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Stop Nerfs

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5 months ago
Oct 17, 2024, 11:50:38 AM
So what is the point in having a fencing weapon now? just nerf it into the ground because ??????
Enemies were spongy already, now they are MORE spongy AND we do less damage and have less health. Paper mache Space Marines is what we are
STILL NOT A BOLTER BUFF IN SIGHT WTF?????? After you guys said you understood and would fix it? Come on... Keep nerfing things and you're gonna turn this gonna turn into a Helldivers 2 situation. People will leave this game and you'll never see them again. Unless, of course, you're trying to kill your game? Then good job. 
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5 months ago
Oct 17, 2024, 1:11:32 PM

Frankenllama wrote:
So what is the point in having a fencing weapon now? just nerf it into the ground because ??????
Enemies were spongy already, now they are MORE spongy AND we do less damage and have less health. Paper mache Space Marines is what we are
STILL NOT A BOLTER BUFF IN SIGHT WTF?????? After you guys said you understood and would fix it? Come on... Keep nerfing things and you're gonna turn this gonna turn into a Helldivers 2 situation. People will leave this game and you'll never see them again. Unless, of course, you're trying to kill your game? Then good job. 

Yes I don't get it... Armor is non-existant, and now get nerf 🤷‍♂️ melee will become paper cannon, some enemy are totally only for ranged and if you are assault+bulwark+ Tactical? And don't have any more ammo to get? 😅 And bolters do really not so good damage, you probably finish all the ammo of the mission, for just 1 enemy probably, I don't get it... The fencing weapon needed a buff why the hell they get a nerf? The opposite of what players have requested, idk why... Plus in lethal the assault (who it's already not really a viable option) will become totally useless, as he jump kill someone and 100% don't get armor, because he JUMP DISTANT to kill enemies! 

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5 months ago
Oct 17, 2024, 1:47:55 PM

I can't speak for all melee weapons, since each functions differently.
But after playing Bulwark with the Power Sword I can personally say that I like the new fencing more than what we had before.
It's really responsive and feels a lot more fluid in combat than before.

I expected to have a harder time in melee after reading the patch but I've only experienced good vibes from it.
Still, only used the Power Sword atm, will give other weapons a try once I get back at leveling up other stuff.

And I don't know if it's just me or not, but it feels like the enemies dies faster than before.
At least it doesn't feel like I have to spend as much time on each Majoris. Something feels different.

Updated 5 months ago.
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5 months ago
Oct 17, 2024, 3:37:18 PM

There are so many better ways to increase difficulty while not making us feel even weaker that people have suggested.  I wonder if those sort of ideas are harder to implement from a programming perspective than these lazy number reductions. I truly hope they take some of this patch's feedback to heart and either revert some changes or implement something better, because my desire to play this game has dropped sharply.

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5 months ago
Oct 17, 2024, 3:38:56 PM

SM2isglitchy wrote:

There are so many better ways to increase difficulty while not making us feel even weaker that people have suggested.  I wonder if those sort of ideas are harder to implement from a programming perspective than these lazy number reductions. I truly hope they take some of this patch's feedback to heart and either revert some changes or implement something better, because my desire to play this game has dropped sharply.


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5 months ago
Oct 17, 2024, 3:40:18 PM

I haven't played it myself yet but a lot of these changes and the immediate backlash I've been seeing on just about every platform has me concerned for the well being of this game. It feels like the devs are making very reckless decisions and listening to the wrong people. 

They need to put out a statement and do some damage control asap because people are already calling this another Helldivers 2 scenario, that is the last thing you want for a game that's barely two months old. Get it together Saber Int. you're blowing it

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5 months ago
Oct 17, 2024, 3:47:01 PM

this patch will kill this game and probably should. Assault gets shredded now and I’ve never seen armor get melted so fast by range enemies. They launch a game with barely any content (6 operations and short as hell campaign) and then nerf and buff the wrong things. I hate how these companies use a great universe as a money grab. They charge DLC for cosmetics only out of the gate. Tempted to try for a refund. I had hopes they could work out the issues instead the new patch makes it so we are back to only being able to use a couple of classes. Yes challenge is fine but when you grind characters and max them out your reward is that you are skilled with the class and the class is strong so you can wreck enemies. Might not be a popular opinion but this patch might do it for me. 

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5 months ago
Oct 17, 2024, 3:48:14 PM


Please for the love of the holy emperor stop nerfing the players. Less damage, less armor, while more enemies that all hit harder and are very...very...very spongey! 

I do like the new armor mechanic for lethal but worried itll effect certain classes due to jumping around as an assault or wanting to pop heads far back as a sniper. But please please please dont keep buffing enemy health and lessening player health. That doesnt make it harder, it makes it frustrating. Space marines are supposed to be walking tanks, not average humans. If they had kept the same health numbers as ruthless but just bombed you with a crap ton of enemies like in lethal...that makes the game harder. More extremeis enemies at once makes the game harder. Nerfing the players damage and health...makes the game frustrating. Also, where are they hearing that the game is "too easy" and think ok lets keeps nerfing the player and buffing enemies. IDK whats wrong with being OP in a PVE mode...

Updated 5 months ago.
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5 months ago
Oct 17, 2024, 3:51:29 PM

Kamswell wrote:

I haven't played it myself yet but a lot of these changes and the immediate backlash I've been seeing on just about every platform has me concerned for the well being of this game. It feels like the devs are making very reckless decisions and listening to the wrong people. 

They need to put out a statement and do some damage control asap because people are already calling this another Helldivers 2 scenario, that is the last thing you want for a game that's barely two months old. Get it together Saber Int. you're blowing it

They're listening to the 5% (Im guessing streamers or the like) who have probably min/maxed every class and only play the meta. Not the average joe who gets home from work and wants to slay for a few rounds with the boys.

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5 months ago
Oct 17, 2024, 4:03:32 PM

Hawkeye730 wrote:

Kamswell wrote:

I haven't played it myself yet but a lot of these changes and the immediate backlash I've been seeing on just about every platform has me concerned for the well being of this game. It feels like the devs are making very reckless decisions and listening to the wrong people. 

They need to put out a statement and do some damage control asap because people are already calling this another Helldivers 2 scenario, that is the last thing you want for a game that's barely two months old. Get it together Saber Int. you're blowing it

They're listening to the 5% (Im guessing streamers or the like) who have probably min/maxed every class and only play the meta. Not the average joe who gets home from work and wants to slay for a few rounds with the boys.

Agreed, that's my suspicion as well :(

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5 months ago
Oct 17, 2024, 4:52:46 PM

Hawkeye730 wrote:

Kamswell wrote:

I haven't played it myself yet but a lot of these changes and the immediate backlash I've been seeing on just about every platform has me concerned for the well being of this game. It feels like the devs are making very reckless decisions and listening to the wrong people. 

They need to put out a statement and do some damage control asap because people are already calling this another Helldivers 2 scenario, that is the last thing you want for a game that's barely two months old. Get it together Saber Int. you're blowing it

They're listening to the 5% (Im guessing streamers or the like) who have probably min/maxed every class and only play the meta. Not the average joe who gets home from work and wants to slay for a few rounds with the boys.

I mean, check the forums right now. There are two posts saying the current and lethal difficulty is fine. Its crazy.

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5 months ago
Oct 17, 2024, 5:01:12 PM

I haven't been able to get on because of more disconnect and server issues, but reading all these comments, I don't think I want to get back on ... what have you done ?!?! please revert whatever you just broke.....

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5 months ago
Oct 17, 2024, 5:29:55 PM

Hawkeye730 wrote:
They're listening to the 5% (Im guessing streamers or the like) who have probably min/maxed every class and only play the meta. Not the average joe who gets home from work and wants to slay for a few rounds with the boys.

yeah most guide videos I watch on youtube have a handful of these elitists who think casuals shouldn't be able to clear ruthless and that we should only stick to lower difficulties since that's all our "skill" can take.

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