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nerf zoanthropes and Spore mines

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3 months ago
Nov 23, 2024, 11:34:50 AM

Dont know about nerfing, but they can make people really helpless. A swarm of spores coming unannounced can wreck the most perfect of runs. Having a audio notice like an auspex scan/siren blare/whatever can do much, because they are considered minoris.

The same goes for zoanthropes, they really absorb too much ammo, even if you know you need to target the one without the shield: players should have a tool/chance to face them some other way -like if you bash the one without a shield for long enough neither get a shield for some time so you can spread the damage. If you have a weapon correctly scaled for the difficulty, only snipers and heavies have weapons and skills enough to solo them -maybe you have team mates down, maybe you are getting swarmed and need to share your attention.

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3 months ago
Nov 24, 2024, 3:55:20 AM
Hello Brothers,

We are so happy to have a passionate and active player base on Space Marine 2! The suggestions and feedback from you guys is always welcome and, while I cannot promise any immediate changes, I can assure you that it will be considered for the future updates of the game, as I have forwarded this to the correct team.
Please keep the comments and suggestions coming!
Regards, Focus Support Team
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3 months ago
Nov 25, 2024, 11:19:01 AM

maffaxxx wrote:

Dont know about nerfing, but they can make people really helpless. A swarm of spores coming unannounced can wreck the most perfect of runs. Having a audio notice like an auspex scan/siren blare/whatever can do much, because they are considered minoris.

The same goes for zoanthropes, they really absorb too much ammo, even if you know you need to target the one without the shield: players should have a tool/chance to face them some other way -like if you bash the one without a shield for long enough neither get a shield for some time so you can spread the damage.

As someone who gets bothered by bad physics, such as armour or chitin piercing explosive or corrosive rounds that are not anatomically disastrous with little chance of survival ~ I obviously agree with you somewhat, and think it more realistic that when an unshielded Zoanthrope is hit ~ it's ability to generate it's partner's shield diminishes along with it's health, and as such an increasingly larger percentage of rounds are able to penetrate the shield and body of the other Zoanthrope.

For each action there is an equal and opposite reaction, and all that.

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3 months ago
Nov 25, 2024, 11:37:27 AM

So the one generating the shield can't attack? I forgot, but that should be a thing. Only the one not generating the shield should be able to attack to make it logical and fair.

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3 months ago
Nov 25, 2024, 3:12:03 PM

CzechKnight wrote:

So the one generating the shield can't attack? I forgot, but that should be a thing. Only the one not generating the shield should be able to attack to make it logical and fair.

No both can, but their thing is one generates a shield for the other one which usually takes the fore against their preferred target. Which also poses the issue that You might be positioned so that you cannot see/target the one shielding the other, or they start switching so fast you can have problems bouncing retargeting from one to the other and back again (while dodging their attacks, managing the swarm, checking their AoEs on the ground, etc).

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2 months ago
Nov 26, 2024, 10:59:21 PM

maffaxxx wrote:

CzechKnight wrote:

So the one generating the shield can't attack? I forgot, but that should be a thing. Only the one not generating the shield should be able to attack to make it logical and fair.

No both can, but their thing is one generates a shield for the other one which usually takes the fore against their preferred target. Which also poses the issue that You might be positioned so that you cannot see/target the one shielding the other, or they start switching so fast you can have problems bouncing retargeting from one to the other and back again (while dodging their attacks, managing the swarm, checking their AoEs on the ground, etc).

I have got firmly in the habit of keeping Krak grenades that stick to hand, as I often forget to use other types of grenade, and playing Tactical class with the grenade launching bolter and Emperors Vengeance plus Aspex Scan just make Zoanthrope pairings suddenly one then none. Playing Sniper with the Las Fusil also makes short work of Zoanthropes ~ especially if you use the stand still and decloak damage multipliers. Heavy class with Plasma Incinerator is another rapid Zoanthrope buster, particularly with the Iron Halo making things much easier in terms of damage prevention as well.

Personally I only really have trouble with Neurothropes, particularly my timing with not being on the ground when those green expanding perimeter fields come past, but they are still defeatable.

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2 months ago
Nov 26, 2024, 11:51:10 PM

The bigger issues with zoanthropes isn't that they are overpowered, especially as some classes make such quick work of them, but it's the inconsistencies in how they operate. The psychic beam going through walls isn't lore accurate, the zonethropes shielding each other when there are multiple walls in between them and finally the shield blocking krak grenade damage that have already been stuck to the zoanthrope and are UNDERNEATH the shield.

Fixing these things would make smart play of using cover and splitting zoanthropes up far more rewarding.

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2 months ago
Nov 27, 2024, 4:25:12 AM

ChickenTsunami wrote:

The bigger issues with zoanthropes isn't that they are overpowered, especially as some classes make such quick work of them, but it's the inconsistencies in how they operate. The psychic beam going through walls isn't lore accurate,

I have not come across or seen this one myself, particularly as I am not shy about using cover at all, and any obstacle to block incoming rounds, beams or grenades is good in my codex, especially for reloads, vents or just a quick break for sanity's sake or more usually an armour bar charge. All this 'Space Marines don't use cover ~ we are the cover!" business makes little sense to me, unless it involves Dreadnought mechs and the like.

ChickenTsunami wrote:

the zonethropes shielding each other when there are multiple walls in between them

I have no experience of seeing or dealing with this one either, and would we well bugged out by it if I did, and hope I'd have the presence of mind to screen shot such goings on and report it in the bug section. 


ChickenTsunami wrote:

and finally the shield blocking krak grenade damage that have already been stuck to the zoanthrope and are UNDERNEATH the shield.

I was having a magical 'no way but oh yay' moment after having got a Krak right on a Zoanthrope's face ~ and the shield swapped over! I thought this could be interesting ~ as far as explosive compressions go ~ but no, nothing, nothing at all, nothing at all whatsoever!?! So the other one got the remaining Krak to terminal effect, and I used a Plasma pistol volley at full charge to compensate for the previous lack of effect. I was a bit miffed as a Bulwark munitions wise, especially as it was mid rooftops just before the last zone in operation Inferno involving the promethium detonation, where their were no Krak grenades either. Hay hoe.


ChickenTsunami wrote:

Fixing these things would make smart play of using cover and splitting zoanthropes up far more rewarding.

I think killing one of them works just fine in terms of splitting them up, but fixing the bugs will always be a winner, especially if reasonable cover is being compromised, blimey!!! As for the more rewarding thing, drops of some sort like ammo and meds might be a goer though ~ especially class specific rewards involving Kraks for Bulwarks? 

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Nov 27, 2024, 7:49:01 AM

ChickenTsunami wrote:

The bigger issues with zoanthropes isn't that they are overpowered, especially as some classes make such quick work of them, but it's the inconsistencies in how they operate. The psychic beam going through walls isn't lore accurate, the zonethropes shielding each other when there are multiple walls in between them and finally the shield blocking krak grenade damage that have already been stuck to the zoanthrope and are UNDERNEATH the shield.

Fixing these things would make smart play of using cover and splitting zoanthropes up far more rewarding.

Exactly, this is where we as players hit the wall, if they make us play tedious instead of playing smart, it's a bad game design.

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Nov 27, 2024, 8:26:02 AM

ChickenTsunami wrote:

The bigger issues with zoanthropes isn't that they are overpowered, especially as some classes make such quick work of them, but it's the inconsistencies in how they operate. The psychic beam going through walls isn't lore accurate, the zonethropes shielding each other when there are multiple walls in between them and finally the shield blocking krak grenade damage that have already been stuck to the zoanthrope and are UNDERNEATH the shield.

Fixing these things would make smart play of using cover and splitting zoanthropes up far more rewarding.

Totally agree. The main areas where all these happens are the platforms leading to the bridge tower, and inside the bridge tower itself in Decapitation. Another place that is really ill fitting to zoanthropes and neurothropes (and, well, carnifexes because theyre too big and get stuck) are tunnel areas because there is no saves from neither beams nor AoEs, there's no way to dodge out of the way. 

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2 months ago
Nov 28, 2024, 6:15:05 PM

maffaxxx wrote:

Dont know about nerfing, but they can make people really helpless. A swarm of spores coming unannounced can wreck the most perfect of runs. Having a audio notice like an auspex scan/siren blare/whatever can do much, because they are considered minoris.

The same goes for zoanthropes, they really absorb too much ammo, even if you know you need to target the one without the shield: players should have a tool/chance to face them some other way -like if you bash the one without a shield for long enough neither get a shield for some time so you can spread the damage. If you have a weapon correctly scaled for the difficulty, only snipers and heavies have weapons and skills enough to solo them -maybe you have team mates down, maybe you are getting swarmed and need to share your attention.

It's like four shots per Zoan on Sniper. They're trivial.

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2 months ago
Nov 28, 2024, 7:08:47 PM

JimmyDSpoofy wrote:

maffaxxx wrote:

Dont know about nerfing, but they can make people really helpless. A swarm of spores coming unannounced can wreck the most perfect of runs. Having a audio notice like an auspex scan/siren blare/whatever can do much, because they are considered minoris.

The same goes for zoanthropes, they really absorb too much ammo, even if you know you need to target the one without the shield: players should have a tool/chance to face them some other way -like if you bash the one without a shield for long enough neither get a shield for some time so you can spread the damage. If you have a weapon correctly scaled for the difficulty, only snipers and heavies have weapons and skills enough to solo them -maybe you have team mates down, maybe you are getting swarmed and need to share your attention.

It's like four shots per Zoan on Sniper. They're trivial.

... what if... bear it with me... what if there's no snipers? or there's a shortage of ammo? You dont have any other way to take them down. They require a specific tool to be taken down easily, then a few more that require more effort, and then the melee classes are simply helpless. It's not a skill issue, they're a situational hazard. if you have the right tool for the job, it's trivial I do agree. What happens if you do not have the tool?

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2 months ago
Nov 28, 2024, 11:48:53 PM

Just think they should not be able to sue the beam attack then follow it up with another beam attack. As has been said many times the effect area of the beam and when exactly you need to dodge it is not clear either. it should probably just not be able to re-aim the beam if you dodge "too early" and that would fix the beam attack. It also does inconsistent damage often multi-hitting you  potentially one-shotting you from armor-boosted armor and full HP on all difficulties.

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2 months ago
Dec 3, 2024, 1:57:22 AM

I just want more ways to fight them, they just feel like a bullet sponge nuisance more than anything, melee classes in particular get screwed against these enemies, there should be changes to hit them with something other than ranged weapons if you can close the distance, at least the other enemies you have a chance to hit them with melee attacks.

If I was in charge of programming the Zoanthropes I would set it so that if you can get right under them you can have a button input that would have you jump up and grab them, pummel as many times as you can while clicking and do some damage for a moment then they shake you off, if you damage them to the point of them being ready for a kill they simply fall and you fall. 

Also feels worth mentioning

- Vanguard hook should be able to lock on to Zoanthropes/Neurothropes and deal a hard blow

- Assault should be able to float in the air and do damage to them, also linked to how pitiful assaults jump pack in general is but that's another thread all together

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Dec 8, 2024, 4:39:00 AM

I don’t post anything online, Zoanthropes made me want to (personally along with the stangerthorn spam).

As a solo player trying to play as Bulwark and Assault, I agree with some of the suggestions I came across share by other players.

- Make it less bullet sponge or let melee class able to deal with them.

- Make the shielded one not able to attack.

- Fix the bug sometimes one of the Zoanthropes is hiding in place that we can’t reach, and continue shielding the other one.

- Reduce the spam of energy ball, this has stunt lock me to death in few occasions. Even the ball from Neurothrope also can stunt lock.

- Go easy with the spore mine, playing on Average and Substantial keep getting screen full of them.

Playing as Bulwark or Assault solo is a nightmare to get Zoanthropes spawn few times in single run, however when playing as Heavy or Sniper, they are so trivial to be dealt with.

Yes krak deal with them easily, but I have been to 3 run back to back without any krak, but with few Zoanthropes spawn. Speaking of krak, when surrounded by minoris, it is almost impossible to aim high and throw the krak, for some reason the krak will just snap back the the minoris rather than the Zoanthropes I aiming at.

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2 months ago
Dec 10, 2024, 6:05:31 AM

​Zoanathropes suck the fun out of the game. Especially at times when I'm trying to level up any weapon that doesn't have a damage rating of ten.

They invalidate 90% of the armory (all melee weapons, and anything that isn't a melta, heavy, or sniper). Combine that with janky hitboxes and an invincibility shield that has a 1.5 second cooldown on top of all the chaff they're buffing and unless RNGesus gave you krack grenades they'll end the capability of this game to provide stress relief and fun.

Even if you beat them, the time to kill is simply a slog. You didn't enjoy yourself; all you feel is irritation at the developer. No defeat by the hands of Zoans feels legitimate when the only answer for getting good is "welp this is what you get for trying to level up other weapons durr!"

1) Their shield shouldn't 100% invalidate damage, it should just cause them to take reduced damage and this should be visually obvious; this shield can also be overloaded

2) Shield swap cooldown needs to be tripled, triggered after they've taken a total threshold of damage, rather than upon receiving damage from anything (ie. one burst from an instigator or a pistol shouldn't trigger the shield swap) 

3) Cooldowns for the laser needs to be shared when two of them are together 

4) Health needs to be cut 20% 

5) Upon taking enough damage or a shield overload, they need to float down to a meleeable level 

6) Hitbox on their green energy ball attack needs to be reduced by 10%

I spit at Zoans as currently implemented; especially as I find myself forced to grind the Vanguard's carbines just so I can prepare for Reliquary on lethal (can't melta that boss so I need relic carbines). They're simply fake difficult for 90% of the armory, and if I keep having my progress halted by them I swear they'll ultimately be the reason behind why, after over 150 hours, I was able to quit this game and move on lest any content updates tempt me to spend more money on this product.

Updated 2 months ago.
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