1. BOOSTED RECHARGE (PTS): Collecting an Armour Boost recharge the ability by 25%.

Armour Boost are rare and kinda useless for Assault, since he has 3 armour segments and add only 1 for him, original perk is better for Vanguard or Sniper, since they gain 2 armour segments.

BOOSTED RECHARGE (Rework): Each kill deacreases the time for armour recharge by 0,5 seconds.

2. INDOMITABLE SPIRIT and DUELLIST are fine as is. 

3. FORTITUDE (PTS): Health increases by 15%.

There is no need for Health increase for Assault, being constantly in the thickest of the fight, he needs perk that can prevent him from being stunlocked.

EMPEROR'S BLESSING (Rework): Having Health below 15% makes you Invulnerable for 2 seconds and increases damage by 50%. Cooldown is 240 seconds.

4. SCRABMLED TARGETING (PTS): If you are surrounded by more than 5 enemies, you take 20% less damage from ranged attacks.

Even in melee, you never stand in one place. This perk is just bad. Instead I decided to make a perk, that encourages rushing in and rewards being good at it.

FURIOUS ZEAL (Rework): If you are surrounded by more than 5 enemies, your melee damage increases by 3%. Each additional enemy increases melee damage by 3%. Stacks up to 30%.

5. PRACTICED AIM (PTS): Ranged damage increases by 20%.

Simply buff to 25%. Assault does not have access to Primary Weapons, this perk is quite good.

6. COMMENDATION (PTS): Reviving a Squad Member fully Recharges Jump Pack and Restores all Armour Segments.

You NEVER set up for a failure, this perk does not complement any playstyle. As an Assault you are more likely to die first, this perk more fits the Heavy or Bulwark. Instead I made a perk that rewards knowledge of enemy attack timings.

TIP OF THE SPEAR (Rework): Increases Jump Pack charges by 1. Each Perfect Dodge with Jetpack, restores Jetpack charge by 25%.