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Prestige Resetting Perks - Solution?


2 days ago
Mar 29, 2025, 10:11:41 AM

​ Greetings brothers! 

There's been a lot of discussion regarding prestige resetting our perks, and many players seem to be strongly against this. However, with the developers seemingly doubling down on it, I thought of possible ways to compromise. 

Firstly, the XP grind itself doesnt seem to be the issue, it's that we lose certain class- or build-defining perks when we prestige. Some of these perks aren't unlocked until level 25, such as Commitment for Assault or Adrenaline Rush for Vanguard (or just very late, like Invigorating Icon for Bulwark). If, for example, you want to play a jump pack dodge build for Assault, you'll have to play without Commitment for 100 levels while grinding out the prestige ranks, which would lessen the enjoyment of playing that build. 

One solution to this would be to remove the level restrictions for perks and allow us to unlock them in whatever order we like. To continue using Assault as an example, you would then be able to unlock Commitment right away after prestiging and continue to play your jump pack dodge build enjoyably. 

Another solution would be to allow us to pick one perk to permanently unlock each time we prestige. You could then, for example, pick Commitment as your first permanent unlock the first time you prestige, then Aerial Grace the second time, and so forth, making each prestige feel less tedious and allowing us to keep playing the way we like. 

These were just some random thoughts I had, hopefully I explained them well enough. Have a great day brothers. The Emperor protects!  

Updated 5 hours ago.
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2 days ago
Mar 29, 2025, 11:07:56 AM

The best solution would be for perks not to be reset period!

Saber for the love of god please don’t kill all incentive to keep playing by implementing a grind that punishes your progress and rewards you with meh!

Updated 2 days ago.
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2 days ago
Mar 29, 2025, 11:13:01 AM

Agree, way better that they don't make us reset perks at all, but if they have to then decouple them from the level requirements. Otherwise class builds stop being a thing while we grind 100 levels. 

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2 days ago
Mar 29, 2025, 11:24:52 AM

It makes sense as considering the last perk is unlocked at lvl 25, when you prestige you are basically going to lvl 26. Unlocking the perks in whatever order you want helps players get the ones they find most important for that class, some of which define why they play that class in the first place. 

I doubt we'll get anywhere with further comments on perks and prestige as the devs have made their position on this quite clear, but best we can do is try.

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2 days ago
Mar 29, 2025, 3:46:00 PM

Ok so, keeping replay-ability and the majority of the current playerbase in mind. Which like me, are players with all of the Heraldry bought, 6 fully leveled classes, with 1 or 2 builds, 2 or 3 ordeal pages cleared, and still stacked to the max on RP and every AD...

If you'd have all you perks at lvl 1, would you still play each difficulty at it's advised stage of progress?

Or just grind 02 (or any other mission of your brotherly taste) on Absolute 8 to 10 times in a row, and call that a day of 'Prestige'?

Just implement RP in a way to allow us to choose 1 perk to hold each prestige (and a reset for this in case of bad choices, or updates to stats etc.)

This way, we'd keep the playerbase bound over all difficulties again, which will also boost experience shared among our brothers.

 So, if done this way, we'd get more use out of our almost redundant currencies, and get to play more of what the game had to offer in the first place.

I'd say that's a definite win-win over a mindless grind wasting more of the maxed out stuff we already had...

But hey, maybe that's just me at 250h in.

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