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The difficulty of Eternal War Ordeals is out of this world, borderline impossible.

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5 days ago
Feb 9, 2025, 5:43:53 AM

I'll be honest : it looks like a totally new person to the game and never actually did a PVP match did the Ordeals.
The difficulty and lvl of grind is just absurd.

-Grind them to Dust is doable, but you need to be perfect on  your Ground Pound to get the kill, most of the tiem, the game is too short to get it done, but still doable. But you need to do it 20 times, and it can only be 1 max per game. So you'll need at least 20 games.
20 games x 10 minutes, it's 200 minutes. 200 minutes is 3h20. If you do it every game, without fail.

-Death Launch is also doable, but if I get it correctly, you need to kill on the Grapnel Launch, or stun the enemy and get him killed during your travel time? That's... A pretty small window. I think you can get it done but will need to grind and be really good at it.

-On Me is also doable, if you play with friends and on a long match. But again, you need to do it 20 times, and as I read it, it will proc max 1 per game. So another 3h20 of grind.

-Kill score, as the previous quests, need to be done 20 times and can be done max 1 per match so another 3h20. And also, it's really difficult. The Time To Kill is pretty high in the game, so if you start shooting and don't kill instantly, they will move or start rolling and you won't get it done UNDER 2 SECONDS. Emptying a full mag of the SMG is taking over 2 seconds. You pretty much to HS and kill (means already hit? Low Armor count? Auspex?) 5 times, while being in your camo cloak. Can you at least add the assist? I've played 10 games of Sniper since the patch, and I'm not a bad player, I've been playing FPS for the last 20 years, I consider myself as over average with good macro vision of the game, good positioning and I'm often first of my team but I managed to get only 1 out of 20.

-Beacon of light, as above need to get it done 20 times, and only 1 per match so another 3h20 of grind if done every game. Again, over 10 matches done in Heavy, and only did it 3 times. The fact that the Iron Halo needs to STILL active, is hard AF. In a big fight, you will get 1 or 2 assists, because the team are maximum 6 players, and you won't see them all at the same time, and you won't hit them all during that fight, maybe only 1 or 2, 3 if you're lucky and they won't be killed 100%. A least give us like 5 seconds after the shield is done.

At this point, we're already near 17 hours of grind, if you do it every game. I don't believe it's doable to get it done 2 class per game, except for the Vanguard if's you're good enough, and the Bulwark (if you're playing with friends and are insanely good to get the rest done below 10 minutes minus this one). I didn't count the Tactical because it's simply too hard to get. Nearly impossible to mark over 66.66% of a team with a single Auspex.

Massacre needs you to be really, really good at the game. 20 kills is a lot in a single match. Doable, but REALLY FREAKING HARD. We're talking maybe top 5% of the whole players base? The match needs to be long, or full of bad players on both side and you as only true DPS.

I won't talk about the other Ordeals who need to kill some enemies during their Q, because it's not "hard" but it's way too long. Killing a tactical who auspexed you is hard, and you won't get it done every game. Killing an assault in the air isn't that easy. Killing a Bulwark under banner 30 times is nuts, because you need to do it with melee or have a lot of firepower on it (but assist dont count). Killing the sniper under camo is undoable if you have a low tier PC, you just won't see them at all. Killing the heavy with Iron Halo up means you either kill them from behind faster than the shield goes down, or melee them and the shild is still up. Again, it's not "hard" but 30 times is so freaking long to get.

BUT THAT'S NOT THE HARDEST ONES! Ooooh noooo my poor summer child !

-Reconnaissance : you need to mark 4 or more enemies with a single Auspex. Ouf of 6 people, you need to mark 4 or more? That's 66,66% of the team, at least. Did you play a single match? We have you seen 4 peoples standing in the small area of a Auspex? I mean, we always have 1 dead, and at least one dude roaming the map, doing nothing. The 4 other dudes need to be on top of each other to get in the Auspex radius. And you need to do it 20 times? Even at the start of the round on Colosseum, you won't get 4 peoples because they're already to spread out and if you hit 2 or 3, the last one will just don't walk into the Auspex.

-Shredding Shrapnel is impossible to do. 3 kills (or more) with a single grenade, is a 1/1M chance. Can you give me another game where you need to kill 50% of the enemy team, with 1 nade?  30 F*CKING TIMES? Even as Tactical, with 2 grenades in your pocket, you need to not kill on the first one, and sweep all the kills with the 2nd grenade.
Getting 2 kills with 1 grenade is already a huge achievement. You won't see it every game. Maybe 1 out of 10, 15? But 3? With over between 50 et 100h in PVP, I can count on 1 hand how many times I did it. 2 kills with a grenade.  And I believe half of it is because tactical gone 2 grenades.

-Blinded by the Light is pretty much the same thing. The radius of the flash is just too short to get 3 enemies flashed. Did 2 of few times, but 3 ? That's ridiculous. And it's 15 times.

You can say that you don't need every ordeal to get the rewards, but out of the 687 pts you can get, you'll need 675 pts to unlock everything. That's 12 pts you can "spare".  Shredding Shrapnel is 9, Blinded by the Light is 9 and Reconnaissance is also 9. Which means you'll need at least one of them at rank 3 to get everything.
Just impossible.
It's f*cking dumb, soft locking cosmetics behind undoable subquests. It's easy to fix : add assists when it's only kill, or extend the duration of the time limit needed to do it by a few seconds, just do kills without the time frame of a match but add a bigger requirement like 50 kills? Not hard to get it fixed TBH.

I hope someone at Saber or Focus is actively playing the game and will report this nonsense.

Updated 5 days ago.
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2 days ago
Feb 11, 2025, 6:06:52 PM

They need to up the rewards for ordeals to the point where PvP players can get all the cosmetics without doing PvE and PvE players can get all the cosmetics without doing PvP. Some of the ordeals in both categories, as you mentioned, are far more difficult/require hours at minimum to complete yet reward like 5 points or some such insulting number.

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2 days ago
Feb 11, 2025, 7:51:55 PM

Absolutely agree. When i checked some ordeals I was like, I will never be able to accomplish this...

Out of this world is the word, I also have a life to mantain, when I play is for enjoying not for suffering with this ordeals.

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2 days ago
Feb 12, 2025, 3:29:10 AM

chimaco3 wrote:

Absolutely agree. When i checked some ordeals I was like, I will never be able to accomplish this...

Out of this world is the word, I also have a life to mantain, when I play is for enjoying not for suffering with this ordeals.

And this coming from a guy that has over 90k G2G points meaning you have thoroughly consumed Focus games so if anyone was going to bother with these ridiculous ordeals for completion it would be players like yourself.

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3 hours ago
Feb 13, 2025, 5:05:07 PM

PvP Ordeals are straight up dumb and weren't QA tested. Which is sad. You'd hope Saber would test their stuff out before releasing them

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