of been one or the other. after the nerf i was able to go through difficulty 4 on a relatively low level class and white tier weapons. THIS. SHOULDNT. BE. POSSIBLE.

One of the tsons nerfs need to be reverted that either being the spawns or the health and damage they have. Not both.

When it comes to people coming up with ideas for the game

For people coming up with ideas for the game. please respect the lore of 40k like ive seen some ideas that the devs just wont do due to them not be lore compliant e.g. adding terminator armor pieces as customization options. that firstly is a stupid idea and not lore compliant as normal space marines don't have random terminator armor strapped to them e.g. seeing a bulwark with a terminator helmet.

The idea of adding a terminator class is a good idea and can work if balanced correctly.

This isn't the only idea I've seen for lore incompliant ideas but just one of them as a example. 

Ending rant 

I absolutely love this game as it is something i have waited years for and i don't want it ruined by people that don't understand it.

Does it need improvements yes but it needs the right improvements as a lot of the requests for nerfs or buffs and ideas for features I've seen on this forum are wrong in my opinion as someone who has 216.2 hours played as of this post.

To the Devs

As someone who loves 40k this game is truly amazing and thank you so much for the time and effort that has gone into this. 

But please don't ruin the difficulty of the game and pleaseeeee dont ruin the lore integrity of the game.


Tryhard take. If you want challenge and the need for "builds" you should try soulslikes, they are literally what you want. This is PVE game and i want the power fantasy of being a Space Marine without having to excel spreadsheet the +5% perks to stop my Powerfist being a boxing glove. "But you can always play lower difficulty" yes and YOU can always play with grey weapons on Ruthless or the upcoming Lethal, in fact somebody playing on lower difficulties cant access high tier weaponry while there are no downsides for you to play with Grey tier Nerfguns on the highest ones. 
 "you should not be 2 tapping a rubric with a thunder hammer or killing a warrior in 10 shots of a bolter." 
Actually yes you should, its a THUNDER HAMMER and funnily enough, you don't actually double tap Rubrics on Ruthless. 
Getting real tired of  tryhards coming into Darktide/Helldivers and now Space Marine and forcing their obsessive "muh build" gameplay philosophy on everyone else.  Borther, you have 200+ hours in a game that has been out for a MONTH of course its easy and samey to you. Cant you see you've burned yourself out?

I respect your right to vent but i really hope the devs dont listen to you.  I really hope helldivers was a lesson. 
Also i completely agree on the lore aspect. The Lore should be adhered to 100%. However when i say the lore i dont mean the tabletop and its rules limitations. I mean the actual Lore/ Black library novels. 

if i could delete your reply i would because i came here for constructive criticism of the game and my opinion. don't care if it agrees with me or not. me and clearly other people have not taken your reply seriously as it comes of as whining. i play the game for fun and having a fight with an enemy on equal ground is fun. its super boring if i insta kill everything. i dont see how anyone can find that fun. if the game intended to be some power fantasy the devs would of made it so but they didnt. they clearly had a different goal in mind and they mostly achieved it. so please take your whining to a different tread please. thank you.

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