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Improving assault class mobility

Game optionsGame modesCo-op

13 days ago
Mar 15, 2025, 12:31:05 AM

In the original Space Marine game, the assault class was rather highly mobile, particularly with jump pack cooldown perk, which enabled fairly frequent jet jumping with a short cooldown window. On the balance, the class had limited armor. This combination made sense, where assault players could quickly move to assist other SMs, but in limited periods due to their lower shielding. It was a hit-&-run gameplay fighting style, & it was fun. Just as importantly, players could truly experience the feeling of flight & mobility that uniquely defined the class that made it enjoyable to play for assault class fans.

I would submit that the same could be done for assault in SM2 without breaking gameplay balancing. As it stands, Vanguard actually has more mobility to move around the maps, which seems both counterintuitive & inconsistent with their respective roles.

Thus, please consider - at least in ops & horde - allowing a perk option for assault that reduces jetpack cooldown time (say, ~3-4 sec) in exchange for dropping armor down to 2 segments. Let us experience the feeling of flight & mobility, & hit-&-run style tactics that define the assault class.

I want to fly!

Updated 9 minutes ago.
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7 days ago
Mar 21, 2025, 1:01:45 PM

I think jump pack dash should be much more accesible, going as far as replacing the default dodge. The actual flying jump is ok as is.

Not to mention that Assault actually needs survivability and interesting mechanics in perks, not trade-off changes.

Updated 7 days ago.
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6 days ago
Mar 21, 2025, 4:01:29 PM

i agree with this, i have been playing around with jump pack dodging and it feels very clunky if you using an ability charge to dodge is should pull you out of anything else you happen to be doing make the use of jump pack be a complete animation cancel making the dodge feel more fluid and the class feel more responsive. a nice aesthetic touch would be if the short  boosts along the ground knocked enemies around the same way the biovore dose with players.

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3 days ago
Mar 25, 2025, 2:14:23 AM

Gaarthar wrote:

I think jump pack dash should be much more accesible, going as far as replacing the default dodge. The actual flying jump is ok as is.

Not to mention that Assault actually needs survivability and interesting mechanics in perks, not trade-off changes.

The tradeoff keeps it in line with the mobility of assault in SM1, where it allows the class to use hit-&-run tactics to effectively assist the other classes on the battlefield. The armor reduction simply balances the increased mobility to avoid taking damage, but if the devs are willing to implement the ability with armor set at 3 (or more) segments, I won't complain.

Updated 17 hours ago.
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