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Chapter Champion Class


5 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 2:35:53 AM

The Chapter Champion is usually the company's finest swordsman. Their role is to engage the strongest foes on the battlefield in single combat, leaving the company Captain free to conduct the wider battle, rather than engage in a series of personal combats.

Often conflated with, but not exclusive to the Emperor's Champion of the Black Templars, nearly every chapter has fielded a Chapter Champion in battle at some point. While the two roles are very similar, the Chapter Champion is not limited to a single chapter.



-Dual Power Swords

-Paragon Blade


-Bolt Pistol

Primary (Ranged):



Honor Duel: 

Draw the ire of Majoris and above level threats in a 30m radius around you, forcing them to focus their attacks on you for the duration. While active, perfect dodges and parries restore 1 armor.


Finishers on a Majoris or above level enemy reduces the cooldown of your Wargear by an additional 10%.

Updated an hour ago.
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9 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 10:58:10 AM

Idea is nice but I think there is no need for such class. This sounds like middle ground between assault and bulwark.

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