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Space Marine 3

Game optionsGame modes

7 days ago
Mar 21, 2025, 6:10:54 AM

I know this is the ideas section for Space Marine 2, but I just wanted to get a head start in saying when it comes to Space Marine 3, making a game mode in it that is similar to Hell Divers 2 / Planetside 2 is 100% something that would be well received.

- Party hub can still be on a battle barge, but to start mission you load up into a drop pod together, while in the drop pod you choose your landing site.
- Small randomly generated maps, or even larger randomly generated maps involving fortresses/hive cities (internal, and out wall areas)

- Primary, secondary, tertiary objectives to complete.

- Randomly generated encounters (eg. saving random squads of guardsmen, stumbling upon and recovering lost relics/equipment)

- 40k galaxy map, different systems could have planets you go to with different biomes.

- Updating, ever-changing war for star systems/planets. Different star systems can be under assault by different enemies (eg. tyranids, tau, eldar, dark eldar, orks, different chapters of csm) that we have to attack and defend those star systems from as a community.

- Larger maps could be played on by larger parties +4 - 9 people smaller maps for smaller parties >4

- Larger maps could have vehicles present, enemy and allied vehicles alike

The possibilities that this could be taken to are endless, you've done so well with Space Marine 2. Keep that momentum going and become a truly legendary studio truly backed by almost an entire fanbase!

Updated 2 days ago.
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6 days ago
Mar 21, 2025, 3:01:50 PM

​While this isn't the right time or place, it would be great to have something similar to Helldivers 2 in Space Marine 3, but I doubt it's going to happen. It's a somewhat complex system and a lot of changes would have to be made to the core gameplay. Be that as it may, it's something I'd love to see in the future. Also there's a tiny detail that I would love to see implemented: how the camera works in helldivers 2. It's quite useful to be able to run in the opposite direction to where the camera is pointing and it gives you more opportunities to appreciate character customization from all angles.

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6 days ago
Mar 22, 2025, 12:03:25 AM

LionelAusten wrote:

While this isn't the right time or place, it would be great to have something similar to Helldivers 2 in Space Marine 3, but I doubt it's going to happen. It's a somewhat complex system and a lot of changes would have to be made to the core gameplay. Be that as it may, it's something I'd love to see in the future. Also there's a tiny detail that I would love to see implemented: how the camera works in helldivers 2. It's quite useful to be able to run in the opposite direction to where the camera is pointing and it gives you more opportunities to appreciate character customization from all angles.

There wouldn't necessarily have to be many changes to the core gameplay at all, the way the enemies, movement, and weapons all work really could stay the same. It mostly would just be adding the new enemy factions, changing ui aspects for the map, expanding the online connectivity to keep that map updated, and possibly adjusting the engine to randomly generate maps ( but even then they don't necessarily have to do that, they could still use the same exact engine and just make maps the same way they did for SM2, maybe just add different variations of the maps, as we've seen they can do with the island section of the Obelisk operation changing up each playthrough)

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