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Now , on the Chaos ops rejected ideas (and maybe even on firstborn marines)

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2 months ago
Nov 2, 2024, 5:15:24 PM

Note: i copy pasted my reply on a discussion in the idea section with some edits. I think this needs to be addressed. 

Well , i dont remember they said anything about the "impossibility" to implement firstborn marines ( did they? And where ? ). But anyway, we are getting old mk armours in the future content ( yes only the helmets for now, but we must push for the entire complete old mk armour sets) so i wont say they are using excuses of that kind about that.

 That said yes , they used alot of excuses to not put dedicated Chaos ops in the game saying that " its not lore compliant" which its just a dumb excuse , given that Chaos is well present in the story campaign , and the fact that they sometime say "its heavy on resources" its another silly argument, given that they made a whole huge load of money by the sales and the things we ask are not even close to a scale so huge that it would take so much resources as they were making a new game from scratch. Firstborn marines fights alongside the primaris , so putting them in the game would absolutely be lore compliant.

 The same goes for the firstborn 1st Company Veterans, given that Calgar was in the system before Titus arrived there . And we do all know that where there is Calgar , there is also the First Company there, or at least some of them, INCLUDED the firstborn.

 So the lore compliancy excuse its not valid at all. In the end , do you know what is taking away all these cool things from us? Its GW , that because it wants to advertise their new dull dogshit and soulless(if compared to the firstborn)primaris marines . And guess what , Chaos marines wear the old mk armours (ok , modified by Chaos Powers , but still the old editions ones) , and what old mk armours mean ? It means the very firstborn marines that GW is trying to overshadow in order to not make us ask for them . Yes they have been added in the game , but just because It was necessary for the story of the game , they "closed an eye on that" lets say. And guess what ? You can play them in a very marginalized and limited way in pvp only because the marines needed an adversary to face in that game mode, otherwise we wouldnt even had them in the game as playable characters because, for GW ,only the dull primaris deserves to be advertised and sold , so dont you dare to look too much at the firstborn Chaos marines, you could ask yourself too many questions on who the firstborn are and maybe taking a look at them, discovering that loyalists also have firstborn in their ranks, with the risk you would like them so much more than the primaris and therefore asking for them in the game (and maybe buying some old editions minis, uhhh Anathema to them). Those are my two cents on It , i could be wrong, i really hope im wrong belive me, i hope the devs will come out and say " hey guys , here are your Chaos characters and their dedicated ops and here are your firstborn 1st Company Veterans classes, have fun, but i very much doubt this will ever happen .

I bought this game not just because its good , but also because of the potential of expansion it has ( stated by the devs themselves) and constantly hearing NO on the coolest ideas like firstborn marines/ Veterans, if they said so (the majority of the players wants them or hope to have them) is really disheartening and makes me lose hopes on a game that plays so incredibily good and makes a Warhammer 40k game how i always dreamt to be. 

The idea section seems almost useless .The only good thing it does , in my opinion is to change the balancing of the game , but other than that , It does nothing if not constantly hearing no on the coolest ideas (like MAYBE we will have ONE weapon , wooooohh what a blast, or Just ONE Class uhhh woooww) . The rest is saying yes to tiny , neglegible tids and bits to implement that doesnt change really anything and for sure it doesnt make you say " so cool , i look like an entire different character now, i have new gameplay possibilities and new skills " nothing like that . A very smart way to change things to , in substance , change nothing. And so happen that , while we are so busy /distracted by things like green helmet lenses , balancing this perk ,that class or that weapon , the real juice that can really pump up the fun by a huge amount ( battlefield maps, firstborn armour and weaponry along with their veteran classes , Chaos dedicated pve missions and other cool possibile additions) and that would allow us to have a much more immersive , fun and diverse gameplay, is kept away from us

40k is a universe where what does really count its not just how you play the game and its mechanics. The characters with which you play and what they do are EQUALLY important in my opinion. You can have a super cool gameplay, but without the right characters ( the most beloved firstborn, or Chaos marines done right instead of -gameplay wise-mere copies of the boring primaris loyalists) the game will gradually become like a missed opportunity . I think many 40k fans bought the game because It looked like an ongoing project where many of the things they love so much would have eventually been brought into the game but seems it wont be the case 

 So i decided to not buy any of the DLC cosmetics they put out untill i will hear them say " ok you will have firstborn marines with their iconic COMPLETE armours sets and old weaponry" . I may be a lone wolf on that , but i wont support further a game that , for how cool it is, it doesnt give me what i want . Like some of you guys , im getting really tired and annoyed by these excuses , be them from GW restrictions or the devs themselves i dont care.    


Ah i forgot to mention : we can run ops with not only other chapters or definetly not even existing chapters skins and colours , but we can also carry the heretic heraldry on our armour with no problem , with the dialogues lines that clearly talks to a well know and named squad of  loyalists Ultramarines ,not other chapters. This is definetly NOT lore compliant , but hey, no problem with that huh ? But when it comes to Chaos ops (let aside the dedicated ops for a Moment, which would not give the devs ANY valid excuses) then its not lore compliant? Such a two weights two measures hypocrisy of a situation here. Its so clear to me that something is being hid from us but somehow they dont want or cant tell us.

But , suspects and hypotesis on who (GW or the devs) aside , two thing must be clear  : 

Can you provide what the players ask ?  If yes , then great, you have the support you deserve 

You cannot ? Well , then It doesnt matter why you cant ( or why you dont want ) , my support to the game is lost untill - if ever it will be- a change of direction, otherwise it can rot where it is like forever. You made alot of money by the sales , male use of them giving us what we want and told you like a million times , not what you think we would want

Sorry but i wont keep biting the bait on the hope that things will change by buying cosmetics . 

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Nov 2, 2024, 6:08:57 PM

totally agree with the nonsense excuse about not doing chaos pve or armors or no first born armor for astartes

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Nov 3, 2024, 10:13:04 PM

We are in a really bad situation if things continue like this in my opinion. No to this , no to that , Maybe this , Maybe that and we will find ourselves in a game where they Just put what THEY want instead of what we really want, and thats not good at all 

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Nov 4, 2024, 9:20:10 AM

Aurellian wrote:

 The same goes for the firstborn 1st Company Veterans, given that Calgar was in the system before Titus arrived there . And we do all know that where there is Calgar , there is also the First Company there, or at least some of them, INCLUDED the firstborn.

That's not necessarily true, Calgar isnt the 1st company captain and therefore wouldnt always be present with them. The battle for the polar fortress on Macragge against Behemoth supports that. Calgar remained in orbit to command the space battle.

The only thing you can really say is where Calgar goes the Victrix guard go. I dont think we need 1st company represented really either - maybe Tyrannic war veteran customisations, but otherwise 1st company are just white trimmed Ultramarines right? :D i'd rather see more 1st Founding customisation packs to add customisation flavour.

I agree with you on just about everything else.

No to chaos PVE feels wrong especially with the excuse given. 

The Devs did sort of describe the GW relationship as a two way street though. If we make enough noise about it and Sabre / Focus can evidence demand then we might get it.

I'm hoping though that a lot of the "No's" is because the Devs are focussed on already agreed activities and we will get them in good time.

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2 months ago
Nov 4, 2024, 10:53:22 AM

Yes you are right on the Calgar / 1st Company thing . What i meant is that his presence could be used as a way to introduce the Firstborn 1st Company Veterans ( along with other chapters firstborn vets skins) which are so cool and loved by alot of fans and players , and also have a loadout that could add some more variety to the gameplay in my opinion.  Like " hey guys , given that the war has not ended on the system , its time to see what the firstborn Company Veterans were doing . Calgar set them on the most cruel battlefields of the planets in order to make the rest of the marines forces to be free to overcome the main threat" or " Calgar let some of them in defense of the system to help the ongoing war After the campaign events" ,something like that . There are so many ways to do so in my opinion and would make the majority of the players that are asking for them so happy about that .  But im really losing hopes . We'll see

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Nov 9, 2024, 9:46:14 AM

We are indeed in grimdark times for this game , hope the throne will protect us

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Nov 10, 2024, 1:01:06 PM

I don't know, but I really don't like these Primaris. Just their feet alone make me laugh. I want the Firstborn; the Primaris just look so bad to me, haha.


Updated 2 months ago.
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a month ago
Nov 14, 2024, 1:45:24 PM

ICrusaderI wrote:

I don't know, but I really don't like these Primaris. Just their feet alone make me laugh. I want the Firstborn; the Primaris just look so bad to me, haha.


Ahahah indeed

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a month ago
Nov 15, 2024, 1:28:20 AM

What in the dumpster fire of threads is this shit. 

They already planned out the first 6months of content, you see anything massive in there? To do Chaos ops they'd have to produce more dialogue options just to start with let alone how it fits into the pre existing story. We wouldn't be able to achieve anything substantial in Ops because it would contradict the main story. I don't think half you guys understand just how restrictive GW is with their IPs.

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a month ago
Nov 15, 2024, 1:19:23 PM

Bumwhistler wrote:

What in the dumpster fire of threads is this shit. 

They already planned out the first 6months of content, you see anything massive in there? To do Chaos ops they'd have to produce more dialogue options just to start with let alone how it fits into the pre existing story. We wouldn't be able to achieve anything substantial in Ops because it would contradict the main story. I don't think half you guys understand just how restrictive GW is with their IPs.

Just the same dump of shit answer the devs gave out. So lets play just Ultramarines at this point , cause other chapters stays in the same argument you used for chaos ( and no , It doesnt count that " they are at least loyalists so its justified ) , and not to mention  the heretic heraldry we can put on them. And hey they all carry the same names despite dressing as a Dark Angel or space wolves and so on.

GW is restricting them ? Fine , but they better say in advance what will never come into the game 100% when It comes to playable characters. And they well know what the fans would have wanted to be added ( Firstborn and Chaos marines/ weapons/battlefields above everything). But you know , many fans (which are the most consistent slice of the playerbase) wouldnt even have bought the game if they declared so too early, if you know what i mean . To me this is just a fraud aganist us. And please , really please stop with the arguments like "heeh but the devs said that if we ask for them they can ask to GW and MAYBEEEHHH things will change/be implemented" because 

First: i dont live on "maybes and well see " shit

meanwhile my money to support them are spent with the risk of never see these ideas that most of the players wants and consequently so , being milked for nothing while they put Just what they pre determined from the start ( in the face of their proclaims " change the game guys , there is so much to put in the game with your ideas" but then saying no to the ones that really matters to us) that its kind of good on the start but its not the real juice of this universe . Who cares about new ops if i cant play them with the true iconic and most fun characters

Second : Either you make more clear deals with GW at the very start of the project or you just dont fool the players around. Example : " we know for sure that Chaos characters and firstborn will be highly requested  to be put into the game .. if that happens can we put them in ? If its either a yes or no by GW , then Just declare it from the very beginning, not waiting for people biting the bait with false proclaims on things they already knew it wont get into the game and making them pour their money into an illusion that will never come true.

Third : stop with the excuses of "heavy on resources/alot of work " either by the second point above and also because they did a shit ton of money from the sales and they literally can do anything now content wise, and yes even the dedicated and separated chaos ops are possible, so spare me the lies and silly excuses . I couldnt care less if they mismanaged them in other projects, i didnt pay for that . So then they game can rot where it is 

Fourth : you like to defend them in spite of this fraudolent behaviour? Fine you are free to do that , have your failure of a game unfold day after day. Sorry but , unlike you , im not getting fooled around anymore. But hey, the fun to be milked for nothing is all yours to have

In the end the thing is the same : you cant provide ? Fine either youn refund me and /or i wont support you anymore with dlcs etc the game can die where it is

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Nov 18, 2024, 6:43:47 AM

Thank you for saying what i desperately wanted to say they seem to wanna suck the Emperor off rather then give what everyone actually wants which is chaos in pve because  pvp is really fucking trash

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a month ago
Nov 18, 2024, 1:13:19 PM

I also love firstborn marines, and it would be a fairly easy cosmetic change to say the least, but it all goes with the licensing agreement they have with GW, so if it's a no then it's a no.

For Chaos stuff tho... are you for real? Chaos is not the Empire, each god -heck, each Warmaster or band leader has its own goals, and each legion is a faction with its own codexes.  Plague marines? Noise marines? Khorne Berzerkers? What about Chaos taints? Would you accept non Chaos traitor marines like the Badab Merry band? Mirroring the content for the Astartes to their Chaos cousins means building a completely new campaign. The Thousand sons came alone in their quest for the Aurora thingimajig. And have you seen the maps how they are built? Do they look any easy to you to build from scratch? You think you can reuse a map for chaos operations? You wanna play a Thousand son rubric marine? An automata? or a Sorcerer? You have psyker powers now, you and your team mates? And against whom would you fight, the guard? the mechanicus? Two whole new factions and assets and enemies. That's not even an expansion, that looks like a totally new game to say the least. 

My man, cmon.

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a month ago
Nov 18, 2024, 3:12:19 PM

maffaxxx wrote:

I also love firstborn marines, and it would be a fairly easy cosmetic change to say the least, but it all goes with the licensing agreement they have with GW, so if it's a no then it's a no.

For Chaos stuff tho... are you for real? Chaos is not the Empire, each god -heck, each Warmaster or band leader has its own goals, and each legion is a faction with its own codexes.  Plague marines? Noise marines? Khorne Berzerkers? What about Chaos taints? Would you accept non Chaos traitor marines like the Badab Merry band? Mirroring the content for the Astartes to their Chaos cousins means building a completely new campaign. The Thousand sons came alone in their quest for the Aurora thingimajig. And have you seen the maps how they are built? Do they look any easy to you to build from scratch? You think you can reuse a map for chaos operations? You wanna play a Thousand son rubric marine? An automata? or a Sorcerer? You have psyker powers now, you and your team mates? And against whom would you fight, the guard? the mechanicus? Two whole new factions and assets and enemies. That's not even an expansion, that looks like a totally new game to say the least. 

My man, cmon.

LOL are you for real ? We are not asking to build an entire new campaign with all the lore in it. You clearly missed the whole point. It doesnt take a new campaign to Just make Chaos ops , neither we need to have the whole Chaos lore and story behind (which we already have in the game btw )we dont care much about that and its definetly not needed (oh btw the Ultramarines came alone too) . And yes this is doable, takes time but its perfectly doable by content drop support over the time, , DLC or huge chunk of content drop. Not to mention the dedicated horde mode that would be even better to have them in with their unique skills and perks ( which is NOT as doing a whole new game , please spare me those bullshits)

For firstborn marines: Say no its a no to yourself. We pay for the content and to make the game the way WE WANT, not on what they want to be advertised . So they do and develop what we want. Have i been clear enough ? They dont ? Again fine they will have their failure unfolding by losing the support of the players. Who knows if that will be the moment they realize that we decide , not them.

Its so simple to understand. You want to play an half ass game ? Fine play your fraud thinking you are so mature and reasonable by accepting this shit , believing every ounce of their lies are actually true , while you force yourself to play it in the name of those principles despite the facts, you are the best prey for them and will be milked to have nothing than useless content in return. Free to do it,  see you on the empty train later

Cmon my man, wake up

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Nov 18, 2024, 4:34:35 PM

I agree with a lot of the stuff here but admittedly I don’t care much for dedicated chaos operations, I would be happy with them yeah, but in my opinion just being able to wear chaos marine armour in the already existing operations is perfect. It’s really all I want. I don’t care if it’s gameplay or lore dissonant, I just want to be able to “play as” (even though it’s purely cosmetic) a World Eater or Thousand Sons or Emperor’s Children or any chaos faction marine. What I don’t get is that they already have the models and customisation in place with pvp, so just…make it available in PvE? It can’t be that hard, right?

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a month ago
Nov 20, 2024, 8:03:14 AM

Forget it, Never ever will They agree to run Loyalist operations with Chaos skins. I think They already told us that this makes no sence for them, das but true. But like i Said already in the other thread, They give a shit about us and what we want. I havent played the game since 3 weeks and i dont come back intim They bring more costumize optional for loyalist and Specialy for chaos. 

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