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Deathwatch Cosmetics: Next patch can we got the correct arm?


8 days ago
Mar 20, 2025, 1:13:41 PM

We've all played the campaign and we know the correct Deathwatch arm is in the game files. As we have more cosmetics for the Deathwatch coming next patch I think it's about time the correct arm from the campaign was put in. Any other arm with some Leadbelcher on it is better than the blank silver arm we've had available since launch. Patch 7.0 is a very fitting time to sort this out as its looked like a modelling error since launch.

Updated 3 days ago.
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7 days ago
Mar 21, 2025, 8:00:08 AM

I agree I feel like that would very much complete the death watch look for out primaris marines despite that gauntlet being for first born death watch marines iirc 

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6 days ago
Mar 21, 2025, 6:36:38 PM

To further push this point: one of these is the Deathwatch arm and the other is the starter arm coated with Leadbelcher. How many of you KNOW which is which and how many of you are going to guess?Image3.png

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