Basically giving the designs of class specific armour pieces to all. The pauldrons for assault has the best design if you want to give them flair while also allowing the icons to be clearly displayed, Bulwark and tactical don't have these options and therefore are hindered from displaying their icons properly. Assault also has a white version of the text legs which would be better for imperial fists but if I want to run the other classes I'd be stuck with the yellow text. And adding each and every pauldron, arm and leg piece to BOTH sides instead of limiting it to just left or right as I would honestly prefer being able to pick so that the legs have the text on the right leg rather than the left but currently I'm forced to have it on the left even though tacticals legs are practically identical except one has seals the other has text but we're unable to pick which side has which attachments / accessories. Everything is already rigged and ready all the assets are already there and made.
Doing this would also make it appear to be a massive update with an insane amount of new customization options while not having to actually make "new" pieces from scratch. Unlocking the breastplate, pauldron, gauntlet, greaves and some of the helmet designs for both sides and across all classes would add over 100 pieces of customisations vastly expanding the options and variations people are able to run giving the game a fresh new addition and letting us have more control over how we look and being able to properly display the pauldron and knee icons that the devs have worked on putting into the game.
I feel like I have to say this but don't make this an unlockable thing through yet another set of currency, challenges difficulty or whatever, the amount of currencies in the game is starting to make it feel like a mobile game. At most do it so that if you've unlocked that version by leveling up the class then you've unlocked that design across all of them at least that way you'd give more of an incentive for people to level the classes they don't like to at least get the cosmetics which would also play into one of the challenges to max all classes in the game therefore feeding into already existing gameplay mechanics.
The current selection for each class is extremely sad and incredibly limiting, adding the designs for all classes & on both the left and right side would actually give us an impressive selection that would be hard to rival allowing people to really get creative with their astartes.
Oh and please add the ultramarines veteran sergeant icon on the pauldrons as well and maybe an imperial fists lieutenant variant / make the lieutenant stripe a pattern we can colour ourselves. Brighter glow for the lenses to make them stick out more instead of looking like vibrant stickers on most maps would also be greatly appreciated. Green lenses especially needs some work to make them look more accurate to the campaign version (which would then also make it fit with the green lenses seen in secret level and most official 40k animations).
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