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Trade Up Armory Data

WeaponsCo-opGame modes

7 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 2:57:13 PM

Allow players to trade up 10 or so armory data for 1 of the next tier.
10 green for 1 purple.
10 purple for 1 gold.
Sure players could farm easy missions to get armory data, but that's still 100 greens for 1 gold or even more depending on what the trade up value was set to. This would allow players to obtain Relic weapons to then take into higher difficulties.

Updated 7 hours ago.
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7 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 4:56:55 PM

I absolutely love this idea having to play super difficult levels to get data you need to progress and get stronger is absolutely frustrating and painful at times. 

EDIT- you can use the higher tier armory data for a substitution for the lower ones found out last night haha 

Updated 6 days ago.
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