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Assault is very weak compared to others.

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4 months ago
Oct 20, 2024, 12:15:37 AM

I played more than 230 hours, completed all missions on the new difficulty several times on different characters with different builds, saw many assolts in the team and played for him myself. Now I will only partially touch upon the problem of the new difficulty, we will mainly talk about the assault.

I can confidently say this...

He has very big problems with survivability and the ability to restore white temporary health. And now on the new difficulty he feels even worse. BUT! When mentioning the new difficulty here, I mean only the mechanics of linking the team, the mechanics with armor. Otherwise, the new lethal difficulty is excellent. Otherwise, all the problems I am talking about here are the problems of the assault personally.

And the way the assault slowly kills his chaos marines with a huge hammer is a whole other conversation. He has a lot of damage considering all the weapon perks, but this is not enough. While he's hitting them, other enemies shoot him for these 10 (conditionally 10) hits, and if he hits an enemy with a flamethrower - it's death.

Although there are opportunities to fully charge the landing on a jetpack, it's very random. Yes, I understand that you need to guess the moment, the position on the battlefield, and so on. But this is literally the only thing he has besides a slow hammer (let's say I really like the hammer, why not?) and a really good pistol. Someone has an auspex for +275% damage, someone has a banner that, if used correctly, is a very good regeneration tool. Someone has invisibility, and someone has a hook that controls the target and, unlike the assault, allows you to move between terrain. And someone has a very strong shield that, depending on its status, also buffs the team.

And what does the assault have? A jump that he can't use?

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4 months ago
Oct 23, 2024, 9:16:01 AM

this is completly true, i know for a fact that a lot of people were expecting to main Assault in Operations and have moved onto other classes (i'm one of them) after trying it out. even during the trials you can tell that something is wrong with this jump !

Unfortunatly I think that for some reason the devs didn't put verticality and class related exploring routes on the Operations maps and so they decided to transform the huge jump into the air to a ridiculous instant of flotting. 

The whole point of the Assault class is to be able to cross terrain easily and strike where its needed on the battlefield, which is definitly not the case right now. 

It transforms its unique strenght into its biggest weakness.

The Assault should feel like you are a glorious angel of death, not a huge victim while swinging the slowest weapon ever 

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4 months ago
Oct 23, 2024, 9:54:09 AM

I think the only thing assault needs is a consistent way of regening health, similarly to the two other melee classes who can do this. something like getting 4% hp on gun strikes as a signature perk would make the assault perfectly viable IMO. 

Buffing the thunder hammer and power fist would ofc help, and is necessary in general, but the core issue of the assault is def the lack of health regen. Super noticeable when playing vanguard, bulwark and assault on lethal. 

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4 months ago
Oct 23, 2024, 9:47:24 PM

there are very few messages on the forum about asm being one of the weakest classes in pve.

I have played 200 hours of which 60% on the assault, I have completed all operations on it on the lethal difficulty level. 

I have always played only on the highest difficulty level. the hammer is truly very beautiful, but it is very weak, the assault has nothing to restore HP with, the hammer is slow. 

It has very little damage and it hits chaos marine armor terribly, plus they teleport when you try to fight. 

I am not even talking about the very bad jetpack, which cannot fly over a fence or fly under a mountain (this is the worst ultimate ability, the blow takes a very long time to charge, the area of \u200b\u200bthe blow is extremely small).

I suggest one or more of the following options

1. increase the armor penetration of the chaos marines with the hammer

2. increase damage by 3 units

3. increase the speed of strikes by 30% and add a stunlock from teleportation

4. fix all the backpack bugs

5. speed up the preparation of an air strike by 30% and the area of impact by 50%

6. give the stormtrooper a plasma pistol so that he can regenerate health with it

7. give a perk for health regeneration from finishing off the elite

The hammer is magnificent, very beautiful, but it is the weakest in the game!!!

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4 months ago
Oct 23, 2024, 10:26:44 PM

The jetpack issues is a reason for 99% issues with assault. It's clunky (you can't use it on uneven terrain), you can't jump off the ledges, you get stuck on knee high obstacles and you can get killed by allied grenades while in the air. But it does not need health regen. Assault can keep the armour up easily and gun strikes have a big dmg buff perk.

Updated 4 months ago.
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4 months ago
Oct 24, 2024, 6:37:23 PM

Sasun wrote:

there are very few messages on the forum about asm being one of the weakest classes in pve.

I have played 200 hours of which 60% on the assault, I have completed all operations on it on the lethal difficulty level. 

I have always played only on the highest difficulty level. the hammer is truly very beautiful, but it is very weak, the assault has nothing to restore HP with, the hammer is slow. 

It has very little damage and it hits chaos marine armor terribly, plus they teleport when you try to fight. 

I am not even talking about the very bad jetpack, which cannot fly over a fence or fly under a mountain (this is the worst ultimate ability, the blow takes a very long time to charge, the area of \u200b\u200bthe blow is extremely small).

I suggest one or more of the following options

1. increase the armor penetration of the chaos marines with the hammer

2. increase damage by 3 units

3. increase the speed of strikes by 30% and add a stunlock from teleportation

4. fix all the backpack bugs

5. speed up the preparation of an air strike by 30% and the area of impact by 50%

6. give the stormtrooper a plasma pistol so that he can regenerate health with it

7. give a perk for health regeneration from finishing off the elite

The hammer is magnificent, very beautiful, but it is the weakest in the game!!!

I agree with some of the points but lack of damage with hammer against chaos? WTF? you jet pack ground pound on them and if you javent shot them before twice in the had to instantly execute them you just need one hammer swing.

And no, they do not teleport away if you stagger them with that jumpy atack when sprinting or dodging, forget its name.

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4 months ago
Oct 25, 2024, 2:13:39 AM

i beg to differ.

as an assault main, I CARRY THE TEAM, and you're not playing it right.

I usually get top kills and deal more damage than my team, regardless of who they play, and I am the designated gene seed carrier in my group.

you need to know when to jump and when to shoot.

the thunder hammer is as good or even better than melta weapons when it comes to clearing chafs.

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4 months ago
Oct 25, 2024, 3:44:01 AM

InquisitorHavoc wrote:

I tend to agree with Swag....But there's a caveat.....People need to learn how to play your classes...When heavies are engaging minoris, when there's Zoenthropes, warriors, and Lictors on the field, when melee are doing their jobs but ranged Arnt....How do you balance that equation?

clear the minoris/warrior around the heavy so he can focus on zoan, the double hammer slam works wonder. melee gotta be responsible for keeping range guys safe so they can empty their magazines at filthy zenos.

also, assault can sustain really well with the gunstrike armor regen which imo, better than any other classes in terms of survival.

believe it or not, i take the least damage as assault than any other classes that i play, the mobility is just too good.

carried my team in 1-7 lethal (pre nerf) as an assault to prove a point.

ppl blaming a class for being weak when its clearly a skill issue.

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4 months ago
Oct 25, 2024, 3:02:36 PM

Sasun wrote:

there are very few messages on the forum about asm being one of the weakest classes in pve.

I have played 200 hours of which 60% on the assault, I have completed all operations on it on the lethal difficulty level. 

I have always played only on the highest difficulty level. the hammer is truly very beautiful, but it is very weak, the assault has nothing to restore HP with, the hammer is slow. 

It has very little damage and it hits chaos marine armor terribly, plus they teleport when you try to fight. 

I am not even talking about the very bad jetpack, which cannot fly over a fence or fly under a mountain (this is the worst ultimate ability, the blow takes a very long time to charge, the area of \u200b\u200bthe blow is extremely small).

I suggest one or more of the following options

1. increase the armor penetration of the chaos marines with the hammer

2. increase damage by 3 units

3. increase the speed of strikes by 30% and add a stunlock from teleportation

4. fix all the backpack bugs

5. speed up the preparation of an air strike by 30% and the area of impact by 50%

6. give the stormtrooper a plasma pistol so that he can regenerate health with it

7. give a perk for health regeneration from finishing off the elite

The hammer is magnificent, very beautiful, but it is the weakest in the game!!!

Beside of the jetpack improvements i would vote against all of them.

I need only a speed up for the hammer light attacks (i take a damage nerf for light atacks only with pleasure) so that it is fast enough to not die in seconds when swarmed inbetween swings.

And assault needs a better way to have a realistic chance on getting contested hp back. When your hp gets contested that most of the time you have been packed or pushed away. The animations are so slow and your atacks as well that at the time you finally get your damage off msot of your contested hp is gone.

Assault does not need anything else. More would make him ridicules OP compared to others. I maxed out all but bulwark and played lethal with all. Soloed lethal with assault, sniper, heavy. Soloed ruthless before lethal with all of them. Assault is in a great spot with the few weakness i mentioned.

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4 months ago
Oct 30, 2024, 2:26:51 AM

Gustavus wrote:

The jetpack issues is a reason for 99% issues with assault. It's clunky (you can't use it on uneven terrain), you can't jump off the ledges, you get stuck on knee high obstacles and you can get killed by allied grenades while in the air. But it does not need health regen. Assault can keep the armour up easily and gun strikes have a big dmg buff perk.

Agreed, it's a very easy fix. Just make him more mobile and he'll be way more viable

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4 months ago
Oct 30, 2024, 2:41:13 AM

SwaguinorB wrote:

InquisitorHavoc wrote:

I tend to agree with Swag....But there's a caveat.....People need to learn how to play your classes...When heavies are engaging minoris, when there's Zoenthropes, warriors, and Lictors on the field, when melee are doing their jobs but ranged Arnt....How do you balance that equation?

clear the minoris/warrior around the heavy so he can focus on zoan, the double hammer slam works wonder. melee gotta be responsible for keeping range guys safe so they can empty their magazines at filthy zenos.

also, assault can sustain really well with the gunstrike armor regen which imo, better than any other classes in terms of survival.

believe it or not, i take the least damage as assault than any other classes that i play, the mobility is just too good.

carried my team in 1-7 lethal (pre nerf) as an assault to prove a point.

ppl blaming a class for being weak when its clearly a skill issue.

Copious quantities of manure being shoveled. 10/10 for trolling.

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4 months ago
Oct 30, 2024, 2:43:19 AM

a_user wrote:

Sasun wrote:

there are very few messages on the forum about asm being one of the weakest classes in pve.

I have played 200 hours of which 60% on the assault, I have completed all operations on it on the lethal difficulty level. 

I have always played only on the highest difficulty level. the hammer is truly very beautiful, but it is very weak, the assault has nothing to restore HP with, the hammer is slow. 

It has very little damage and it hits chaos marine armor terribly, plus they teleport when you try to fight. 

I am not even talking about the very bad jetpack, which cannot fly over a fence or fly under a mountain (this is the worst ultimate ability, the blow takes a very long time to charge, the area of \u200b\u200bthe blow is extremely small).

I suggest one or more of the following options

1. increase the armor penetration of the chaos marines with the hammer

2. increase damage by 3 units

3. increase the speed of strikes by 30% and add a stunlock from teleportation

4. fix all the backpack bugs

5. speed up the preparation of an air strike by 30% and the area of impact by 50%

6. give the stormtrooper a plasma pistol so that he can regenerate health with it

7. give a perk for health regeneration from finishing off the elite

The hammer is magnificent, very beautiful, but it is the weakest in the game!!!

Beside of the jetpack improvements i would vote against all of them.

I need only a speed up for the hammer light attacks (i take a damage nerf for light atacks only with pleasure) so that it is fast enough to not die in seconds when swarmed inbetween swings.

And assault needs a better way to have a realistic chance on getting contested hp back. When your hp gets contested that most of the time you have been packed or pushed away. The animations are so slow and your atacks as well that at the time you finally get your damage off msot of your contested hp is gone.

Assault does not need anything else. More would make him ridicules OP compared to others. I maxed out all but bulwark and played lethal with all. Soloed lethal with assault, sniper, heavy. Soloed ruthless before lethal with all of them. Assault is in a great spot with the few weakness i mentioned.

"Assault does not need anything else. More would make him ridicules OP compared to others. I maxed out all but bulwark and played lethal with all. Soloed lethal with assault, sniper, heavy. Soloed ruthless before lethal with all of them. Assault is in a great spot with the few weakness i mentioned."

More manure being shoveled. 

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4 months ago
Oct 30, 2024, 4:50:50 AM
Iluvatar wrote:

"Assault does not need anything else. More would make him ridicules OP compared to others. I maxed out all but bulwark and played lethal with all. Soloed lethal with assault, sniper, heavy. Soloed ruthless before lethal with all of them. Assault is in a great spot with the few weakness i mentioned."

More manure being shoveled. 

I've done all of that, plus I've leveled bulwark and max relic'd and experienced every gun on every class. What's your point?

Out of all the classes, Assault feels the most out of place. The gunstrike armor ability (armour reinforcement) should be replaced with a low % health regen instead along the lines of vanguard. Vanguard feels like a better assault because you are rewarded for leaping into combat and getting kills on larger enemies.

If you're remotely low health on assault, you're basically useless on higher difficulties because armor is gone so fast, you just dont have the health buffer to be ultra aggressive. You can get shot out of the air trying to charge in.

Meanwhile on vanguard and bulwark, you can go through lethal without using a single stim. They have a much larger "mistake buffer" because their health will keep regenning, where with assault, every HP lost means you have to be that much less aggressive.

Yes, assault can pump out damage with hammer or fist, but overall it's not on par with the other 2 melee centric classes. Is it a useless class without buffs? No, it's not that bad. But it could use tweaking because it's definitely on the lower tier end for higher difficulties.

Updated 4 months ago.
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4 months ago
Oct 30, 2024, 11:08:01 AM

Iluvatar wrote:

a_user wrote:

Sasun wrote:

there are very few messages on the forum about asm being one of the weakest classes in pve.

I have played 200 hours of which 60% on the assault, I have completed all operations on it on the lethal difficulty level. 

I have always played only on the highest difficulty level. the hammer is truly very beautiful, but it is very weak, the assault has nothing to restore HP with, the hammer is slow. 

It has very little damage and it hits chaos marine armor terribly, plus they teleport when you try to fight. 

I am not even talking about the very bad jetpack, which cannot fly over a fence or fly under a mountain (this is the worst ultimate ability, the blow takes a very long time to charge, the area of \u200b\u200bthe blow is extremely small).

I suggest one or more of the following options

1. increase the armor penetration of the chaos marines with the hammer

2. increase damage by 3 units

3. increase the speed of strikes by 30% and add a stunlock from teleportation

4. fix all the backpack bugs

5. speed up the preparation of an air strike by 30% and the area of impact by 50%

6. give the stormtrooper a plasma pistol so that he can regenerate health with it

7. give a perk for health regeneration from finishing off the elite

The hammer is magnificent, very beautiful, but it is the weakest in the game!!!

Beside of the jetpack improvements i would vote against all of them.

I need only a speed up for the hammer light attacks (i take a damage nerf for light atacks only with pleasure) so that it is fast enough to not die in seconds when swarmed inbetween swings.

And assault needs a better way to have a realistic chance on getting contested hp back. When your hp gets contested that most of the time you have been packed or pushed away. The animations are so slow and your atacks as well that at the time you finally get your damage off msot of your contested hp is gone.

Assault does not need anything else. More would make him ridicules OP compared to others. I maxed out all but bulwark and played lethal with all. Soloed lethal with assault, sniper, heavy. Soloed ruthless before lethal with all of them. Assault is in a great spot with the few weakness i mentioned.

"Assault does not need anything else. More would make him ridicules OP compared to others. I maxed out all but bulwark and played lethal with all. Soloed lethal with assault, sniper, heavy. Soloed ruthless before lethal with all of them. Assault is in a great spot with the few weakness i mentioned."

More manure being shoveled. 

You don't understand. He does not need something to be equally strong. He needs some things to be fun almost all the time.

It is not fun having a big awsome hammer that i NEVER can use except for parrying when my jet pack is on cd. If you try to swing it while being swarmed you DIE!!! The hammer is too slow to prevent being hit so many times by minors that you die in seconds while swinging the hammer, no matter if you only do light swings or mix an aftershock or heavy in between. You will have a net lose on your armor and hp pretty fast.

The most effective and save way to play assault is to just sit there and constantly parry until your ground and pound jet pack is ready. And sometimes do a dash attack followed by ground slam to finish something off.

That is not how you design melee fighting! Having a melee weapon that you cannot use is dumb. It is not about assault being fit it is about not being able to melee with a melee class. That is the first game i ever played in 35 years where i effectly cannot have fun fighting in melee with a mlee class.

EDIT: and that is so sad because beside of this issue (and the broken jet pack targeting that often randomly moves to a different spot than the yellow target sighn) i love assault. He is strong. That is not the problem. But make melee MELEE AGAIN! MMMA ;)

Updated 4 months ago.
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